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File: c2647213681f0ca⋯.jpeg (35.29 KB, 739x415, 739:415, 59963B98_B8DA_456F_B8F4_E….jpeg)

48bd06  No.221407

>Watching porn (any video I don't care about race normally)

>Stumble upon blonde woman fucked by mentally retarded sounding niggers

>Think it is some meth head

>Nigger says thyre in the Czech Republic 

>He says “we fucked 30 bitches already but she is the best”

>Woman has a Slavic accent 

>Czech Republic has the highest number of pornstars in Europe 

>Ukraine has most prostitutes

>20% of Polish women marry black men

I'm not normally a racist in porn but this actually disgusted me so much my dick went soft and I closed the video. Why are Slavs such fucking stupid whores, especially the women? It makes me want to puke. When I think that this is all happening because some fucking naive cucks sold our civilisations on an altar to progress, I just want to go back to those civil rights movement leaders of the 70s, wrap my hands around their necks and squeeze until they shed tears of pus and blood. No it's not merely disgust, it’s actually pure bloodlust. Snapping that Czech whores neck 180 degrees, putting holes in the niggers heads with a powerdrill. A part of my tribal brain just lit up and the thought of niggers defiling millions of Slav whores in the middle of Europe makes me want to hurt and kill things. Why can't we just rape and kill all these shitskin invaders? We outnumber them, imagine just swarming them in the streets ripping them limb from limb, sawing them in half with chainsaws, stomping their heads so hard they explode, raping all the racemixing whores and executing half of them later, whilst babyshaking the mulatto hellspawn against the rocks. Ah, now my boner's back again. I want it to come soon, I want to see all of these retarded shitskins their leftist cuckboy enablers their disgusting whore partners and their de evolved mongrel offspring to die in the worst way possible.

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ff0aa5  No.221416

>watching porn


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48bd06  No.221431


Shut the fuck up bitch I’ll kill you.

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ff0aa5  No.221433

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534d38  No.221434


>I'm not normally a racist in porn

Get the fuck back to cuckchan. You must ALWAYS be a racist when it involves relations between men and women. Stop watching porn too, you're jerking away your driving force to improve your life for the better.

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2fadb2  No.221445

File: 5c392122531d4f0⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 4074x3056, 2037:1528, 9UXKMlq.jpg)


>Why can't we just rape and kill all these shitskin invaders? We outnumber them, imagine just swarming them in the streets ripping them limb from limb, sawing them in half with chainsaws, stomping their heads so hard they explode, raping all the racemixing whores and executing half of them later, whilst babyshaking the mulatto hellspawn against the rocks. Ah, now my boner's back again. I want it to come soon, I want to see all of these retarded shitskins their leftist cuckboy enablers their disgusting whore partners and their de evolved mongrel offspring to die in the worst way possible.

Wow anon. You're literally me.

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00e601  No.221464

You kikes are making yourselve\s too obvious here with your anti women threads.

The porn industry is run by jews, coal burning porn sluts are usually jews, and most so called "white" porn stars aren't white, they're jews.

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