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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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988322  No.226038


The Virginia city of Norfolk has fired a police lieutenant after the Guardian reported that he donated to and expressed support for Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager accused of killing two people during a police brutality protest in Wisconsin last summer.

City officials announced on Tuesday that police Lt William Kelly had been “relieved of duty” after an internal investigation.

“His egregious comments erode the trust between the Norfolk police department and those they are sworn to serve. The city of Norfolk has a standard of behavior for all employees, and we will hold staff accountable,” the city manager, Chip Filer, said in a statement.

The development came after it was revealed that they had obtained data from a Christian crowdfunding website that was hacked, apparently showing an initially anonymous $25 donation to Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund was linked to Kelly’s work email address.

According to the Guardian, the donation carried the comment: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

It went on to say: “Every rank and file police officer supports you.”

According to prosecutors, Rittenhouse, who is white, came to Kenosha, Wisconsin, last August as the city was in the throes of chaotic protests after a white police officer shot a Black man, Jacob Blake, in the back during a domestic disturbance. Rittenhouse was 17 at the time.

Rittenhouse is accused of opening fire on protesters with an AR-15-style rifle. Two were killed and one was wounded.

He has argued he fired in self-defense after the protesters attacked him, and his case became a rallying cry for some conservatives who helped raise money for his bail in November. Others have cast him as a trigger-happy domestic terrorist.

Earlier this year, Rittenhouse was captured on video at a bar wearing a T-shirt that read “Free as (expletive)” and flashing white supremacist signs, according to prosecutors.

Kelly was initially put on administrative duty Friday, the city said. He can appeal the firing.

It was not immediately clear if Kelly had an attorney representing him who could comment on his behalf.

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9f6f98  No.226046

File: aee73fe925d65a8⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 423x302, 423:302, khazarian_jews.jpg)

>those they are sworn to serve

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074665  No.226061


Not you again…

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eed32b  No.226077

File: 4f1f97994cb13a5⋯.png (21.99 KB, 443x329, 443:329, 2021_04_22_I_Don_t_Underst….png)

File: 7fe940a5a756ed4⋯.png (74.29 KB, 1182x436, 591:218, 2021_04_22_JN_EXIFs.png)




Wew Lads!

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074665  No.226126


Kyle Rittenhouse should actually be out of jail right now. The only thing he did wrong was drinking alcohol at age 18 in January. If Kyle Rittenhouse had been on his property doing the same shooting, I would support him fully. No question. But most importantly, his "victims" had guns. I don't think his age should have too much to do with his arrest. It wasn't his fault that he had a gun, it was the supplier's. But really, the no guns in public concept can only be applied when both parties don't have guns. So really, he did everything legally.

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af375b  No.226129


He should take his pension and 'retire' early, consider moving out of the city and take up a career in self-defense training in some smaller town. A lot of former law enforcement go that route, and people love learning self-defense and learning to get their aim right even with a 10mm or .45 ACP with the first shot (hard to do but many cops can train you well like that). There is money in it, and it's a good way to meet a lot of humble family-loving people. Some would take him on a fishing trip to learn some skill too, maybe show him where the morels grow (now THAT is a survival asset lol!)

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074665  No.226131


Picking on a kid are you? He literally was not even 18, and he was still highschool age. If he hadn't dropped out, he would have been a senior now.

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493ec1  No.226132

File: effba7caa6152c0⋯.mp4 (12.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Finding_Jesus_Trailer_oPSW….mp4)


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3b0e94  No.226139

I'm guessing Rittenhouse can't use the Castle Doctrine in his defense? Maybe he could IF it were his own property he shot from (states with the Castle Doctrine have various self-defense rights for property: some more strict and others, like my state, more lax). Cities likely don't have that anymore due to third world despots who control toxic politics. Did he defend himself, or property? Or did he just shoot to intimidate? Big difference. Knowing the DEMONRATS I wouldn't be surprised if this is attempt to outlaw self-defense from ghetto thugs. None-the-less, take a hint from this: never ever go into the city at night, or during times of tension! I do my best to avoid cities like the plague today. Only time I go near one is to bulk shop at a Costco or Sams Club once every month, and then I scram and make it back to my homestead before it gets dark out. Have to really, beyond the junctions out here when driving down the gravel roads, when it gets dark, it is dark, no street lights nearby. Only the darkness and surrounding coyotes howling and hunting their next prey.

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ba7509  No.226144


Someone like you should go out in the streets during a riot and try defending yourself, then you can scream and cry as they jail your ass for it, you fucking psychopath. People like you and your toxic politics are turning America a third world SHITHOLE on par with South Africa.

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493ec1  No.226151


>maybe show him where the morels grow

You presume to take him to the Morel High Ground?

can't find the pic right now…

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903d5d  No.226166


The prosecutors will try to get jurors who hate that self defense loophole as much as they hate assault rifles with a pistol grip.

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4bbd89  No.228028

I have cops in my family that hate jews, they're the secret weapon nobody will expect to see cops killing jews

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ddb8b1  No.228040

lmfao this is the kind of faggot kike trash that gets posted on 8ch now?

anyone, hope the faggot jew op dies screaming. can't wait for the violence to begin in earnest and insects like him get to die cowering in their bedrooms. It's going to feel really good to start killing faggot kikes.

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04c6d1  No.228045

Since when did you faggot Jews start spamming this website too? Let's recap your faggot tree.

>Virginia (((city))) of Norfolk fired a bad dog after he donated to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen who killed two commie jews criminals and injuring a 3rd during a riot in Wisconsin last Summer

>Jews explode into rage at officer using the phrase "you did nothing wrong" knowing full well that Hitler did nothing wrong (except not win)

>Kelly doesn't give two shits and has enough to retire happily

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3864f9  No.228047

When Kyle wins. Which he will. And this pig is then factually right. Can’t he sue? Lol

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