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File: f49cb897e935241⋯.png (13.79 KB, 1363x121, 1363:121, the_true_face_of_kikeserva….png)

4f2b2f  No.225207

Cuckservatism cannot survive without censorship, yet they claim to be the champions of free speech.


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f6ec55  No.225269


show us what got you banned, otherwise you could be just a shill for REEEEEddit.

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10925d  No.225275


I believe you meant libertarians. Cuckservatives are just the opposite of the marxists.

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4f2b2f  No.225281

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4f2b2f  No.225282


Libertarianism can survive pretty well without censorship, thank you very much

>Cuckservatives are just the opposite of the marxists.

cuckservatives are literally marxists but they wear red….oh wait.

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4f2b2f  No.225285


oh yeah i forgot about this one


also who the fuck uses reddit? the only type of "shilling" i would do on Reddit is "use the word kike on r/genzedong while agreeing with them to get a good laugh"

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10925d  No.225286


>but they wear red….oh wait.

lol anon.

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10925d  No.225287

Those are all pretty funny anon.

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f6ec55  No.225323




good to know that (((ruqqus))) is pozzed

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49e674  No.225367


Of course libertarianism can survive – it's approved by ZOG.

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10925d  No.225402


I am a hard libertarian…really an anarchist. I am done with jewish (((government))). I honestly can't imagine anyone who believes it still works.

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