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The holocaust never happened

File: b2e78f36bcef2fd⋯.png (66.11 KB, 251x193, 251:193, Clown_Tranny.png)

33e792  No.21961[Last 50 Posts]

High Court in British Columbia rules that a father must not only treat his daughter like a boy, he also has to shut the fuck up and just bake the cake, bigot

A Canadian court has ruled that a 15-year-old girl is actually a boy, that she can take testosterone to permanently alter her body, and that her father is a fucking bigot for wanting to have a say in the matter, according to the Federalist.

According to the story, the girl first fell for the transgender meme in 2016, when she was only 12 years old. A public school counselor who first suggested she might be struggling with her identity. Referring to the Ministry of Education handbook on the matter (https://bc.sogieducation.org/sogi1), the school refused to divulge any information about the girl’s gender identity to her family until the brainwashing was nearly finished.

When the father, who is a human fucking being, took issue with public school employees effectively molesting his daughter’s head, the school fixed his fucking shit by reporting him to the authorities as a bigot. The family was referred for therapy to “Dr.” Wallace Wong, a self-described psychologist and LGBTQ activist. Surprise, surprise, Dr. Wong’s advice was to put the then-13-year-old girl on irreversible hormone therapy.

When the family balked, the state intervened. British Columbia authorities brought a farcical civil rights case that eventually wound up before the High Court. With the court’s decision, there is now no legal mechanism by which the father of the girl can prevent her from doping on life-changing hormone drugs, nor is he allowed to discuss the matter in public, owing to the court’s gag order.

Jewish academics could not be reached for comment, but the silhouette of a large-nosed man has reportedly been rubbing his hands together and grinning furiously since this matter began.



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87d92c  No.21972

File: 33895e83f9f5af5⋯.jpeg (110.95 KB, 451x640, 451:640, rake.jpeg)

Sodom and Gomorrah were equally vile and degenerate, both were destroyed by God's wrath for their wickedness.

Thousands of years later Sodom is immortalized by our word for perverse sexual behavior, but Gomorrah is gone and all but forgotten.

Will Canada become a symbol of failure for centuries to come or will it simply be destroyed and forgotten?

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a2a89b  No.21986

File: aae9c6d52e156b6⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x370, 50:37, aae9c6d52e156b68b35b179361….gif)


>Sodom and Gomorrah were equally vile and degenerate,

Sodom and Gomorrah were bronze age kiddie-tier casual levels. We've far surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah. And YHWH doesn't give a shit, because if you recall that story, they were destroyed not for their depravity, but for disrespecting god's angelic ambassadors with their ficki ficki niggerdom. As I don't see any fucking angelic beings roaming about these days, looks like the rot is allowed to fester. Looks like god doesn't give a shit. Looks like it's up to us.

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110786  No.21993


I'd dis-own her. Even if he could not, only 3 years left and she can be legally booted from the home and on her own.

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33e792  No.21996

File: ed7e26275778ce4⋯.jpg (532.92 KB, 1070x1337, 1070:1337, Trans_Child-Vegan_Cat.jpg)


I think she lives with her mother. Guess which parent supports this shit.

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8f46de  No.21997


Well then, sad, but 3 years left before child support goes bye bye. Then they'd both be on their own.

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77f34e  No.22017

In the future, this era of gender identity insanity will be regarded as a cautionary tale; as examples of moral panic and how the state acted on superstition and pseudo-science to limit the freedoms of the common man. It will be looked upon as how we today look back at many other idiotic and ill-conceived notions which were at the time whole-heartedly supported by different governments.

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33e792  No.22019


You're assuming there will be a future.

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1b5b2f  No.22021




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1b5b2f  No.22025

Canadian Appeals Court Rules Father Can’t Stop Teen Daughter From Taking Male Hormones

>Last Friday, the highest court in British Columbia, Canada, ruled that a father could not prevent doctors from giving his 15-year-old daughter testosterone injections to 'affirm' her transgender male identity.

> Last Friday, the highest court in British Columbia, Canada, ruled that a father could not prevent doctors from giving his 15-year-old daughter testosterone injections to “affirm” her transgender male identity. The court also ruled that the father, Clark*, must “acknowledge and refer to [his daughter Maxine*] as male,” and refrain from talking to the media about her case.

> The decision concludes a nearly year-long appeals process that has garnered significant attention in both Canada and the United States. As previously reported, a school counselor identified Maxine as transgender when she was only 12. The school helped her pick out a male name and began treating her as a boy without informing her father.

> When Clark found out what was going on, he was deeply uneasy but went along with the school’s recommendation that Maxine see psychologist and LGBT author Dr. Wallace Wong (“Dr. IJ” in the decision). To Clark’s surprise, Wong recommended Maxine begin taking cross-sex hormones at 13.

> Suspecting his daughter’s history of mental health issues might be more the cause than the effect of her gender dysphoria, Clark refused to grant immediate permission. He reasoned it would be better for Maxine to wait until she was older before she embarked on any irreversible course of treatment.

> Shortly after Maxine’s 14th birthday, however, Dr. Brenden Hursh of BC Children’s Hospital (“Dr. GH” in the decision) informed Clark that his consent was unnecessary — not because Maxine’s mother had consented, but because Maxine was capable of deciding the question on her own. Clark immediately took the matter to court.

> In late February 2019, Justice Gregory Bowden of the BC Supreme Court affirmed Hursh’s opinion, ordering that 14-year-old Maxine should begin taking cross-sex hormones on her own prerogative. Bowden further stipulated that if either of Maxine’s parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of “family violence.”

> The evening of Bowden’s decision, Clark granted an interview to The Federalist in which he referred to his daughter as a girl, “because she is a girl. Her DNA will not change through all these experiments that they do.”

> Citing this statement — among other verbal “expressions of rejection of [Maxine’s] gender identity” — the BC Supreme Court convicted Clark of “family violence” in April 2019. Judge Francesca Marzari even issued an order authorizing Clark’s arrest “without warrant” by any police officer who might catch him referring to his daughter “as a girl or with female pronouns.”

> Last Friday’s decision walked back these orders to some extent. The BC Court of Appeal opined that Clark’s comments did not constitute family violence and that Clark should be allowed to share his opinion on the case in private. However, the court still demanded that “in general,” Clark must “acknowledge and refer to [Maxine] as male,” and strictly prohibited Clark from speaking to the media about his case.

> As mentioned in the court’s ruling, Maxine began taking testosterone in March 2019. In recent months, her voice has deepened, and she has begun to grow masculine facial hair.

> Although Clark refused requests for a formal interview, this author has talked with long-standing friends and family. Saturday night, Neil Lavery, a longtime close friend of Clark’s, said Clark’s experience with the courts had “shaken [Clark’s] world” and his “faith in the political and legal system.”

> “Anyone who could put themselves in his shoes and see what he’s gone through” would respect him, Lavery said. “Eventually, I think [Maxine is] going to realize that her Dad was sticking up [for her], trying to protect her,” he added.

> In the meantime, Friday’s decision from the BC Court of Appeal likely removes any hopes Clark may have had of avoiding the irreversible effects of cross-sex hormones on his daughter. The next step of appeal, if taken, will be the Supreme Court of Canada. Clark previously indicated he would be willing to appeal his case all the way up to the Canadian Supreme Court, but it is unclear whether he will follow through.

> *Clark and Maxine are not the real names of the father and daughter involved. Their identities have been concealed by court order. Court documents use the initials CM and MM, respectively, and media refers to Maxine as simply “Max.”

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8b3f7d  No.22030


Start killing your law enforcers. The written law is meaningless. Only the will of white people matters.

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26b1fe  No.22031


same for Greta's doomsday weather cult

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2fdc6b  No.22038


>oy vey goyim use my pronouns

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778030  No.22046


I think OP is funny. ANYONE can go look up the jews version (vomit). You hear that OP? I think it is witty and I get a chuckle from reading your OP’s. >>21961

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778030  No.22047


The Will of the People is the Will of God.

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778030  No.22048


Nah…no one is going to remember that outcast.

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a2a89b  No.22049

File: ce0b96208e8aeca⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 300x250, 6:5, hitler-and-goebbels.jpg)


>Noooooooooooo you can't write satire on imageboards stooooooooop

Don't be such a joyless prick. He gave an article and an archive link for people who want the normalfag take on the story.

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95f5d4  No.22060


Possibly. However, we are actually fucking up this planet with our emissions and out of control garbage problems.

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1d61a5  No.22065


Don't worry, the environmental problem will be solved once all the niggers are exterminated.

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77d174  No.22067



No it's pretty much completely the fault of China, India, and Africa.

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8c10e6  No.22071

File: 3372bca61355cb8⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 480x270, 16:9, dancingclown.gif)

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4f4ca8  No.22075


If we is every country but China India and Nigeria then no, we contribute less than 10% to global pollution

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592215  No.22077


This. China dumps tons and tons of waste into international waters. Banning plastic straws and bags may do some limited good, but it's a literal drop in the ocean compared to the third world polluters. Also until we fix the demographic problem, all we're doing is working to ensure niggers and gooks have cleaner air to breathe once we are gone.

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16028b  No.22078

File: e8f8ad2c88c821c⋯.png (114.51 KB, 300x365, 60:73, 1459094038891.png)


>15-year-old daughter testosterone injections

>they allowed a 15-year girl to take Delatestryl

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33e792  No.22094

File: 7e330e481ec5105⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, White_Homo_Church.jpg)


Glad to hear it. It would be boring if we didn't have at least one faggot rattling around and complaining.

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e780e7  No.22098

FTMs are reverting back in droves. The media is ignoring it. This girl will change her mind and try to detransition or kill herself in the future. If there was ever a good reason for an honor killing….this is one of those situations.

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e780e7  No.22102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5ed195  No.22103


>FTMs are reverting back in droves. The media is ignoring it.


>If there was ever a good reason for an honor killing….this is one of those situations.

Let her kill herself, killing her in mercy would only make things hard on you in the future. Why ruin your own life over a subverted leftist degenerate nobody?

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f6460b  No.22168


Sodom and Gomorrah were conservative compared to the modern West.

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92dc3e  No.22179


>because if you recall that story, they were destroyed not for their depravity, but for disrespecting god's angelic ambassadors with their ficki ficki niggerdom.

God sent those messengers to get Lot and his family out of there because he had already decided to nuke the place. Why are you regurgitating a pro-faggot talking point instead of reading the source material for yourself?


>Guess which parent supports this shit.

That woman is a Jew.

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3c2f67  No.22233


Anglin is that you? Anyways, great write-up anon.

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33e792  No.22324

File: a3bcf9a378c7042⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 1268x713, 1268:713, Checkin_Dubs.jpg)


>Anglin is that you?

Perish the thought.

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dc3f60  No.22348

File: 2a73636938bbb80⋯.png (98.16 KB, 356x626, 178:313, Screenshot 2020-01-16 at 1….png)


Yeah, this is definitely on the rise. These are just mentally damaged children acting out for attention, if the state hadn't interfered with a man's right to run his household this could easily be curbed. Pic related is a woman complaining about her mistake(though she's still obviously a crazy satanic lesbian).

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16028b  No.22367

File: e4b03a511d54072⋯.png (534.42 KB, 1145x815, 229:163, breast reduction.png)


breast reduction should be illegal, I know the 0.7% which are FTM will never have children but the average insecure women who just want their D cup to become into a B don't realize you lose the ability to breastfeed and now your child will be on the (((formula))).

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9fad24  No.22394




<t. /pol/ cowards


Kill yourself christcuck boomer.

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0fc921  No.22436

File: a00fb93cc65ce9c⋯.png (238.89 KB, 480x266, 240:133, ClipboardImage.png)


>/pol/ cowards


Foreign entity detected.

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00d79d  No.22519

File: 56a7f49e772450a⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 460x817, 460:817, trannies james woods' pred….jpg)


While I hate to hear stories like this, I console myself that, some day, the parents and "doctors" will be murdered by the very monsters they created.

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00d79d  No.22520

File: 6d566a2d37731a2⋯.mp4 (684.04 KB, 424x304, 53:38, get the fuck outta here.mp4)

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fb0d68  No.22648

File: fca36a733319d98⋯.png (376.77 KB, 491x334, 491:334, projecting.png)



>God sent those messengers


You misspelled "YHVE". Sodom and Gomorrah like Philistines were most likely para-Mycenean Aryans that got postmortem slandered by projecting genocidal semites.

Stop reciting kike mythology as it's some sort of positive moral paradigm.

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dc3f60  No.22689


>the parents

In this case the parents both seem to have fought it. I know that many times there's a crazy mom pushing it but OP has the mom also against it. This is why you should home school your children anons, the state will try to turn them into trannies.

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29f617  No.22704


Unironically satanic.

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18fb91  No.22784


How the fuck does the kid get so brainwashed when both parents are there for the girl?

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470c1e  No.22798


>imagine being such an edgy atheist that you will identify with literal child murders and sexual deviants because God makes you angry

>just ignore archeological data because Jesus bad!

The absolute state of LARPagans and GAYtheists

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3f55ab  No.22803



Mum is a kike. /thread

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33e792  No.22863

File: 56a91d8f9495c96⋯.png (122.09 KB, 959x713, 959:713, Fucking_Leaf.png)


>How the fuck does the kid get so brainwashed when both parents are there for the girl?

Canada's obscene (((human rights))) laws make it illegal for school staff to disclose the child's gender identity to the parents. In other words, the counselor is operating within a legal structure that keeps potentially years of brainwashing secret. At least until the big reveal, when it becomes "family violence" to disagree with your 12-year-old tranny kid or use their birth name.

When this predictably becomes an issue, the hyper-intelligent sheboon judge sentences you all to (((family counseling))), where an LGBTQIAP+ activist shrink tries to convince you that you're crazy for not popping the champagne cork when your daughter decides that standing up to pee is where it's at. If you use the wrong pronoun, you go in the book as a domestic abuser.

Canada's wonderful universal health system then provides free and low-cost prescriptions that will radically alter your white daughter's body, causing her bones and muscles to grow dense and dropping her voice, while her womb shrivels like a raisin and her clit grows two inches. If you refuse medical treatment, you are treated like a child abuser who is preventing (((essential medical treatments))) for an innocent child.

All of this takes place against a backdrop in which lazy welfare immigrants are sucking up the tax money Alberta pays, while industrious chink billionaires collectivize Vancouver real estate with their RMB, until a suburban bungalow costs $2 million. The state-owned (((CBC TV))) propagandizes everybody you know into thinking you're a bigot for having a problem with any of this, and you can go to prison for 6 years if you argue with a feminist on Twitter.

Nuke Canada and try again.

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613773  No.23522


So it's not even a mother vs. father thing like that James Younger case, it's straight up state-enforced trannyism.

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af2b79  No.23525


>Sodom and Gomorrah were equally vile and degenerate, both were destroyed by God's wrath

Stopped reading there.

Degenerate porn included.

Pattern on this board noticed.

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33e792  No.23528

File: 1ff828714d25803⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 47.12 KB, 500x642, 250:321, Quite_Nice_2.jpg)


Treating images of white women as inherently degenerate is done by three groups:



Jewish Fags

Lighten up, homostein.

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d2bb1f  No.23741

Boomers burn the financial wealth of the nation on depravity and preach anti-God rhetoric.

Their children grow up lost and confused, and run in circles failing over and over.

Their grandchildren are born into poverty and ignorance and are essentially left to the wolves – many are eaten.

Society, built on a social ponzi scheme requiring the young to pay for the retirement of the old, begins to shake and eventually shatters.

Social services collapse, pensions collapse, millions starve, plague spreads, people die – absolute chaos ensues.

Families that stayed with God and did what was righteous despite all of this remain strong and survive. Families that break apart and turn to ashes.

The severity of the punishment causes those that survive to take God's commandments VERY FUCKING SERIOUSLY, and a massive amount of intolerance to any remaining who defy it ensues.

Those that succumb to wrath step up to the front lines of an impossible war and kill each other.

The meek and the faithful inherit the Earth.

They rebuild in the massive amount of space/abundance resources. Good times come around again…

And then one day a long nosed you-know-who convinces a future generation that they can go against God's commandments and just 'enjoy themselves' because of whatever faggot reason.

Cycle repeats.



The cycle takes hundreds of years. It keeps happening because MAN is naturally arrogant. Mankind survives because they aren't like the devil and eventually repent and return to God.

Matthew 3:12

"Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

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33e792  No.23800

File: 0367e6e03f03b0b⋯.jpg (138.53 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Christcuckery.jpg)


Pictured: The meek and faithful, 2215 AD, colourised

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1a6732  No.23803

File: deb8d5ad52d7e38⋯.png (72.95 KB, 201x226, 201:226, Sammy.png)


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daee22  No.26765

File: aac2e5ce88e9c10⋯.jpeg (170.81 KB, 692x960, 173:240, aac2e5ce88e9c102992d07083….jpeg)





That's it.

I'm getting tired of the christian shilling. One cringey jew worshiper trying to fit in is enough. (1)s of sliding christian posts just bogs the whole board down.

What the actual fuck is going on. The site comes back, there's a brief interlude, and then not only does the shilling resume but with it, way more christian shill posts in proportion to what there used to be and to the number of posters here.

And yes, it is christian shilling. At this point, that is what it is. They come in, dump their latest headcanon on a thread, decry their opposition as pagans or atheists, and the topic is slid. There's no debate, they pretend nothing happened by the next thread. It's shilling.

There's no way I'm not the only one seeing this.

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0f4881  No.26831


Die kike

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68ab15  No.40324

File: 57b55ff7f4f8e0b⋯.png (974.42 KB, 1696x1026, 848:513, canuck-hunger.png)


At least this means Canada will stop raping dogs, tho, right?

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4b661d  No.40390


Kill yourself for necroing this thread.

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fde227  No.40780


>Canada YES!

Only kikes push this meme. Stop it.

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fde227  No.40781


>waaaaah muh necro

>waaaah a thread that wasn't off the last page was bumped


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2c911b  No.40799

Why do you disgusting niggers support the military dictatorship of Thailand? The USA needs a boarder wall to protect the us Americans form Candida.

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fde227  No.40802


Border walls are useless without the military to protect them and patrol the border. Zionist democrat globalist Trump could've put the military along the border on day 1 of his presidency, read Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution.

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332362  No.41292

File: 330e4aeaede5ba9⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 217x217, 1:1, haha.gif)


>>imagine being such an edgy atheist that you will identify with literal child murders and sexual deviants because God makes you angry

>you are an edgy fedora because because you don't believe that sister nations to Greeks and Egyptians were degenerates just because kike mongrel mythology says so

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332362  No.41295


I admit being completely oblivious on the subject, can someone brief me on it?

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e7535b  No.41371

I remember being pretty gender-dissident when I was 12. Thirty years later, I never “grew out of” it. The basic gender roles are pretty bogus and I wish humanity had a different scheme - like being genderless, frequently gender-shifting, or just uniformly hermaphroditic. Biotech should help get us there. I read that tilapia skin apparently grafts pretty well.

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33f905  No.41410


>basic gender roles are pretty bogus

imagine being 42 and writing this.

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25fbe3  No.41660


I can practically smell the cats and cat puke.

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1aa96a  No.42683


I see god and his angels as more of a force of nature than a literal physical being.

Like for instance, when humans become complacent to degeneracy, let homosexuality loose you get AIDs, HIVs and other plagues to kill them off and the other disastrous baggage that decadence comes with. It doesn't seem instant or apparent, you'll need patience but we're seeing it now with Californian cities, quite literally, being covered with literal shit.

And this goes with any Communism as well. Treat 99% of your workers/citizens like shit, and now China is paying the price of hubris from the short-lived economic success, tried to make a bioweapon in their shitty shacks and now its killing all of their workers who used to clean Xinnie's toliets. Now Xinnie and the other elites have no one around them.

I can go on with the examples but I have hope that our historical disaster loop will someday cease, we have video footage that can serve as evidence against ((their))) plans. Maybe I'm just over optimistic in some parts but if I hated humanity/myself, I would of sudoku'd a long time ago.

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233790  No.42725

This is why if you marry and decide to get a child you fucking make sure who you are mating with. Ask questions and make they don't prescribe to this bullshit and keep the internet away from children. No smartphones.

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d35598  No.42970


Plus d'anglos de l'ouest qui se génocide eux mêmes, bonne affaire…

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5883fe  No.42979

File: 7f91422d596d1f6⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 261x248, 261:248, 7f91422d596d1f6d15b6c7af71….jpg)


>muhhhh (1)s!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

>t. (1).


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4d5569  No.42982

If this was your daughter you would be honor bound to assassinate every judge, councilor, psychologist, teacher and health care worker responsible.

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0d75ae  No.42993


exactly but the entirety of canada is like that even the father was a leftie before they molested his daughter so you're basically achieving nothing we have to admit it the jews have won for now if we don't get another hitler it's over

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b1fb66  No.43000


Hitler gave you the Jews in the first place. They were a nuisance at worst. Now they're more powerful than ever, and have unquestionable sympathy points - because of your boy Hitler.

Lay the blame where it actually belongs.

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0d75ae  No.43036

File: 9a28d0b35bebb62⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 1.jpg)

File: 0712d392c4d4441⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 55555555555555555555.jpg)


shift the blame to Hitler that's right, only man to start doing something to Jewish influence and degeneracy, people like you are the reason this is happening white traitors who killed their brothers in Germany, Jews ruled and controlled every single institution in the Wiemar Republic and were just developing their monopolies in Murcia and here you are with zero clue nothing zero nada, just spewing some Jewish talking points, if you're not a fed/mossad seriously reconsider your life's worth is it worth living if you're just an another NPC.

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e0a6db  No.43039

File: 6e69101dfd5dc89⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 960x770, 96:77, québec.jpg)



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b1fb66  No.43089


We've been handling the Jews for 2000 years before this. That's another thing you retards don't get.

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023513  No.43496


Yeah, setting the fucking table for them. Christcucks get the gas.

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b1fb66  No.43500


It wasn't on our watch that Jews ascended to global power or couldn't be questioned without people crying "antisemitism!"

Nazis are the equivalent of the incompetent son who took over a long lived family business that operated without a hitch for centuries. The world was a well oiled machine. Then the son took shortsighted risks and ran the business into the ground practically overnight.

But go on and keep smelling your own farts, and blaming everyone else for the problem you created.

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645171  No.43792

File: 27b69a094644d78⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 600x767, 600:767, Cavecat.jpg)



Restez sur vos gardes. Renseignez-vous sur tout le poz qu'ils ont mis dans le reboot the Passe-Partout pour avour une bonne idée de ce qui pourrait s'envenir.

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2bf630  No.43808

File: 425ee2b83dd01e6⋯.jpg (140.74 KB, 800x1086, 400:543, 5b12b5a1fecc26985b5276e019….jpg)


National socialism was a last ditch fight against greater judea, which at the time had already started promoting tranny shit in Germany. At the time Christian civilisation and the Traditional order was falling to kike merchants, hence the French and Russian revolutions. National socialist Germany was the son trying to save what he could from the burning family house. It was a valiant effort but it failed.

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e7535b  No.43817

Want to know why leftists are more honest than rightists?

When rightists get bored and act out to relieve boredom, they grope a woman and then “never knew her”.

When leftists get bored and act out to relieve boredom, they spend months studying their target and preparing a comprehensive campaign of liferuin so that they won’t go down like some dimwitted right-winger.

Most leftists can’t be arsed, and they’re all such perfect sacred people that they don’t keep contacts that get bored and “never knew her” with women. So they’re honest by default, it’s just not worth being arsed to be evil to the standards of their community.

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e7535b  No.43823


Lol, niggers kill people who seem disrespectful to them, anti-trans shit always was just nigger noveau for wights. Some people for some reason feel like trans people disrespect everyone else by existing. It’s as dumb as when some straight people seem to feel like gays disrespect heterosexuality just by existing. It’s like… the weakness in respect is either in your head (for people who have these opinions despite never having met the people they feel disrespected by), or it’s for reasons other than the irrelevant identity-bob (since a lot of homophobes/transphobes are really rude themselves).

If you want to call a trans person rude call ‘em rude, don’t make it about their crotch. Their crotch is only available to people who like their crotch, anyway. That’s how crotches are supposed to be.

It’s this blind rapish insistence that the crotches of strangers are their business which makes transsexuality inevitable. The crotches of trans people are under the control of Mx. Business, who is Nunya to their friends.

It’s like… Do you want to bring back Rome or something? Are we gonna hand out crotch control privileges to war heroes so everyone’s crotches get inspected by drooling strongmen? Rome proved that’s a shortbus route to a major pedophilia problem.

Trans people govern only their own crotches. That’s how it should be for everyone.

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b798e0  No.43856


>do you want bring back rome?

>Do you want to bring back the strongest and most stable empire of the ancient world?

Yes please

as for your ludicrous goalpost moving about how "Trannies only want to to keep to themselves, maaaaaaan." Then riddle me this, why do they publicly demand acknowledgement and approval for their lifestyles? Why do they insist on sharing their "lifestyle" with children.

But reading your post history, you're only trolling for (you)'s so take this and kindly fuck off.

Sage because this is a half/pol/ tier thread with half/pol/ tier replies.


Christ, shit didnt even get this bad under the roach

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2a58f3  No.43866


I wouldn't mind trannies and fags if they kept to themselves and mind their own bees wax. The problem is they like to flaunt it, brag about it and then have the nerve to scold people when they simply respond "go away."

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2a58f3  No.43867


Where the hell did you come up with this? This is laughable, Weinstein.

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c5b4ee  No.43889

File: f6e2fbbd5e0008e⋯.jpg (100.93 KB, 720x542, 360:271, fireworks in honor of prid….jpg)


Because fuck you nigger. We want to laugh as the world burns

You can't take that away from us

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a26147  No.44168


You are a hemmorhaging aneurism on society. The fact that you say things by not using historical accuracies, and sources makes you look like you lack the intellectual ability to think on your own.>>21961

Give me his name. I'll write him a personal reccomendation to move to USA, after all, if he disagrees with their liberal socialist policies he should have the right to move with people who are aligned with his beliefs.

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38c6ba  No.44921

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38c6ba  No.44922


> they would be considered guilty of “family violence.”

Wow Peterson was right. This is compelled speech.

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f8d248  No.45716

> With the court’s decision, there is now no legal mechanism by which the father of the girl can prevent her from doping on life-changing hormone drugs

Meanwhile, when I was underachieving in high school athletically and romantically compared to other males, guidance counselors did not help me with my identity struggles by giving me extra testosterone (or even extra protein) to help me find happiness and affirm the gender I identity with (with so happens to be the one associated with my biological sex)

I guess only girls deserve to be helped to become men

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f8d248  No.45720


>This is why you should home school your children anons, the state will try to turn them into trannies.

Amongst other reasons, like delaying your daughter losing her virginity, or at least making sure she loses it to you first.

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b22ad1  No.47051


>I remember being pretty gender-dissident when I was 12


You mean you were a fag and still are one. Quit making shit up and go lick some ass you homo.

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b22ad1  No.47053


>Trannyniggers govern only their own crotches. That’s how it should be for everyone.

Very poorly, they mutilate them into non-function, that's not how it should be for everyone, they're headfucked and so are you for advocating that anyone take a blade to healthy genitalia, that alone is a CLEAR signal someone is deranged.

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b22ad1  No.47062

With regards the OP if I were the father I'd simply NEVER stop referring to her as a girl and doing everything I could to end this nonsense regardless of the retarded repercussions, I'd also break out of their lame ass prison just to do it some more, more publicly.


>boys paranoid about how big their dick is/isn't

>flat girls wanting head turning tits

Catering to those misguided desires would see us all on pills and/or sliced and diced before we knew what the fuck was going on, it's bad enough they prey on the minds of the unstable with this shit, don't be too put out that you didn't get your big pharma Jr Cock pills.

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33e792  No.48968

File: 07bc5756cf5d81c⋯.jpg (68.6 KB, 435x690, 29:46, Worlds_Biggest_Cuck.jpg)


>boys paranoid about how big their dick is/isn't

I never understood this. I honestly think it's just something neurotic kikes wedged into popular culture decades ago, and then they reinforced it with a bunch of prosthetic niggers in porn.

If you are using your dick the way it's supposed to be used, then the only human beings in the world who will know about it are:

A) Your doctor, who doesn't count

B) Your wife, who shouldn't have standards of comparison

C) The enemy's women, who aren't in a position to say no

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bc8471  No.76819

File: 7dffd08a3603dba⋯.jpg (44.97 KB, 400x450, 8:9, globotranny.jpg)

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343408  No.81687


Very sad story but your additions were funny

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343408  No.81691


Sodom and Gomorrah don't have shit on us.

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055b26  No.81719

File: e829961afdf3ef2⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 632x599, 632:599, DEUS_VULT_HERSHEY_S_KISSES.jpg)


>dah bibul is tru cauz Yahweh sayz so!!!

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793ae6  No.81807


this post is inspiring. thank you anon

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bdfbb1  No.82042


>C) The enemy's women, who aren't in a position to say no

Military tribunal for you.

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00d79d  No.82106

File: 9dd8aea1c4dc538⋯.png (44.52 KB, 378x279, 42:31, feels_dragon.png)


Normally I'd laugh and say something like "That's what you get, dude!" but I'm honestly sad for her. She was probably manipulated into it by some disgusting fuck and it sickens me that they're congratulated for doing this shit to human beings while those of us who can still think logically are demonized for calling it mental illness.

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27e8eb  No.103531


Congratulations on bumping a month old thread with absolutely no content. Congratulations on not understanding a word that was said by any of those posters. Congratulations on having no argument whatsoever and for shilling for jewish AGW hoaxes.

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eb7db5  No.104122


islam is right about wymynz

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