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File: 192dc0895ae32b6⋯.jpg (141.91 KB, 952x581, 136:83, commies.jpg)

f2b9b2  No.225525

I was too busy crying yesterday to post this, so I post it now.

Look at the gas pumps on the right.


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1d6f67  No.225526

Everyone should mail this OC image to Marco Rubio, Ted Cruise, and Lindsey Graham.

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5a5356  No.225529



But anon, the whole thing is 'so organic'

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a23cd2  No.225545


why is the communist symbol upside down? this reminds me of "hey rabbi whatcha doin?"

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eef2d5  No.225550

oh no!! not our gas pumps!!!

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de2db2  No.225554


That's because it's exactly what it is

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1d6f67  No.225563


blacks drew it. what do you expect?

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a23cd2  No.225568


blacks cant draw a simple symbol correctly but they know chinese? it's clear a jew drew that stuff. every single time.

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bfc48e  No.225573


chinese have been offering opportunities for blacks to study language/etc on the down-low since the 1960s in Mao times. Look at the origins of the student protests in 1988 and you will find the anti-black sentiment as a major origin.

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a23cd2  No.225574

File: 42069959ee5952d⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 900x584, 225:146, swastika_fug_2.jpg)


then why cant they draw a symbol correctly? it's the same as pic related. no one is buying it, bro.

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5a5356  No.225577


>chinese have been offering opportunities for blacks to study language

lmao…chinese have been wasting time and money since the 1960's

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