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The holocaust never happened

File: e25430b796003cd⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, prism-slide.jpg)

aef949  No.22441

The FBI has arrested alleged members of a white supremacist group on federal gun charges and other alleged crimes, according to people familiar with the matter.

The charges, expected to be unsealed Thursday, grew from an investigation of a somewhat new effort among 'online extremists' who refer to themselves as “the Base,” the English translation of “al Qaida.” According to experts who track hate groups, the Base promotes racist views and seeks to unite different hate groups in preparation for a “race war.”

At least one of the individuals was arrested in Maryland, these people said.

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray warned Congress in the fall that American neo-Nazis seem increasingly to be communicating with like-minded violent racists overseas, but he cautioned that those links so far appear more inspirational than organizational.

“We are starting to see racially motivated violent extremists connecting with like-minded individuals online certainly, and in some instances, we have seen people travel overseas to train,” Wray said.

In September, the FBI arrested an Army soldier who had hoped to join a militia in Ukraine, following the example of another former soldier who had done so.

Article: http://archive.md/iA5WT

The FBI are planting honeypots around the internet in hopes to recruit and entrap those who plan on joining up with like-minded white nationalists. Be aware of anyone who wants to personally recruit you over the web, suggesting you participate in anything illegal with them. You can be sure there is a chance they are likely feds.

De-centralization and remaining anonymous online without having digital footprints on social media is the best way to avoid these spooks. Always make sure you never post anything under your real IP: use a private VPN & connect to Tor (as well installing a decent metadata spoofing add-on) will help deter online tracking: http://archive.md/ksDLm

Learn about all the data modern web browsers keep track of and where you can find & wipe all this data: http://archive.md/m5NYc

(routinely wiping this data out will help prevent persistent tracking)

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cd25bd  No.22445


What's /pol/?

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0f1ddf  No.22456

File: e25ebc11d2fe00e⋯.webm (366.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, CIA Niggers.webm)

Quality OP. Have a bump.

Disclaimer: CIA Niggers glow in the dark, you can see them if you're driving.

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28fef2  No.22468

For people that want to do stuff solely but avoid detection. This is what you do.

>Buy internet device cash not where you live wearing sun glasses and hat

>Only connect to other people’s internet on it.

>Make sure the device has a hardware switch for WiFi

Boom, you just beat the whole surveillance system. Can’t be tracked and everything you do online is anonymous. So when you research targets and such. They can’t monitor you even if they tried to devote resources.

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64f2e0  No.22473


>'online extremists' who refer to themselves as “the Base,” the English translation of “al Qaida.”

Why would they choose a name like that?

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b90bb1  No.22476


That, and by using decent online encryption. Maybe Tails booted from a live CD for spoofing the MAC address & IP your connecting to other's connections by default. Once you are on the move and the Tails system is removed there would be no trace of the activity.

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4407e6  No.22477


I figure that was a name created by spooks in the first place, to lure very edgy people into joining some illegal cause to stir some reactionary violence. I doubt the typical /pol/ user would fall for it, but there are some who obviously do.

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299356  No.22487

File: b66670f0f9c1f0b⋯.mp4 (933.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Ex-director of CIA niggers.mp4)


The American government is a criminal organization that has no right to exist.

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0f1ddf  No.22491

File: 3229544704fc5bf⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 474x383, 474:383, atf nigger.jpg)


I like his chuckling tone all like

>lmao you should already know this, you niggers

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baac9a  No.22499

Remember that all government personnel at every level in any department is your mortal enemy. Trump voters are your mortal enemy. Always be vigilant. Avoid making any kind of detailed plan on your computer, even if it is offline. If you are getting down to brass tacks, research any information you might need operationally on a computer and internet connection that isn't yours and can't be linked to anyone you don't want burned.

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9dff89  No.22527

File: 5bfbfda5b2f2931⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 456x352, 57:44, timetofap.jpg)

Imagine being a federal employee and going through peoples intimate Skype sessions. In the name of keeping America safe of course.

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3b091a  No.22541


From the Snowden leaks we learned the collection is all automated in real-time via the major ISP backbones. The NSA and others have tools like XKeyscore to datamine those massive collections, think of trying to find key terms or key words or specific connections through a mass filtering system. Whatever comes up on their key inquires they then rummage through but its still like trying to find a fingernail in a pile of pigshit.

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859d42  No.22542


Nah, the only ones I'd kill are those that would have the nerve to invade my property and start shit with me. I'll live and let live as long as they do the same.

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f09cc6  No.22559


True. But there really is no way they can track you. They aren’t going to use satalites to find someone looking up suspicious things.

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000000  No.22581


>join a militia in Ukraine

Zelensky's militia or Putin's militia??

In any case, a typical Amerimutt who wants to participate in a civil war between white Christians. Fuck him.


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7882e3  No.22699


t. khomenei faggot fan

Sure thing tornigger


>the fbi

Those chumps only have power in cuckchan since they have gookmoot in charge of that shithole, as well as having the physical servers within an arms reach to their HQ.

And besides, the fbi won't be long in this planet ever since DJT fucked them real hard since 2016 anyways.

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5cdc4e  No.22708


> ever since DJT fucked them real hard since 2016

U wot m8? Are you trusting the plan?

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f1f07b  No.26457


Because they're plants.

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91e098  No.26482

File: 2a6040405cc9969⋯.png (246.3 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, dis blace.png)


This place, niggerfaggot

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a6e42a  No.26494

File: f2830693c1f2346⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 480x466, 240:233, 1544830932703.jpg)

File: 83331a89e0a8be0⋯.png (703.39 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Spear.png)

File: 1d12752ac8a01a0⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 490x326, 245:163, look White to me.jpg)

>Defense Studies expert and former CIA field intelligence officer Norman Spear presents 10 short talks on some of the theory behind asymmetrical warfare.

>In 2018 Norman Spear established 'The Base', an informal non-membership prepping network focused on globally imparting post societal collapse guerrilla warfare knowledge, skills, training and bushcraft for the eventualities posed by a general breakup of the United States into smaller competing post-US states, no go zones and zones of foreign and/or terrorist occupation.


The video ( https://www.bitchute.com/video/qvWMNRNdW6q9/ ) the shots of his face are from declares that "The Base" is "more dangerous than any other hate group", yet almost nobody heard of them up until new.

An informant involved with the group also instructed a Muslim (third image is his parents) "White supremacist" to vandalize a synagogue.

>One of the group’s ringleaders became an informant and gave investigators details over the past several months. The documents in Barasneh’s case do not name the person but note he has been federally charged in another state for his role.

>The man admitted he directed the group to vandalize minority-owned properties, calling it “Operation Kristallnacht,” a reference to Nazi Germany and the night Jewish homes, hospitals and other properties were ransacked and destroyed.


Anglin tries to link the goat sacrifice to O9A, but they "despise" animal sacrifice, and are instead in favor of human ones.

>Similarly, the ONA "despise animal sacrifice, maintaining that it is much better to sacrifice suitable mundanes given the abundance of human dross".

On the other hand, the recently arrested father of bean children, Augustus Sol Invictus, is known to have engaged in goat sacrifices in the past, so maybe there's some connection between his arrest and all of this?

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a6e42a  No.26499

File: 3c94de655cfbdcf⋯.png (40.07 KB, 959x219, 959:219, Norman Spear fed cuckchan.png)

cuckchan post from 2018.

>I met Norman Spear once in person, talked with him and that guy is a fed. I have family members who are FBI/Police and they all have the same personality, with undercovers they can hide their personality but it will still show under certain cracks also that guy hosting a group with a generic ass name and openly advocating for domestic terrorism is a dead ass give away too. I mean honestly if you join a group like this then you deserve to be nailed by some fed because you're too retarded to see through basic shit and no I'm not one of those fags who thing thinking violence is okay = you being a fed. Saying violence is a necessary tactic among other things in hypotheticals isn't fed shit but openly planning and talking about targetting groups and things out in the open is a big red flag.


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98e0ea  No.26538

hmm, I wonder why i haven't been arrested given my, well, lets just say "right of center" view of things?

What could it be?

Oh, I know!


Not too hard, really. I can say what i want. I can associate with whom I want. I can go where I want. Hell as long as I don't harm anyone else, I can pretty much do whatever I want.

I just have to not plan out evil shit and not plan out killing niggers and I"m pretty much good.

So, what did these guys do to get arrested?

Hmmm, "federal gun charges"

I'm guessing that doesn't mean open carrying their AR down main street?

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410b84  No.26539

File: 80d96cc3b7b26ac⋯.jpg (68.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CIA.jpg)


There's no law in Weimerica.

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000000  No.26552

tbf this isn't exactly news

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124384  No.26716

File: d1f4932ffa58b47⋯.jpg (295 KB, 1080x1099, 1080:1099, For_your_Health.jpg)

I unironically advise Attached Pic for all FedTraitors.

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a2485b  No.26723


Maybe he's totally sincere, but anybody with a history in three-letter agencies shouldn't have a place in the movement.

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569592  No.71045

this is important stuff

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e9c822  No.71054


yes, it's a very important look at the day to day of the trump administration and its actual goals, not the curated jewspam we typically get.

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569592  No.71064


isnt Trump being targetted by Mueller and the FBI too?

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e9c822  No.71068


how can we get you boomers to leave?

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569592  No.71082



Are you trying to jew me here? It wont work coofer.

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14ef92  No.71106


What did you expect from /impotentlybitchaboutpotus/?

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e36922  No.79488

Friendly reminder to use tor so fed can't track your posting

>inb4 some retard says tor is compromised

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9a771c  No.79498

The meaning of the word nation has been twisted by Jews. Its original meaning is ethnic group or tribe. It has never meant country. That means every asian american group or black american group are nationalist groups.

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9a771c  No.79512


>Those who want to dominate a multiracial society are racial supremacists; Those who want to live in a healthy, homogeneous society are racial separatists

>-Kevin Alfred Strom

>HAVE YOU EVER noticed the psychological phenomenon in which a person will often call attention to the real or imagined faults in others that he himself suffers from? The name of this phenomenon is projection, and it certainly crops up often in life: the mentally unbalanced man accusing others of being “crazy”; the extremely jealous woman accusing her husband of not trusting her; the habitual schemer accusing his co-workers of plotting against him; the greedy man excoriating his fellows for being selfish; etc.

>This phenomenon is nowhere more apparent than in the controlled media’s readiness to accuse anyone who believes in White survival of being what they call a “White supremacist.” This has to be the most egregious example imaginable of the pot calling the kettle black.

>Actually, it is more like the pot calling the silverware black, since most of those accused of being “White supremacists,” or in illiterate-speak, “White supremists,”, are actually White separatists, a very important distinction. It is the largely Jewish masters of the media who are supremacists supreme.

>A separatist desires that his people should have freedom and independence from domination by other peoples, and to that end he works for the day when his people shall be able to live and provide for themselves in their own nation, without the burden of an underclass or overclass comprised of other peoples. A separatist specifically does not desire to be an overclass. He does not want to rule over any other people. In fact, a separatist does not want a multiracial society at all.

>A supremacist, on the other hand, wants and demands a multiracial society. In this multiracial society he wishes his race or social group to be the dominant one. The fact that this desire is usually cloaked in pretensions of beneficent intentions and “the greatest good for the greatest number” should not obscure the fact that it is a master/servant relationship that the supremacist wants.

Learn the difference ZOGBOTS.

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6d93de  No.79552


That is a malware site.

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000000  No.79599


>being this new

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12bb67  No.80728

But don't They know being a racist is not illegal? (fucking yet)

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deec52  No.80838


Because White Nationalists should vote for Bernie? Or are you still upset a token Hispanic wasn't selected by the republicans in 2016?

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deec52  No.80842


Yes and no. Original meaning of nation was of an ethnic group of a particular locality (country). Jew twist was that a nation could be based strictly on locality regardless of ethnicity. In 1940 Germany was a nation, in 2020 it isn't except by the jewish definition

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a804e7  No.81080

File: 47bc084ca064300⋯.jpg (370.31 KB, 1917x1161, 71:43, format.jpg)


>white nationalist groups

I'm not one and I'm not a part of a group, so I don't care.

The only reason I came to 8pol was news and free speech PND certainly isn't 8pol but at least there is still free speech. True free speech.

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