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File: 299795d5d7f497d⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 640x511, 640:511, Holy_Bible.jpg)

42e9be  No.222176

I was doing some thinking. The phrase love thy enemy came to mind. Jews are disgusting parasites. However

The degeneracy they push not through force but introducing the option for it on public platform.

If people directed the anger with Jews in power, to the evil within themselves, and stopped themselves from porn, degenerate sex, retarded consumerism wouldn't their power apparatus come to a halt?

Why not love the Jews for showing you the evil from within, and the fact you need to purge some things from your soul? If not for their platforms, would we know it existed within so many people? Would we know how many people have corrupt souls with them projecting the corruption through the Jewish philosophy like transgenderism and race mixing(Started by Magnus Hershfield). The evil is within with or without jews pushing degeneracy. They just provide the outlets to project it into reality.

Its like appreciating a narcissist for showing you, through their shitty ways and manipulation, you truly are a better person. Because they always corrupt nice people to their ways. Once the victim unmask the narcissist, it proves you are good person who was manipulated into doing bad shit.

Jews are a collective of covert narcissist.

You don't have to be a Goyim, or a filthy animal as they see you and try to get you to be. Most people chose to be at their own will.

Love them for showing you, the corruption within you. Then purge yourself of the corruption.

This will destroy their degenerate platforms once everyone recognized the corruption within, and purges it.

Why cant people just say no to bad shit?

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42e9be  No.222177

The most powerful entity in life is you.

You have the power to say NO to their temptations.

You have the power to say YES to their temptations.

You own the ability to make a YES/NO decision.

That is the real power.

Just say no to everything they introduce.

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42e9be  No.222178

They only feed off your own inner evil. If you purge the evil within, they will have no food.

To defeat the jew, you must defeat the evil from within.

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ed447b  No.222179

File: ad9ffb8d66a7cb9⋯.jpg (139.47 KB, 620x559, 620:559, 3b4880525800793d2713ef0bb8….jpg)

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ee6f47  No.222184


>Why cant people just say no to bad shit?

Too many Christians raping kids, it's fucked up our morals.

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8fffcc  No.222186

File: afef698ebeee646⋯.pdf (1.27 MB, OLB.pdf)

File: 9e789823853cb54⋯.jpg (65.21 KB, 530x649, 530:649, plateii.jpg)

Unironically The Oera Linda Book covers all of this.


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ff723c  No.222195


>>Why cant people just say no to bad shit?

>Too many Christians raping kids, it's fucked up our morals.

What the jew teaches is tolerance of Evil. Under no circumstances should we ever be 'tolerant of evil'. Ever. Probably why I encourage Ethnoglobalism. That philosophy is not tolerant of evil. It recognizes that other races are incapable of being anything but evil and it treats them accordingly. It doesn't tolerate evil within European ranks either, but seeks it out and destroys it the second it is found. The is why the jew really feared Hitler. He was at the infancy of his ideology, but he would have understood eventually and maybe he did at the very end, that no other race can ever be what we need and in order to have a world of peace, high technology and prosperity we have to systematically destroy them.

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0cd81c  No.222196


The deformed kikes have no power, yes.

But they are parasites, and must be kileld for existing.

Kill all jews.

Set jewish children on fire every day.

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ff723c  No.222198


>Set jewish children on fire every day.

Literal WTF? LMAO

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b1fb8e  No.222200

File: fb87aef0d7cb3f6⋯.png (107.73 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, Stop.png)


>I was doing some thinking.

You're bad at it.

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c6e6d9  No.222211


>Kill all jews.

>Set jewish children on fire every day.

This. So much this. Based and redpilled.

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ff723c  No.222212


It is the 'setting on fire everyday' that I am objecting to. We don't torture, no matter how really terrible the jew has been to humanity (and God knows they have slaughtered 2 billion plus and have been a blight and plague on the entire world, enslaving it, torturing it and murdering it with impunity as well as carrying out ENDLESS false flags against every race on the planet) we still never stoop to their level. If we are going to purge jews (or any other race) their deaths should never be protracted or frightening. They should be as quick and painless as we can manage. I don't know why you would even suggest that we stoop to the same level as the jews natural state…disturbing.

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8fffcc  No.222215


Quite so. History has shown a single bullet to the back of the head to be both painlessly humane and good for the ecosystem. I would like to argue in favor of sky burials, however, as this would put the Jewish meat to good use.

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c6e6d9  No.222221


>I would like to argue in favor of sky burials

No need. If anything jewish dead bodies should be used as fertilizers for agricultural land as biomass is good for corps.

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d27aeb  No.225294


>Jews are not powerful

>Picture is of (((Hebrew Bible)))

>Did not mention how imperialism is the primary vector of kikes

The American people can strip themselves of all forms of degeneracy, and the kikes will still use their war machine to strip the goyim of their wealth

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d27aeb  No.225295


>The is why the jew really feared Hitler. He was at the infancy of his ideology, but he would have understood eventually and maybe he did at the very end, that no other race can ever be what we need and in order to have a world of peace, high technology and prosperity we have to systematically destroy them.

Winston Churchill believe that far more than Hitler did, yet he was more of a kike puppet than Hitler ever was.

Why is that?

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a9683e  No.225305


Because he turned himself over to the destroyer?

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e1d279  No.225458


>Why cant people just say no to bad shit?

the public, especially the women, are gullible

>This will destroy their degenerate platforms once everyone recognized the corruption within, and purges it.

Women will gobble up literally anything you show as being cool enough in the public sphere for as long as you push it with slight tweaks over time

You are retarded if you don't factor in the human mentality as it has evolved over time into the equation

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