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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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0bc3c7  No.225486

Notice how Bin Laden and the San bushman, both from deserts, have noses pointing downwards? And look at Hitler's nose, its pointing up. The end of the nose is slanted upwards in Hitler's case. Whereas, for the former two, their nostrils are downwards slanting. The nose really does help identify jews, because jews are from deserts. This is important information, because when you see a downward turned nose like this, they are from a desert, and if they pass for white, chances are that they are jews.

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0bc3c7  No.225487


Odd thing is, despite Indians being farther genetically from whites than kikes or arabs, they have upward noses too. Same as regular black africans, and east asians. Really noticing a pattern here.

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