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File: 8265da7a620844d⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 660x960, 11:16, FB_IMG_1616662448220.jpg)

6c37d6  No.220757

I came up with a fun game for when I'm forced to watch TV. I call it Nigger Numbers and the rules are simple:

>Wait for a commercial break

>Count the amount of niggers

You could stop here, but I've since implemented a points system.

>1 nigger = 1 point

>Nigger couple = 2 points

>Gay nigger couple = 5 points

>Bestiality couple = 10 points

>Nigger family = 20 points

>Nigger family with stay-at-home dad = 25 points

>Nigger telling a human what to do or being in an authority position over humans = 40 points

>Bestiality goblin family = whopping 50 points

If you're extremely bored, I've created a "race war" game modifier where humans and niggers race for the highest score; do the same but the opposite

>Human woman = .5 points

>Human woman doing chores = 1 point

>Human man = 1 point

>Normal Human couple = 5 points

>Gay human couple = 0 points

>Human family = 30 points (rarer than gay couples and nigger families, so I balanced the score a bit)

>Human family with stay-at-home mom = 50 points

Do you like Nigger Numbers? What would make the game more enjoyable? Share your thoughts/experiences with the game.

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031c60  No.220919

Solid. Copyright it before some jew does and sells an overpriced boardgame.

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7b5a8f  No.221218

File: 550b862264fe326⋯.png (92.07 KB, 512x724, 128:181, ser.png)

Haven't watched TV for a decade anon. I tell everyone to try switching it off too and watch how quickly you don't impulse buy anymore. Boy are they shocked.

TV is a dying media and only for stupid people.

Although I can appreciate want you can up with.

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c05939  No.221219

File: a2bcfc19a9d9e05⋯.jpg (244.53 KB, 1967x2242, 1967:2242, 710Z22rpQcL.jpg)


>Haven't watched TV for a decade

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7b5a8f  No.221223

File: ade73d50b3f0e3a⋯.jpg (168.72 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ShootTheTV.jpg)


You're jewish projection-ism speaks worlds of info.

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c4489b  No.221224

File: 0a90f2590233dc7⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 640x267, 640:267, blue_eyes_mummy_blonde_hai….jpg)

File: 742ee435d52b71d⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 742.jpg)


>memes are just blood memory kicking in


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3d8187  No.221231


>consumerist faggot posting a drawing of a consumerist faggot

kill yourself queerbait

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0d72bb  No.221250


There really isn't much on TV worth watching. Aside from UFC and occasional pro-wrestling what would a man watch?

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3340e0  No.221271


>forced to watch TV

>wait for a commercial break

Do not do what you do not want to, especially something that squanders your time.

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b39365  No.221294


This is probably the most normalfag post I have ever read on here

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637bc8  No.221304

File: e58effbf1a4abbc⋯.png (464.04 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bjggefeehdz.png)


>how to spot a hipster

That literally is the perfect consumerist npc the jews want everyone to be

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b39365  No.221305


Damn. Do these creatures really exist over there in the West?

I think one of the Western Turbo-Jew's most pernicious creations is "anti-bullying". In Poland this guy would get stomped… which is why he wouldn't go around like that in the first place.

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637bc8  No.221308

File: 998e153d39a5cfb⋯.jpg (324.75 KB, 1080x1654, 540:827, Polak_EuroWeek.jpg)

File: 7bd48b0c6e5a49d⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1555117849672.jpg)

File: 9ef0f8955e4fcfd⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 5a2f174dbec61a15395ced7fa2….jpg)

File: 9f67d53063a9413⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2574x4073, 2574:4073, euroweek.jpg)


>muh based poland

Doesn't Poland have multicultural projects called EuroWeek where they have teenage girls interact with middle aged shitskins to help them "enhance the English language and leadership skills"?



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b39365  No.221312


>Doesn't Poland have multicultural project

I think it's hard for people to imagine the difference in scale.

Look here: https://cricket.or.jp/ Japan has a whole association set up to promote the game of cricket. Cricket must be really popular in Japan!

There is degeneracy everywhere, of course you can find pictures of it happening in Poland, but the scale is different. I went through my entire life and didn't meet a single openly homosexual person until I went to Berlin at age 17. Think about that. Think about how that compares to the west. 17 years in a big city in Poland and I didn't meet a single person who was openly gay.

Does that mean there are no faggots in Poland? Definately not - of course there are!

What would happen in an American or British school if a faggot got beat up for being a faggot?

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11ca1c  No.221355


> I went through my entire life and didn't meet a single openly homosexual person until I went to Berlin at age 17.

Kek. Did you marry him?

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b39365  No.221357

>>221355 czeched

>Kek. Did you marry him?

Heh. bretty gud anon… bretty gud.

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d2c369  No.221373


A kike named Art Davie created UFC, and then we have kike commentators Mike Goldberg, Joe Rogan, etc. They destroy everything, even something as simple as fighting…and we can see the "hip hop" criminal influence in it. And who wants to have to look at and listen to jews and see all of the obviously JEW fighters who can afford the best trainers thanks to their jewish privilege. Not to mention the problem with 2 of 3 judges being jews, if not all 3. Match fixing. Kike privilege and bias, it's fuckinf bullshit.

Fucking kikes.

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d2c369  No.221374

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012d56  No.221469


Absolute degeneracy.

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012d56  No.221470


>Do these creatures really exist over there in the West?

Whaaat? They run our White countries everywhere, they control the governments, media, shool system, medical system, everything. They don't all look this obviously jewish, but they still look like ugly jews.

You must be new here.

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