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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e7cb91b1f3976d6⋯.png (3.78 MB, 2000x833, 2000:833, 1602505579429.png)

954c18  No.218959

How can people this ugly even exist?

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954c18  No.218960

File: 8d5fe60b6d56c16⋯.png (673.12 KB, 694x891, 694:891, Mr_Mitosis.png)

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05cbd3  No.218961

File: c00588aba4d44ba⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1599533429791.jpg)

File: 51e4419f7e366ad⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1599533412824.jpg)

File: 29ff9d2880b654b⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 1599533486733.jpg)

File: 94bc3840ca9b01e⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 356x398, 178:199, antifa_tranny.jpg)

File: 765113201b2e7dd⋯.jpg (406.77 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, 1602656105107.jpg)

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61c5c7  No.218962


lol white people

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e29b3d  No.218984


It's a communist organisation. Communist organisations always seem to be about 90% Jewish.

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61c5c7  No.218987




lol you are retarded. you must be white. all white people are retards and pedophiles.

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f5c9d0  No.218990


Antifa is a kind of fraternity for ugly people. If you're sufficiently ugly and have a misshapen head then they let you hang out with them whenever they throw a temper tantrum in Portland.

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c23ef9  No.219001


Dammn… did your sister or mother get fucked by a white chad or something? Is that where your racism is coming from?

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61c5c7  No.219004


It's not racism if it's true.

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421096  No.219013


So it did happen. Sorry that happened bro, it must suck to be a subhuman who has to think about how his sister gets railed by white cock all the time.

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61c5c7  No.219016


So, you acknowledge the truth that all white people are retards and pedophiles? Good to know.

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421096  No.219022


>So, you acknowledge the truth that all white people are retards and pedophiles? Good to know.

Nah. That part's not true. We all do know however that your sister got fucked hard by many white chads while you listened, which is why you hate white people now.

It's okay though, it's not too late to turn back from your racist ways and victim mentality.

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1497ea  No.219026

File: 9f550ba115d094b⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 823x1024, 823:1024, 1602109847558.jpg)

Crikey. Imagine seeing this in the bathroom mirror every morning.

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ffa4f9  No.219033

Is there a coalfax for ANTIFA?

It would be easy to catalog these kind of images and generate a searchable catalog eg. "find ANTIFA members in my state".

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cff1be  No.219034


>your sister got fucked hard by many white chads

Yeah, when she was 9 years old, you fucking pedos.

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462cbd  No.219073


She craves the Big White Cock. She wants her pussy to be colonized by the White man. She wants to be bleached.

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72f8d0  No.219075


>admits the truth of white rape gangs

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881916  No.219106


Imagine any of these approach you in the dark of night when you're heading home, absolutely nightmarish

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7d0e41  No.219152


I'm sad that any White man would stoop that low.

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7d0e41  No.219153

File: dc17c18d716fd69⋯.png (1.6 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, antifa_red_caucus_communis….png)

File: 2d1ad2472ed34dc⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 510x680, 3:4, rose_city_antifa_stanya_tr….jpg)

File: 74ca8334202262b⋯.jpg (681.57 KB, 1847x1199, 1847:1199, portland_antifa_comp.jpg)

File: 3702cd1d4116d14⋯.jpg (7.32 KB, 327x391, 327:391, May_2020_antifa_still_vide….jpg)

File: 251bbb0c0232331⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 589x926, 589:926, secret_sun_speaks_summon_t….jpg)


Law enforcement would probably shut it down. If you know what to do you can get most of their information on Telegram. You can even track them city to city to see where they are paid to show up and burn shit next. Also it is helpful if you know their faces just in case you see them in your neighborhood. We have tracked them from St Louis to Portland to Minneapolis.

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4ab6cb  No.219575


You can't rape the willing.

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df3585  No.219579

File: 82c8269cd6369e9⋯.png (773.37 KB, 694x891, 694:891, BLACK_HOLE_ZOG_BOT.png)

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e27d4d  No.219621

File: 2f3f61a846a7db0⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 772x514, 386:257, EwmVfU3WEAIcrnV.jpg)

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f9afd0  No.219933


He's starting to look like the crypt keeper

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f9afd0  No.219934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0fdbdb  No.220437

File: a8ace4dc99684db⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 361x341, 361:341, maga.jpg)


How do they exist? How did they win?

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6131a4  No.220438


Because natsoc fascists are weak soyboys who cry every time someone says mean words.

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f70f62  No.220443


Whew. Someone opened a window and a snowflake blew into the room.

How's that safe space going buddy? Have you finished banning everyone who triggers you from the internets yet?

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6131a4  No.220445


>says the person who wants to ban literally everyone who says mean things or has skin a shade darker than snow

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ec0d63  No.220451

File: 46e8cd39cc086d1⋯.jpg (136.58 KB, 540x960, 9:16, hit_and_run_victim_rip_up_….jpg)


>says the guy who won't stop banning people from social media websites until the entire internet is a gigantic safe space for the snowflakes

Get triggered

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944733  No.220452


Sorry, you are making a mistake, I believe you meant all jews.

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6131a4  No.220453


>he's so trigger that he runs crying to his gore folder when his safespace is invaded

God damn, you are such a fucking snowflake. Cry more for me.

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ff7fc5  No.220503


t. The snowflake who has spent the last five years getting people banned from youtube and twitter because he's constantly triggered by everything

You're probably ugly as well lmao

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e27d4d  No.220506


>bawwwwwwwww youtube bannnnnnnnnnneeedddd meeeeeeeeeeeee


literally you, crybaby

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bb3a7c  No.220507


Yeah, I thought that calling you ugly would strike a nerve. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

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e27d4d  No.220521

File: bf55bd68013674e⋯.jpg (326.92 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, wah_wah_baby.jpg)


>literally you

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207bf6  No.220531

File: 171026769f66f88⋯.jpg (286.28 KB, 1120x1400, 4:5, EmltehdU0AAucaX.jpg)

File: 3e57a634b4e25f6⋯.jpg (383.72 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Emltr1lU4AAhhiK.jpg)

File: d5d52134c341417⋯.jpg (352.71 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, EmluBu8UYAEWU5Y.jpg)


>literally you

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a810b9  No.220562


>three different people are one person

You're terrible at this, shlomo.

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88cabf  No.220653

OP: Durr how are jews so ugly

Me: Because they are jews.

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e0a064  No.220688

Holy fucking shit. I wasn't ready to see the close up. That's nasty and only helps our case for exterminating the evil scum.

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d496e8  No.221262


Correct, and the other 10% are brown mongrels who hate Whitey cause he has a race to identify with lol

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3d24f5  No.221289

These people need to be used for heating homes.

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