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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d2c4cdfa71afd90⋯.jpg (53.53 KB, 320x580, 16:29, kingdavid.jpg)

fa80bd  No.220797

Jews are clearly winning. I'd rather live than die. How do I ensure I be a very good goy and keep the lights on for the Jewish masters every Saturday?

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5ad913  No.220799


fuck off kike

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3970c1  No.220811


Convert to Islam.

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7809f2  No.220814


You don't. There's nothing else, only Eternal Misery. I was right about the entire thing. I was right about the coof. I was right about the Kickflip Ron being Q. I was right about everything being shit and nothing good ever happening.

Samson Looms. The only thing we can do is force the kikes to destroy the world. In the game of chicken, the winner forces the other to destroy the world.

Ashes and Echoes

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fb8788  No.220824


>How do I ensure I be a very good goy and keep the lights on for the Jewish masters every Saturday?

The first step is to become Christian.

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15ff30  No.220829


Came to post this. Now I shall wait for devoted Christians to call me a kike shill.

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68247f  No.220832


The jews are clearly losing.

It is always ok to kill jews and leftards.

There is no future for jews or leftards.


The jews always lose, Hanging Flesh (CP spammer from julay's /cowtards).

You always lose.

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129656  No.220844


You don't. We're just taking a rest for the last 500 years. Compare that to us raping the world for 12k years.

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cffefe  No.220911


>Compare that to us raping the world for 12k years.


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3c09b9  No.220914


Whites can't cope with the fact that they had little to no achievements, history, architecture, or developed culture before 300 AD so they steal history from other races and ethnic groups and say that they were white by pointing out that they died their hair with henna or that Aztecs would color their statues with blue eyes.

It's hilarious to read.

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d1c0b3  No.220917


just move to Israel anon, they'll have you washing mutilated dicks in no time!

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15ff30  No.220981

File: 608510f8883b3c1⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, NEAK3zQi_400x400.jpg)

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0c97d6  No.221195


>just move to Israel anon

I did some research on this and in order for me to become a Jewish citizen I have to either become a Jew, marry a Jew, or enlist in the Israeli army.

Converting looks like too much work, and I'm too old to serve. How do I get a Jewish wife?

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ecade7  No.221227


see: yamnaya niggas

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051d6b  No.221399


I have to agree. They are working tirelessly trying to destroy us, but we grow stronger they grow weaker, and more people hate them and want them all dead. Glad I'm not a jew.

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5a7989  No.221419

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458147  No.221473

Jews are clearly censoring because they're scare of the repercussions for thousands of years of evil that's catching up to them.

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458147  No.221474


Bump, kike. Oy vey!

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7ec034  No.221496

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e54d22  No.221507


Christians are literally kike shills because jesus was a kike. This makes me laugh.

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409fc4  No.221510


>I know fucking nothing about Christianity

Okay, shlomo. Run along.

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86fcf2  No.221553

jews are on the way out, headed to the scraphead of history the world would rather forget

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830289  No.221677

File: 04b453ad11b3cf5⋯.jpg (14.71 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 2c23f3bb3c82ef34f97b262f06….jpg)


>Jews are clearly winning. I'd rather live than die.

live free or die on your knees coward!

The jews are massively overstretching their influence and while currently they have the USA and the EU under their boot.

And sure today they think they can take over the world, they even boast about it on numerous occasions.

What they forget is they live because we let them,they are parasites by nature and their existence relies solely on our (mainly Christian) willingness to let them mess with us.

I'm certain they will create some hard times for us, and many of the weak will likely be wiped out in the coming (civil) wars, the jews fomented between us.

Those still standing after that won't forget and most definitely won't forgive that fact.

They know the amount of resentment they are sowing, that's why they have the ADL and other jewgroups feverishly monitor and shut down any critique.

They are overleveraging any tools and resources in their box to censor and persecute "antisemitism" and by they i mean they order our governments to do so on their behest.

But the more heavyhanded they get in subverting and suppressing and controlling us the more they draw attention to themselves and their sleazy plots against all of us.

Let them get cocky and prematurely celebrate their high note in history.

Until one day normal public globally one day realizes what the jew has been doing and how they played everyone, the backlash will be of biblical proportions.

They'll have no friend to turn too and nowhere to run .

They even predicted their own armageddon. it's a self fulfilling prophecy. And it would be epic karma .

And peak catharsis for the entire world when the jew goes extinct. For one moment it would unite the entire human species as they take on their common foe. After all we're all united in being just "goyim cattle" and that's their words.

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830289  No.221679

File: 578d921168cf697⋯.jpg (516.76 KB, 1000x679, 1000:679, 578d921168cf6970f2bb38c539….jpg)

One day this

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7a0995  No.222204

File: 795fd1f30a3473d⋯.png (379.38 KB, 480x464, 30:29, tfwhebrews.png)

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