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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 7e96d825d01525c⋯.jpg (393.09 KB, 1080x795, 72:53, gps4q98ozth61.jpg)

ff45b7  No.225374

>claim he died of drugs

>chewbacca shit in court for days

>convicted on 4/20

Get some, bootlickers

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daa608  No.225388

actually this proves that violence works so we should be more violent

gun down every nigger race war now

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2e2f38  No.225389


You won't do shit.

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e3a3f9  No.225397


This is probably true. It might be the only solution.

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5d78f5  No.225405


You pussy Americans only bitch online.

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48886b  No.225428


At least it's legal to complain and argue over here, unlike in some places like China and the UK where you could get sent to a gulag for offending some almighty authority figure.

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e3a3f9  No.225430

File: 4626e0f95a3fa3e⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 480x270, 16:9, chinese_police_communist_s….mp4)


You need the video for that.

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7f4351  No.225460


>White guys walking around with tiki torches


>niggers and antifags burn and loot main cities all summer, some cities never even stopped

>"peaceful protests this is the voice of the unheard nothing to see here just donate"

>White conservatives break into congress to protest clearly fraudulent election


>Chauvin gets the book thrown at him and yet they still riot

>"perfectly normal"

Gee why won't the pussy Americans do anything? Seriously, what would you do?

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e3a3f9  No.225472


Nothing to do yet.

Have you ever watched the Weather Channel and seen them 'cover a huge storm'…when in fact the only thing happening outside is some light sprinkles? Well, this is the same. There is a disconnect between what is happening in cities and what is happening in rural America. Those of us in rural America don't care what happens in cities or to niggers. I would have (if I was the cop) let that nigger stab everyone standing there before I did anything…they were all angling for a fight and they got one, why should I risk 'trial by the mob' for niggers?

The point is that there really isn't much going on in most rural communities. You can't expect us to get upset because niggers are on a killing/stabbing spree (they are so far away and disconnected from us that if this was Europe they would be three nations away)…that is how they always act which is why everyone hates them. But they are a self limiting incident. Meaning that they can only be propped up so far before they step off the cliff and are in free fall till they are dead. You can either ENGAGE with them while they are in their death throes or you can do something productive for yourself. Everyday I chose to do something productive for myself.

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