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File: 1665c81d7cbf67f⋯.jpg (492.31 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, Statue_Augustus.jpg)

ce3ef0  No.222275

Define whiteness.

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f875cc  No.222276


(((whiteness))) is just another kike PSYOP. Aryans are woven into the fabric of the universe while Whiteness is the meme keeping you from understanding that simple fact.

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ce3ef0  No.222277


Answer the question.

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6e05ed  No.222279


God I wish the mods could still ban some things. Like this 'OP'

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ce3ef0  No.222280


What? I'm simply wondering who this "superior race" you guys keep mentioning is.

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f875cc  No.222281


whiteness - n. - the PSYOP used to keep you stupid

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ce3ef0  No.222283


wtf are you even saying?

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f875cc  No.222284


I have NOTHING nor do I want to have ANYTHING to do with (((Whites))). Whites have proven themselves time and time and time again of being totally unwilling and unable to understand Dharma. I do not give a FUCK about bluegrass culture, or cooking styles, or modes of dress, or ANY POSSIBLE MATERIALIST KIKE THING you could understand to be "white." These whites are spiritual kikes/niggers and they are no more "my people" than any other BLIND SACK OF SHIT.

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59b287  No.222286

File: dd5460752814c94⋯.png (140.91 KB, 553x798, 79:114, dd5.png)

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ce3ef0  No.222295


So who is exactly is the ideal white person?

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6e05ed  No.222297

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6e05ed  No.222299

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f875cc  No.222302

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6e05ed  No.222310


That is really well edited.

I like the song as well.

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59b287  No.222317

File: cad45449c353117⋯.jpg (1003.99 KB, 1806x1817, 1806:1817, 83092278339689.jpg)




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cc1457  No.222320

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cc1457  No.222321

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cc1457  No.222322

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cc1457  No.222323

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cc1457  No.222324

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641849  No.222327


>a pill-popping chubby manlet who can't win a war with the greatest military force the world had ever seen is the ideal white person

No wonder white genocide is so easy.

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ce3ef0  No.222329






Stop saging my sl-I mean thread autist.

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59b287  No.222331

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6e05ed  No.222333

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cc1457  No.222335

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20243d  No.222470

File: 8016c598c73d2f1⋯.png (143.08 KB, 700x1006, 350:503, whiteness_1_0.png)


> Define whiteness.

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40536a  No.222472


There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. The jews are our mortal enemy and they use all the other races against us. We need to update that poster.

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40536a  No.222474

File: 4bd9e2073123086⋯.png (143.13 KB, 700x1006, 350:503, define_whiteness_poster_fi….png)

I should fix that little nignog lifting the weights but I am too lazy to open photoshop. Why would they use a black person in a 'defining' Whiteness poster?

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a426e7  No.222495

Think of it as embodying masculinity. When other neolithic peoples relied on Prithvi Mata, waiting for the soil to comfort them with grains, the ancestor to the Europeans and many others, the Yamnaya people, took after Dyaus Piter and shaped the world into their own. Taking other life, such as goats and cattle, and forcing them to do their work, to give them food.

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7e9ac6  No.222497

Whiteness - the property of belonging to the single English-speaking European Nation, or the property of potentially being able to integrate into the White Nation due to one's physical appearance.

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ce3ef0  No.222839


So, only Anglos are white?

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bbc5c0  No.222915

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40536a  No.222976

File: bb3dc0a0442e013⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, jews_for_dreamers_copy.jpg)


I really like this explanation. Not sure about the end of it. I mean the jews are a lot less than 1/8th nigger and look how they turned out. Mexicans are 1/10th nigger and they are the most violent and murderous of people of the entire planet (outside the jew anyway).

God help us none of you should want to breed any of these women but I know where I am so I know what you all are going to say.

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39c6be  No.222980


Six fingers and toes, double row of teeth, red hair, over 10ft tall…

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18a928  No.222985

Being seen as white by Blacks and Latinos. In America, at least.

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958f9e  No.235380

File: 9fffaa34ec716c9⋯.png (133.19 KB, 276x462, 46:77, woop_woop.png)


Whiteness is when you take a nigger, lighten his skin and take away his dignity, culture, athleticism, and masculinity.

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68a22d  No.235382


You're only racist against everyone because everyone hates (((you))).

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222e67  No.235384

File: ec6f5ef1a6fd205⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 474x544, 237:272, external_contfdsfsent_duck….jpg)


When people talk about 'whiteness' today they have in mind the western Europeans, such as Germans, Franks, British, etc. Historically, 'whiteness' was the broader wesrtern descendants of the Indo-European steppe. Many will look to Rome and Greece as historical examples of great 'white' civilization, however if they actually lived during this time they would call them 'basically niggers' like they do today. Most insecure white worshipers have in mind the 'Aryan' vision of the NatSocs, but even their own vision of 'Aryan' is incorrect because that phrase really means Indo-European. I'm sure you've seen they call so many indo-european peoples 'niggers'.

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f7277f  No.235409

Adjacency to the Amalekites, of which Germans have the most of.

Hence, Germans are the most white.

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448b7c  No.235421

File: 9141e95a3fcc5a8⋯.png (359.33 KB, 599x509, 599:509, mittelander.png)

a close approximation to the mittelander shown here.

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857c2f  No.235424



Yet you're fully aware that Hitler was actually half Jewish

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857c2f  No.235425

SOLOMON = the unraveling of your imaginary beliefs

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857c2f  No.235426


yet Germans are NOT aryan at all. you're uneducated, but that's common for your inferior race.

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670898  No.235440


White is what Western Europeans are called by the vanquished.

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f7e010  No.235454

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3190d0  No.248181


Whiteness is the target in my cross hairs.

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a25679  No.248446


First, the Cardinal Virtues,

and after the Crucifixion,

the Theological virtues.

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a25679  No.248447


And you, of great lord of nought, who has embraced a stupid eastern philosophy

> technically, it is not a religion, it has no deity … but as practised, it is a /de facto/ religion

that may have been relevant to the backward non-whites that believed such bullshit, are somehow superior to the whites who built all of Christendom.

Hardee har har.

You just found yourself a new-fangled religion. Enjoy it, for however long the hexcitement lasts. Home will be waiting for you when you figure that it is horse shit. But keep it to yourself.

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a25679  No.248451


> There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. The jews are our mortal enemy and they use all the other races against us. We need to update that poster.


The term is self-contradicting, to anyone who knows the religion, or history.

Judaism WAS a great religion. But it is only half a religion. It promised that God Himself would send His Son to redeem His chosen people. 57 specific prophecies; over 100 general prophecies.

The Crucufixion, the New Law, the New Covenant, was the FULFILMENT of that promise. It replaced the old religion, and made it obsolete. The rending of the veil (curtain) in the Temple, the exposure of the Ark; the Holy of Holies, signified its end. The end of the synagogue, the beginning of the Church. The rejection of the religion by the Jews, the gift of the religion to the gentiles.

From that point on, the Jews have been the enemies of Christ, and His Church. The Freemasons are merely the foot soldiers of the Jew, they have no other agenda. "Mortal enemies" is quite correct.

The protestant revolution is entirely Jew inspired. They even use the 8th century revised Jew "bible" rather tha the 4thc BC original Jew Bible. The Jews control the 33,909 protestant denominations, hence their ever-changing doctrines (eg. the new "rapture" doctrine), and their financial support for Israehell.

Further, it is not physically possible to practice Judaism after 70AD, because the Temple was destroyed; the Aaronic priesthood (lineage) was destroyed. Anyone practising Judaism after 33AD, and definitely after 70AD, is severe schizophrenic.

The religion the Jew actually practises is properly called Talmudism. A perfect subversion of their Torah, where they invent superiority, and enslavement of the goyim.

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