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f3044a  No.227255

What makes you rich? The concept of being rich requires income inequality. You aren't rich unless another person is poor. Therefore being someone must suffer for you to prosper.

There are 2 scenarios that can emerge from this FACT: 1) a given nation is divided into very defined and very distant classes where the ultra rich rule over the poor working class who are >90% of the population, 2) Nation A rules over Nation B to ensure that the Nation B does the work to make Nation A attain and keep prosperity.

Scenario 1 has always resulted in failure. Any other scenario that doesn't outsource labor to some other nation always results in a heavily divided and degenerate society. Scenario 2 is how humans have always acted. Just read any history book. Why work 50 hours in a mine when you can have Nation B do it for you? Why do the most dirty, miserable, and dangerous things when Nation B does it for you? Every major European power enjoyed prosperity because of this.

This is the most simple explanation of the harsh reality that most of you don't want to face. There needs to be a permanent, easily identified and controlled lower class to enjoy any life other than 1500s feudal one.

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