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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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71270e  No.227033

So /pol/ my friend and i were watching mfkz last night and we started, at first jokingly but later seeing it outright, symbolism for the jews hiding among us and taking over the police, wall street, congress, the white house, and being leeches on peoples misery, god seeing the cheese pizza, jews repenting for their sinful ways and returning to christ, the shabos goy in the federal agency's that are complicit, agent alligator being a false flag white lone gunman in a hispanic neighborhood, the great awaking of normies, in the movie cockroaches, against kikes and rising up, the snow storm being the expelling of heebs from the country, and world in the movie, and the luchadors more or less being us, as in you me and all the other non shills on here that have seen the writing on the walls but having to wait for signs that its the right time. If you think this is a retarded take just go watch the movie with this crazy symbolism in mind and tell me you dont see it in at least a few spots.

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3a7225  No.227049


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f4f526  No.227057


lol that movie has the fat nigger that reads shakespear and i find him funny

anyways, in the same vain, there was a TV show called "happy" that despite starring a literal jew who boned a negress, and half the story is saving le 56% child, it does have a lot of symbolism with the concept that everyone whose rich - particularly those in government or entertainment positions - are not only weird psychotic kiddiefuckers, but may be involved with satanic/esoteric cults.

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3a7225  No.227257


Yeah ive been watching happy on and off and i noticed the kiddy diddler rich moloch worshippers in the show and despite just being MORE jewish murder porn The nazi nursing home fight was one of my favorite scenes just because of how ridiculous it was

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