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File: 487d7aa9cb99300⋯.jpg (114.9 KB, 1566x880, 783:440, proxy_image.jpg)

59facb  No.224669[Last 50 Posts]

… to be at the vanguard of the very-fucking-purposefully-constructed reactionary fascist movement PSYOP that will inevitably arise popularly as "a blowback" to the very-fucking-purposefully-constructed nigger fatigue / depopulation agenda?

…to know that you have been groomed by high-level governmental Paperclip Mindfuck Nazis to be the unpaid proselytizers, pariahs, and prophets of The Fourth Reich?

… to realize that everything is going to be

>comfy af

when the world population is reduced to 500,000,000?

In the meantime:

What are you doing RIGHT NOW to secure your spot on the roster? Do you think your shitposting will be enough? What skills do you bring? What skills are you cultivating RIGHT NOW?

What's your plan to survive THE WINNOWING?

How will you get through THE NARROW GATE?

Be ready lads!


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59facb  No.224670

REMEMBER: The Reich has no need for Roofs or Tarrants. Keep your head down, fella!

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41e65f  No.224672

White people are 6% +/- of the global population. And yet white genocide is happening. Not Arab genocide or any other. Therefore, I must conclude that if Nazis are indeed responsible then they are crypto-Communists and Jews who must be dealt with appropriately.

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7d7905  No.224674


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59facb  No.224677

File: 504b8b8a89ab29e⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 260x194, 130:97, proxy_image.jpg)

File: 504b8b8a89ab29e⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 260x194, 130:97, proxy_image.jpg)

File: 504b8b8a89ab29e⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 260x194, 130:97, proxy_image.jpg)


Choose wisely! Not everyone is going to make it!


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acb828  No.224679

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

How much did you pay in extortion to 'moderation' to post your OP?

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59facb  No.224680

File: 8d02c56bf0adb49⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 780x438, 130:73, proxy_image.jpg)

Saving "your people" at the expense of "your people" is an offense met with DEATH.


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59facb  No.224688

File: f2f5393fb594108⋯.jpg (133.73 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 1618756193341.jpg)

File: 380a1a361b15673⋯.jpg (258.92 KB, 600x367, 600:367, 1618753862814.jpg)

File: 2d9453900de2b5d⋯.jpg (630.55 KB, 940x640, 47:32, 1618753290062.jpg)

The (((white))) race needs a shower!

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59facb  No.224691

File: 34b3883b0d0eba8⋯.png (264.79 KB, 300x556, 75:139, ClipboardImage.png)

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41e65f  No.224693

>(((white race)))


>muh hitler

JIDF please go back to 4/pol/

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6781c5  No.224742


Watch this




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53274f  No.224772


I've got an even more relevant question.

HOW does it feel to be YOU?

just curious, because you seem kinda dense and slow

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53274f  No.224774

I'm just wondering if you're able to perceive your own denseness

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53274f  No.224775

you know, like wondering if fish "feel wet" in the water, because they got nothing to compare it to. They've never been dry before

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53274f  No.224776


The funniest part was he where you actually used the word vanguard

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20235d  No.224777

File: df008a538c2e39e⋯.jpg (8.74 MB, 4000x2251, 4000:2251, 210120094128_01_star_citie….jpg)

I have always known OP and that is why I have my own ideas thoughts and plans that I never share with anyone. I am a fortress that no one penetrates. I will not go along with their agenda since I have my own. All I care about is my own people, their health and their well being.

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53274f  No.224779

<"I am a fortress that no one penetrates."

that sounded SO decidedly gay, in a "dungeons & dragons" way

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6602c7  No.224780

File: 047b4624c98d1e5⋯.png (370.56 KB, 1162x652, 581:326, JN_DESIRES.png)

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59facb  No.224782



uwu <3

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7d7905  No.224789

File: 5e70f186f61ed6d⋯.png (380.05 KB, 860x781, 860:781, 658_6581241.png)

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53274f  No.224828

how does it smell ?

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53274f  No.224829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how should I feel?

tell me now, how should I feel

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53274f  No.224830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


honestly? it feels so good

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53274f  No.224832


It feels pretty much the same as her snatch, at least until you've stretched it out to the point where she can't even hold in a fart anymore….

At that point, it's like a cup of warm water.

Also: a side note

It can often feel a lot like her vagina, especially when the head of your dick hits her anal cervix, which, unfortunately, always ends up just being a turd.

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53274f  No.224833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53274f  No.224834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53274f  No.224835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53274f  No.224836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53274f  No.224837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53274f  No.224838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa3ba7  No.224839


>The Reich has no need for Roofs or Tarrants

The ZOG-faggots will say anything to stop young white men from resisting forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes.

Read the Turner Diaries, and read Siege!

I've killed three niggers, and the ZOG hasn't done shit to me, and never will! Violence is the only answers! We are still in the Lone-Wolf phase of the struggle! The Leader will emerge from this phase, and that will be beginning of the White Nation Liberation Army!

Stop being a wage-slave for the ZOG! Killing random spicks/niggers/Kikes/faggots/etc is more lucrative than working for the ZOG ever will be! America isn't going to exist in 10 years, don't waste your time trying to build a life in the ZOG. Now is the time to act, now is the time for the Turner Diaries!

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53274f  No.224840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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447813  No.224870


The toxic vaccines is only one way they are killing people, they are also geo-engineering ('cloud seeding') the atmosphere with aluminum, barium and strontium. Their "microwave towers" (as Congress calls them in the 5G budgets) are blasting cancerous microwave radiation all over. They put actual rat poison (aka fluoride) in all the tap water. Their GMO foods are toxic, sprayed with cancerous glyphosate. Their mind-control media encourages and promotes violent thug culture, thus the endless murder rates. Economic warfare also takes place, via endless debt insolvency which is driving the nation into poverty while destroying our currency. Endless wars also help depopulate. Deliberate destabilization aka forced migration to replace native populations, bringing the nations to third world status (easier to then subjugate and kill off as well).

At this point, I would say you best be one who has searched for the right solutions and have gotten prepared. How do I feel? Well, I live very rural, I know depopulation is happening right now, I've been doing my best to become self-sufficient and soon I'll be able to live my life mostly off-grid. Hopefully that will be enough to escape and survive the outcomes, and if not, I always have an extra bullet for myself, if worse comes to worse.

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53274f  No.224873


lay off the cocaine, Killcen

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34320c  No.224877


After the Clinton and Bush crime families along with their Israeli Bolshevik espionage syndicates sold off most US military secrets, they decided to loot taxpayers and the nation, all those massive military budgets were wasted and pocketed. In the meantime both China and Russia have been buying up all our once-secret weaponry technologies as well reverse engineering them for more sophisticated weaponry. Not only is our government provoking more wars and disputes, they are now a declining superpower on steroids, the only keeping our system from collapsing (as was done during the USSR) is them creating endless amounts of debts for bailouts and subsidizes to keep the zombie markets alive!

One thing the extremist larper here is correct about: America has another 10 years, if that, before complete USSR-style collapse.

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59facb  No.224878


>10 years

oh you sweet summer child

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53274f  No.224879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How does it feel?…… like a sugar pill

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4af2b7  No.224887



<because I say so


<because I say so

Sage and report spam threads.

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c7769a  No.224941


>when the world population is reduced to 500,000,000?

I will be celebrating. The masses must all be killed all at once. The world is only for those with the capability of individual thought. The cattle must die.

>What is your plan?

To kill anyone that doesn't agree with me. And to do so by first earning their trust and them shooting the backs of their heads.

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53274f  No.224956


whatever you say, Shitler

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20235d  No.224981


<Last man

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67200b  No.224982

File: afd556d564073ce⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, siege_tranny.jpg)

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59facb  No.224983


>no guise srsly discomfort will wake them up

<put them in masks and house arrest for a year

<turn off niggerball


>no srsly go dismantle the power grid

>it is really easy guise


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67200b  No.224984

File: cf82b2feb6c6206⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 498x516, 83:86, siege_communism.jpg)


lel yeah. only the truth, which cripples both zionism and bolshevism, can provoke revolution. this is why siegejews hate the truth and prefer psyop, and because true revolution is inevitable, siegejews are already dead.

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20235d  No.224989


I think you have it backwards

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59facb  No.225003

File: 9bf495bc4ca52c6⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2359x1459, 2359:1459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b45e24dded0b43⋯.png (582.48 KB, 2277x817, 2277:817, ClipboardImage.png)

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59facb  No.225004

File: 2d5bd39e2d665ee⋯.png (608.22 KB, 2286x1297, 2286:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc97bd2e68677d0⋯.png (506.51 KB, 2302x1180, 1151:590, ClipboardImage.png)

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53274f  No.225016


You're one of the most boring people I've ever seen in my life

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67200b  No.225018


>20 posts

>all off-topic or complaining about on-topic posts

how does it feel being a kike stereotype?

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59facb  No.225020


I don't know if it's him or some other autist, but someone on this board thinks I'm some kike Belgian Rothschild woman for some reason. The meds remain untaken all across the internet. Alas.

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67200b  No.225021


post elite jew boobies

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20235d  No.225022


>The meds remain untaken all across the internet.

>Its the internet, not me…


Are bots Rothchild's?

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19252c  No.225027

Operation Paperclip is a dumb jewish meme.

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59facb  No.225029


It was decided that Operation Fourth Reich was too obvious.

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19252c  No.225030


Operation Paperclip is just something that jews and conservatives toss out to pretend the problem is someone other than jews, conservatives, and niggers. The scientists brought over were largely discarded and died penniless after they gave up what the US wanted.

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20235d  No.225031


They were taken as slaves against their will from a vanquished nation. It was either that or unjust kike military tribunal where they would be shot or hanged for nothing.

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19252c  No.225032


That's not the point I'm responding to. Keep up.

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59facb  No.225037


They killed Patton because Patton couldn't into that Hitler was ACKSHULLY a Rothchild and that the point of German defeat and the World Wars generally was to aerate the world with White blood so that when Kalki returned from the Antarctic base in 2030, he'd have the full weight of the whole history of Babylonian blood-magic behind him. (40K is the end boss of predictive programming.) Paperclip was the distraction from the FACT that the real scientists are all right now still in New Schwabia working tirelessly to murder everyone to fulfil The Oath.

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19252c  No.225042

File: 6874380c1ba756a⋯.jpg (144.19 KB, 537x826, 537:826, leofrank_hanging_pissedpan….jpg)

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59facb  No.225044


right and look how that turned out

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19252c  No.225046

File: 392aeed5d752856⋯.jpg (845.51 KB, 1515x1279, 1515:1279, Eurasian_energy_flows.jpg)


Keep screeching, kike.

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286f8e  No.225047


>right and look how that turned out

One less pedo

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59facb  No.225049


>hey look I have no idea what the picture is except gore and i like gore because i have a nigger soul

+1 yike

+1 sweaty

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20235d  No.225050

File: a2bcd7ed37ee63c⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 609x480, 203:160, crying_girl.jpg)


muh fee fees


I am backing 1 less pedo.

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82720a  No.225052


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82720a  No.225053


>I am a paid jewish shill

Commit suicide, subhuman.

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20235d  No.225058


>murder everyone

That would be counterproductive, don't you think?

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286f8e  No.225082


>hey look I have no idea what the picture

I know exactly who it is: A kike pedo

I think it's perhaps YOU that doesn't know shit about the shit you are posting.

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1e4dcf  No.225221

File: be092259bf86e89⋯.jpeg (289.88 KB, 1200x1248, 25:26, di_SM1LA7.jpeg)

File: e17f5995746ae70⋯.jpeg (176.49 KB, 551x919, 551:919, di_OYQAIK.jpeg)

My question is this:

What are we surviving? What resources will be available? Personally I can grow food. Raise animals. build shit. fix broken shit. I can provably go from dirt to basic civilization in about a year with minimal support. I actually did this myself as practice.

What are we looking at coming up? Zombie virus where only the most fortified/armed will survive? Hard-starvation? Only the most capable farmer/hunter/scavengers will survive. Futuristic utopiapocalypse? I can manage crypto and code in c#.

That is the real question. What exactly are we surviving? It appears to me a Medicapocalypse/Gattica Dystopia. Sadly I am not a genetic engineer. The inverse-cube law is my best defense.

What is the coming shitstorm? What do we need to know? Where do we need to go/set up? Those are the real questions.

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20235d  No.225222


Pretty sure they left us up here (on the surface) to die.

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1e7ecd  No.225244


Why are you bragging about this on this widely compromised and fed-ridden shithole?

You are either retarded or a LARPing officer.

If you are not a LARP, ''just fucking leave this shithole for goo'd'.

Come home white man.

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6488a5  No.225260


>Why are you bragging about this

To let young white men know just how much real power they have, and to show them they can stop being a wage-slave for the ZOG, and fight for the liberation of our real nation.

The ZOG is not omnipotent. I am living proof.

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6488a5  No.225261



Is a Zionist faggot, just like you.

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73c224  No.225273


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73c224  No.225274


If you are the real deal, Turner Diaries-fag, you should know better and never ever post such claims on the kiketernet, let alone here of all places.

Come to a more suitable place for funny discussions. You should be able to find the place on your own.

(Or don't, if it's bait LARPs you can only offer).

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20235d  No.225277



Thank you very much for this effort post anon. I finally got to read it. I was going to read it before and I got distracted. PS you are not 'boring' like that other faggot said. This is well thought out.

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7753db  No.225386


>Is a Zionist faggot


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1e4dcf  No.225496


Trips of truth sadly… So Dumb bases it is.

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c54ac5  No.225520


All the jews in israel have vaccine passports now and will slowly die from taking biontech as prions accumulate in their blood. They will die soon enough.

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20235d  No.225535


Do you think they are actually prions? It creeped me out that there is something in the vaccine that moves like (I don't think prions move) that even if it is just secondary bacteria or something that found it to be a positive environment for replication and that people are willing to have something unknown like that injected in them.


I am interested as well. I haven't gotten that read from him.

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800c98  No.225662


The floaties I think are the the nanoparticles laced PolyEthylene Glycol which is the delivery mechanism. No they are not prions but this is what happens.

The particles get into the nucleus of the cells. The genetic sequence is inserted and the ribosome now has a new set of instructions what amino acids to link together. A new polypeptide chain is assembled based on the new instructions the "floaties" gave them.

The cell now continuously spews out of its membrane spike proteins endlessly without an on off switch without due care for what other proteins should be prioritized.

Spike proteins break off the cell membrane as even more spike proteins are formed behind it.

Prions build up and up and up in the blood supply.

Capillaries in the lungs are torn, bloodflow is impeded by garbage proteins in the blood slowing everything down. Women's eggs don't plant into the uterine or fallopian tube walls properly leading to irregular periods. Women will then emit pheromones so any woman nearby will also have a screwed up period cycle preventing any insolated women from having children.

The mitochondrion DNA is also altered by the "floaties" now they don't produce energy in the form of ATP as efficiently.

When they're is a tear in the walls of your blood supply the spike proteins obstruct the platelets from sealing the hole so you get a blood clot.

Every cell now growing spike proteins out of is now a target for your immune system. Autoimmune disorders can take 48 weeks to kill you. Hence the slow poison.

All vaccinated people are now junk prion factories. If you breath in this junk protein or take it near your penis or vagina or mouth or anus it will get inside you and also cause problems for unvaccinated people.

If spike proteins begin extruding out of nerve cells it affects signal propagation hence all the seizures and at vitus dance. Also with theme immune response those nerve cells now have targets painted on them so one key nerve cell from the brain to the heart gets gobbled up and bye bye you are off to the cemetery.

Hope that cleared things up a little.

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d0d417  No.225663


He's 100% correct, that is their "End Game", to concur and destroy the Western world - absolutely - and you will have NO CHOICE but to either fight back (and likely take some bullets for doing so) or cower in fear and be subjugated, brutality raped and murdered in the end anyway. These despotic mass murderers never cared about all the other slaughter and war crimes they have commit. They see humans as utter disposable trash: much worse than we treat cattle. Why would they care about doing the same to countries like Europe, Canada and America or anywhere else? Anon is right, you are in denial of a very hard and sober reality check.

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d0d417  No.225669



This is well worth archiving. Thank you anon. It could not have been summed up any better than this. What a sad evil world we live in. I'll definitely be saving an extra bullet for myself if we fail to save our nations. Not even worth living in such a shithole with such shit monsters.

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20235d  No.225670


>off to the cemetary

There is literally no other reason to make it mandatory if it wasn't a death sentence.

That is exactly the same conclusion I came to tbqh. Thanks.

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800c98  No.225687


Don't worry a saviour is going to come either with another injection to delete the spoke code sequence once they invent something other than genetic add and can do genetic comparison and genetic deletion.

Or she will offer you a microchip gate in your blood and a port that will eject the junk prions from your blood and this "mark" will initially cost millions of $. People will flock to the fema camps to get the life saving chip implanted.

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20235d  No.225704

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534075  No.226021

lame shill thread.

hail Hitler, death to the antiwhite system, death to israel and death to White traitors

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