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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 6069e21714f58b1⋯.png (329.76 KB, 646x486, 323:243, image.png)

fc286d  No.220635

The next time you listen to the ever-more-aggressive gun control advocacy in these times you should drastically rethink the consequences of the abolition of the 2nd amendment.

Your elected officials are lying through their teeth when they tell you the push for disarmament is to protect the public from gun violence. I'm not even going to bother with citing official statistics because that is entirely beside the point.

The Bourgeoisie want you defanged and neutered so they have absolutely nothing to fear from the working class when they throw you into the meat grinder by the millions to squeeze out every last drop of debt money.

Pic very related. These are the sickeningly bloated Wall Street billionaires who sat by and drank champagne with each other while an unprecedented sum of the angry voting public took to the streets during the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011. The most powerful federal agencies are predominantly loyal to them, and only loyal to Washington when it suits them.

These are the same people who told you Jefferey Epstein, a convicted sex-trafficker with ties to innumerable high-profile pedophiles around the world, committed suicide in his jail cell despite being on suicide watch 24/7 and being monitored by state of the art surveillance systems that conveniently went offline.

These are the people who faced absolutely no consequences when the Panama papers dropped revealing a staggering network of offshore tax havens and horrifyingly widespread interconnected corruption among goverment officials around the world. Never underestimate their ability to bury scandalous stories with complacent media giants at their heel.

Your stance on this crisis should be completely related to your race, sex, religion, and political affiliations. If you let them take your guns, you have condemned yourself and your decedents to an eternity of technocratic serfdom.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

85987b  No.220639

File: 0d2961606f9862f⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, soystein.gif)


>▶ These are the "people" who want you diarmed so badly. Anonymous  03/24/21 (Wed) 21:22:12 fc286d  No.220635[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>The next time you listen to the ever-more-aggressive gun control advocacy in these times you should drastically rethink the consequences of the abolition of the 2nd amendment.

>Your elected officials are lying through their teeth when they tell you the push for disarmament is to protect the public from gun violence. I'm not even going to bother with citing official statistics because that is entirely beside the point.

>The Bourgeoisie want you defanged and neutered so they have absolutely nothing to fear from the working class when they throw you into the meat grinder by the millions to squeeze out every last drop of debt money.

>Pic very related. These are the sickeningly bloated Wall Street billionaires who sat by and drank champagne with each other while an unprecedented sum of the angry voting public took to the streets during the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011. The most powerful federal agencies are predominantly loyal to them, and only loyal to Washington when it suits them.

>These are the same people who told you Jefferey Epstein, a convicted sex-trafficker with ties to innumerable high-profile pedophiles around the world, committed suicide in his jail cell despite being on suicide watch 24/7 and being monitored by state of the art surveillance systems that conveniently went offline.

>These are the people who faced absolutely no consequences when the Panama papers dropped revealing a staggering network of offshore tax havens and horrifyingly widespread interconnected corruption among goverment officials around the world. Never underestimate their ability to bury scandalous stories with complacent media giants at their heel.

>Your stance on this crisis should be completely related to your race, sex, religion, and political affiliations. If you let them take your guns, you have condemned yourself and your decedents to an eternity of technocratic serfdom.


>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4e5fe0  No.221328


Ok, almost there, but its been proven they used a body double for epstein and he is in israel. Why the fuck would the pedos who protected him for decades suddenly flip? Why was there a coordinated effort by every kike eceleb shill like sam hyde to change the narrative to EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF so nobody would realize EPSTEIN DIDNT DIE?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ed5c0  No.221347


You will never do anything about it. Who fucking cares.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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