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File: 252db404d48117b⋯.jpg (106.37 KB, 749x499, 749:499, Dollar_Vortex.jpg)

1ddafa  No.206888

There will be a global economic collapse. All of the banks in all of the nations will fail because they are all interconnected together with computers. That will result in a collapse in all of the world currencies. Money will become worthless overnight, and everyone will not be able to use it to buy food and drinks anymore. That will result in mass starvation in the cities because people have not prepared for survival. There will be total anarchy in the cities, everybody fighting each other to survive, breaking into houses looking for food, and people defending their houses. Soon with all the fighting, everyone will run out of bullets, and society will end up totally destroying itself, people even eating the dead bodies lying on the ground because of extreme hunger. There will be no more police to defend the people from all the mayhem, because the cops won't be paid anymore, and there will be no more government anymore either. Everyone in the cities will all die because they all killed each other, and didn't prepare for survival. If you want to fight you will certainly have your chance to, but if you want to live it would be best to flee to the countryside and the mountains for survival.

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1ddafa  No.206889

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a27fee  No.206917

Nope, they will change change the current economic system and thats what the covid is all about a front for what truly goes on behind so they can prepare the new system.

It will be a slow decay and nothing points at a global sudden economic collapse at all. Just a new economic system which will be based on universal income and the liberty and freedom you will have is based on how well you behave in (((their ))) eyes.



You want a total collapse so that jews might loose their power. There is no way in hell thats going to happen since the jews control all the central banks. How stupid can you get?

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