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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: f51ef57a7e22823⋯.jpeg (372.07 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, 88ED4E68-5450-4A17-9EE2-6….jpeg)

08ba55  No.21116

>The group reportedly targeted journalists, a church, and a Facebook executive

>A man loosely linked to violent neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen has been charged with participating in a swatting ring that hit hundreds of targets, potentially including journalists and a Facebook executive. John William Kirby Kelley supposedly picked targets for swatting calls in an IRC channel, then helped record the hoax calls for an audience of white supremacists. He was allegedly caught after making a bomb threat to get out of classes.

>The Justice Department unsealed the case against Kelley late last week, and he was arrested and appeared in court on January 10th. He’s charged with conspiracy to transmit a threat, which carries up to five years in prison. The Washington Post writes that his attorney didn’t comment on the allegations.


>According to an affidavit, the FBI started investigating Kelley in late 2018, after Old Dominion University in Virginia received an anonymous bomb and shooting threat. They linked the call to numerous other swatting incidents and a chat channel called Deadnet IRC where participants openly discussed coordinating them. The affidavit also links Kelley to Doxbin, a site that hosts the sensitive personal information of journalists, federal judges, company executives, and other potential swatting victims.

>As Krebs previously reported, the group behind Doxbin and Deadnet IRC have claimed responsibility for swatting a Facebook executive last year. Krebs, who has been swatted multiple times, says he was targeted after appearing on Doxbin, as was Pulitzer-winning columnist Leonard G. Pitts Jr., who was labeled on Doxbin as “anti-white race.”

>Krebs apparently also reviewed some Deadnet logs, revealing other details not directly connected with Kelley’s case. He writes that one member admitted to making a bomb threat around a university speech by former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, hoping to “frame feminists at the school for acts of terrorism.” Another member supposedly maintains a site for followers of the neo-Nazi James Mason who has advised Atomwaffen and posed with members of the group. Three Atomwaffen members are currently on trial for five murders.


>Swatting hoaxes — where a perpetrator makes a fake threat to draw an extreme police response — can be highly difficult to trace. It’s easy to make anonymous phone calls online, and the results of a SWAT raid can be deadly; police have repeatedly killed innocent residents during them, including one swatting victim. Many swatters are never found, although the serial offender behind that death was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

>In this case, Kelley seems to have been remarkably careless. He called the police later from his own university-registered phone number, allowing officers to match his voice with the anonymous caller. When confronted, he apparently admitted to being interested in swatting. Soon after, he logged on to Deadnet IRC and discussed new targets, while other members explicitly confirmed the bomb threat to his school. He also apparently kept Deadnet IRC logs and swatting videos on thumb drives, which police seized in a search of his dorm room.

>Meanwhile, an FBI search of Kelley’s phone reportedly revealed violent neo-Nazi sympathies. It contained pictures of Kelley and others “dressed in tactical gear holding assault-style rifles” alongside “recruiting materials” for Atomwaffen. Another member of Deadnet IRC apparently agreed to inform on the group after being arrested separately, and he told the FBI that he and fellow swatters were white supremacists “sympathetic to the neo-Nazi movement.” Deadnet itself was filled with racist invective, and among other swatting victims, it targeted the historically black Alfred Street Baptist Church in Virginia.


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4359f5  No.21128

Fed free second post

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df3e82  No.21135


so much for the first one, huh?

"Hey kid, wanna blow up a federal building?"

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7590df  No.21136

File: 130a1f13fe5096c⋯.mp4 (402.08 KB, 320x240, 4:3, doxbin.mp4)

Now we know what happened to Doxbin.


But it shall return.

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ce3440  No.21146

>In this case, Kelley seems to have been remarkably careless. He called the police later from his own university-registered phone number, allowing officers to match his voice with the anonymous caller. When confronted, he apparently admitted to being interested in swatting. Soon after, he logged on to Deadnet IRC and discussed new targets, while other members explicitly confirmed the bomb threat to his school. He also apparently kept Deadnet IRC logs and swatting videos on thumb drives, which police seized in a search of his dorm room.

He deserved to get caught.

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2a59b1  No.21164


Isn't that one of nano's sites or somehow associated with him?

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9df857  No.21174

File: d292b72f71e40c6⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 360x360, 1:1, do_not_talk_to_cops_2.mp4)


It cannot be said enough:





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000000  No.21177


how can you spot a glow-in-the-dark from a genuine member though?

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000000  No.21183

LMAO what a dumb fuck

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9a4d48  No.21322

is he going to get 9 million years in prison for being a white supreme?

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2fa7de  No.21325


When you join a ✡neo-nazi✡ group, that’s how you know it’s feds, you stupid fucking torpedo.

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000000  No.21334


>to match his voice with the anonymous caller.

Fucker, always use text-to-speech.

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b3589c  No.21885


1 year for every Jew that died in the Holocaust, so 138 million years.

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49e7fb  No.50036

The reason why rudeness and honesty are linked isn’t because rude people are more honest. They aren’t. Rude people tend to slam the door on honest collaboration and the free flow of information which is needed to be honest.

And indeed, that’s exactly the thing. The reciprocal of “God” is abuse. People broken and enslaved to corruption shatter into tantrums of abuse and harassment when they aren’t being babied by a society tolerant of corruption. They begin to scramble for any way to project their hatreds onto whatever social force caught them. If possible, they abuse previously polite people into being rude, all so that they never have to age beyond being mentally three years old. Y’see, people who are being purchased into politeness are very profoundly rude indeed.

It actually takes a solid reservoir of etiquette to maintain honesty. By treating honest people like abused children, corruption’s slaves don’t have to face the threatening world of integrity.

The people here are profoundly *dis*honest. That can be seen in this thread - it’s all about how to do something dishonest in a dishonest fashion. Racism more broadly suffers from this; it is not the scorching hidden truth of society so much as it is the vestigial leftovers of ancient psychological adaptations. It’s because this place is dishonest that it gets so unrelentingly rude.

Some people pride themselves on being able to manipulate culture. As an unusually sophisticated forum troll (I didn’t try for that talent; I’m sorry), I’ve learned that it’s a lot easier to hurt people and misdirect them than to set constructive systems into operation. People seem to eventually lash out at collaboration anyways, yech… Workloads are never equal, credit never flows correctly, errors get magnified, etc. The people who pride themselves on manipulating culture might well be priding themselves on their ability to hurt people in the right way to punish those who are too honest to kneel before the service of corruption.

You want to know honesty, here? There are still people in this world who use simulated consent negotiations to “prove” that other people “consent” to whatever “reciprocates” their conduct. To that attitude, swatting others can make the perpetrator look like they consent to analagous intrusions. The warrior dies to the warrior’s weapons. I don’t mean to praise simulated consent negotiations, but to warn of them. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is not the last word in ethics, but an encyclopedia could be filled with the proof of its import.

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741e39  No.50075

File: cff6420abcb4a9a⋯.png (546.44 KB, 750x731, 750:731, EQcrEmMUEAA9qvi.png)


Some rude people block out meaningful conversation when it disagrees with them, but others continue the discussion in a rude manner. You underestimate the flaws in the psychological states of people - sure they adapted to a world of surviving in nature's harsity, but they need to adapt to making society function stably before the ones who would abuse society adapt to snuff out mankinds ability to adapt for their own direct interests. Honestly after the journalists doxed so many people on the right then the right lashed out and started doxing people on the left. This progression won't seem to stop has long has ideologically incompatible groups have to coexist. Facebook and other sites banning discussion and manipulating feeds to keep people who think different from talking doesn't help - when discussion can't occur pathetic people like the public shooters can't be talked out of their stupidity, and lives are lost because, for example, some asshole named greg purposely looked for something he didn't like and saw to getting it banned - god help if greg hears some mean words while a shooter is stopped via discussion. Now these sides are so polarized and further whipped into a frenzy by news looking for the latest clickbait story to stir up drama, views, and more stories while political interests further exploit the situation by trying to muscle in laws that can have devastating repercussions now and later on, that they just seem to be at eachothers throats. Etiquette isn't needed for honesty - I can call someone a retard while telling them why I think they're wrong, and continue doing so has a discussion continues. Here's something to look at - who is trying to keep everyone fighting? Who makes sure any conflict that arises is flamed to make the argument more intense, divisive, and last longer? Why do they want people more concerned with how things are said, while they try to censor what's being said? I almost hold politeness to be a vice like beauty - it paints a pretty picutre so that people are blind to all the crap underneath. Rudeness is one thing, but being so brainwashed has not to want discussion at all lest said person be proven wrong is something else entirely. I've become some disenchanted with talking on these boards lately because of how time consuming it can be - how many hours can go into trying a good message, doing the research, finding the right image and the best way to get my point across - and there's only so much time in the day. I really want things to go to being at least semi-peaceful but the world seems nuts - even nuttier than usual and that's saying something. I think social media and various other digital distractions will help keep the most easily riled up people distracted long enough so that they don't start families and spread whatever cursed genes cause such cutthroat behavior. Whether jew or pagan or athiest, I see a good chunk of all these groups getting easily distracted by drama and letting life fall on the wayside until it's too late to start a family - and since it's at least partially genetic then such a thing is 'natural' (has natural has digitally induced celibacy or little to no effort to start a family because randomuser1542 disagreed with so and so can be) selection. These distractions will only intensify - so more people will be shutins until you finally have people that, by their newly shaped nature, aren't so easy to catch up in things that don't matter has much has having active change in their lives and the lives of those around them, socially, culturally, and politically. What we're watching are monkeys adapting to the new shiny toys they have. We may one day live to see what happens when people finally adapt to abundance after their ancestors adapted to scarcity. People may finally, for once, has a whole, focus on what they need instead of what they want. Now I gotta go - talking here is so damn time consuming sometimes - but I stick around to watch the news about the virus that's underreported (a thread with immense importance compared to the general bickering that goes on alot). Also so much argument in this group and others could be quelled if anons would read the guides and stickies at top and read the posts in a thread (and if other types of users of others sites would read all of this said info on their sites) to see if they're arguing about something already potentially explained. I probably won't reply again because damn does this take some time. Here's a light meme of some dark humor to soften any tensions a bit.

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eb6696  No.64766


"don't talk to me"

works wonders

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cc2a5b  No.64809

File: 792fc142372b734⋯.gif (4.08 MB, 413x273, 59:39, giphy.gif)

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51c797  No.64883


>kept Deadnet IRC logs and swatting videos on thumb drives

what a baka

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696864  No.70449

>swatting journos

Fucking based

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c58354  No.70512


This happen everytime irl imagine online

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838bf9  No.70943


going to great lengths to bury anything resembling an actual insight in a mass of incoherent babble

no-knock "warrants" are indicative of that which has gone-wrong with our enforcement agencies. Those that serve them in the complete absence of any verifiable evidence deserve bullets without public sympathy.

a doxxing group aimed at leftists is somewhat funny due to the irony of leftists' frequent belief in the tactic as fair play

but it's not as if this is a movement to be won by sinking to anything below righteous indignation

what are you talking about - clearly - concisely

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49ce0b  No.84761

File: 2ef70c3143699d2⋯.png (325.28 KB, 726x568, 363:284, REVENGE_NOW_NOW_NOW_NOW.PNG)












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87e50d  No.84835


If they ever try to take the guns en mass, extract revenge. Plan ahead of time now. DIY projects can get nasty & dirty, know what I mean? Plan ahead, maximum kill rate, no one left alive if they come for you or your property. You might even make the local news.

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0bcfa1  No.84943

File: 43f96b78797129c⋯.png (198.34 KB, 922x882, 461:441, 1491535936923.png)


it's the intelligence, these glowniggerfaggots are actual faggots for a paycheck…. like farm animals, livestock, and when pushed to act they will prove if you know how to tell

I assume that there are ciaglowniggerclownfaggots who are inept at telling sides. But they are always attached to the same source with is their master Satan,

at some point they are getting hyponiized or directly told to go be a cianiggerclownfaggot, so the easy cure is to make sure that you have a full background check plus two witnessess or treat them like a niggerclownslave and don't tell the slave shit thats concerete talk about space magic and alien fuck faggotry for all I care wear that nigger down

the cia is competing with themselves and they are incompetent retards

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