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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: cf332bfa6297962⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 329x313, 329:313, 1364319645671.jpg)

22200f  No.226919

>cops get shit on, spit at, worked 24hrs, and assaulted all summer

>don’t quit

>this other cop they don’t know got caught fucking up another dindu stop and is going to prison through mob justice

>A-all cops are gonna q-quit!

No, cops are not quitting in this market to throw away their families livelihood and put themselves into retail hell where niggers will be next to you for 9hrs straight. People are fucking morons who think somebody will self sacrifice everything because “muh justice”. Cops will keep taking home that sick bank and overtime babysitting with each of them saying “well that won’t happen to me”.

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bda496  No.226925

File: d64785f1b75cdff⋯.jpg (197.95 KB, 1500x1067, 1500:1067, american_map_beautiful.jpg)

How do the bolshevik kikes eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

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2d10dd  No.226995

It’s the new hiring that will get tougher. The quality of recruits will go down. If your community wants worse police, you’re doing it right. And, yes, there’s lots of room for the quality to go down.

But, yeah, the current veterans are screwed by their pensions.

And Then We Told Them If They Lived Long Enough They Could Get Their Money Back … And We Called It Social Security . jpg

(Although some cops have portable pensions, so they could try to move to a rural area.)

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bda496  No.227020


They are trying to get White males to quit so that they can run mafia operations through normal communities.

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698c78  No.227058


>don’t quit

Bong cops are resigning: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2021-03/uop-waf030121.php

>Scant attention has been paid to the reason for this mass exodus. Until now. Researchers from the University of Portsmouth studied government statistics, and discovered the numbers of officers voluntarily resigning from the police service is rising - from 1,158 in the year ending March 2012 to 2,363 in the year ending March 2020. The figure amounts to 1.83 per cent of the total police officer population in England and Wales up from 0.86 per cent eight years ago.

Still less than 2% per year, not exactly high. I worked at a place where 25% of people left every year.

>No, cops are not quitting in this market to throw away their families livelihood

If I was a burger cop. I would just drive at 40mph to any callout involving nogs. I'd take a few wrong turns while I'm at it too.

Libs seem to think cops hate niggers. If they hate them so much why do they rush to save them.

I bet the cops who really hate niggers just take their time arriving because they don't give a shit if they stab each other up.

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bda496  No.227104

File: 1ba1e633d53d0a8⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 520x450, 52:45, the_end_of_your_civilizati….jpg)

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86c24a  No.227204

lol @ "sick bank"

in America, police officers earn less than a McDonald's Assistant Manager

you're stupid as SHIT

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86c24a  No.227205


>I worked at a place where 25% of people left every year.

fast food

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bda496  No.227226



Fuck off fagbot. Not everything is about money. If you weren't a fucking nigger you would know that.

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