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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 547ff65ea42436f⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 395x369, 395:369, photo.jpg)

e1043c  No.199473[Last 50 Posts]

Why would feds want to betray their own nations and people to support the jew world order? At this point how could they not know what is going on? They have to at least have some idea of what is going on.

Why would they be willing to throw away their nation and their kids future for w/e scraps they are being tossed?

Even if we have a communist system when this is all over they won't be rewarded much. In fact their job will hardly change (if they still have one). Only they will be required to do much more sadistic shit to people.

Why would anyone want their kids to grow up in something like that?

The orgs they work for have no loyalty to them either. It was their own people that killed Kennedy and his brother and Patton and probably MLK and countless others. They even kill their own like the FED who was investigating the dancing Israelis, the Georgia GBI detective who investigating the car that exploded of the Governors daughters bf and even the cop in DC who told back up to stand down during the "riots," and countless others in this list as well.

Obviously the higher ups are Masons, or other offshoots thereof, and have oaths and kiddie diddling material they are being blackmailed with I am sure, but I am talking about the low level retards who do shit like watch this board for 50k a year.

If you glow in the dark tell us why do it

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577f99  No.199477

Well first of all it starts with the first lie they teach you.. 'you only live once.' Then it all goes downhill from there as you try to grab all you can in a corrupt pyramidal control system. Anyways a few bucks and fuks goes a long way to buy people to serve those that wish them harm.

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c7ad40  No.199479


Sage for obvious shill and spam thread. Ticks literally all the fucking boxes.

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e1043c  No.199484


stfu and fuck off schizo

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50048f  No.199488

Bump. Sage spammer has no power whatsoever.


Why would I help my enemies?

Kill federal agents and their families.

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e1043c  No.199490


well I would prefer converting them and having them on our side, on the indie, but if push comes to shove obviously a man does whatever he has to do to protect him and hos own

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e1043c  No.199493


I would think most people with their training will be executed first byt he new regime. Having a bunch of people around with their kind of training without a guaranteed assurance of their loyalty is a liability. Only the most depraved and sadistic ones will be kept on for the nu-nkvd/cheka, the rest will be liquidated or jailed I imagine as is always the case with these kinds of things.

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c7ad40  No.199501

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c7ad40  No.199502


>well I would prefer converting them and having them on our side

And you’re too fucking retarded to realize that you can’t convince literal brainwashed puppets who are PAID TO KILL YOU not to kill you. Keep talking, dipshit. Talking hasn’t done a single fucking thing over the last century, but it’ll definitely work now, right?

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effbec  No.199503

File: b0b45eaa188f8d4⋯.jpg (467.88 KB, 919x885, 919:885, 666.jpg)

File: fcb1cf4c51a53df⋯.png (1.34 MB, 938x1024, 469:512, 1610613939892.png)

File: 7c190467ecce22d⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 474x248, 237:124, cockhead_for_hire.jpg)

I suspect they all think they are doing compartmentalized good, which in overview is unrestrained evil. Ie: They are too stupid to see the real or bigger picture. Now that diversity hire is in place, accepting bribes for traitorous behavior is probably the norm.

And so long as the 'imaginary threat' of Hitler/white-supremacy is in the news, they can carte blanche suck out as much tax payer money to fabricate anything against whites while simultaneously, and quite literally handing IP and businesses to israel/china.

There is a reason why the FBI kneel for BLM black rioters and violently arrest Trump walkers in DC. Hint: they don't work for US interests at all.

At least Edward Snowden had the balls and brains to do something. The rest are just parasites working for bigger parasites.

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e1043c  No.199514


you need meds and years of therapy.

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b71f6c  No.199515

This is an important point that not many people online understand; the majority of them simply do not know. Apart from those at the very top and people like us, most of the people in between have just as little idea of what's going on as your average normie. Either because they're normies/dumb themselves - which you almost have to be to be in one of these jobs for any other reason than infiltration - or because they're too focused on the interpersonal courtier-type power plays within their own position and the ever present threat it causes to them and their family's safety. I mean you think it's hard to maintain optics to keep your office job or twitter account, imagine being any percentage of redpilled and being one of these higher up guys.

But this is what you have to understand - people like us are quite literally 'experts' in our field, with free time and an autistic obsession with reading hundreds of articles and books on a single subject, even when that subject has little relation (materially/financially) to ourself. A lot of these people don't know half of what you know.

Which brings me to the most important point here. If you have nothing to fear - no tenuous job or living arrangement, no prior convictions, no connections to underground groups etc. - if you REALLY want to make a difference, at least something better than clicking and sharing links online, learn to LOBBY.

Feds, local politicians, affiliated businesses, think tanks, media etc. might not be able to be *redpilled* redpilled per se, but if you can present an issue to these people in a way that they will perceive it's potential effect on them financially or personally (whether positively or negatively), teach yourself how to professionally and effectively lobby these positions of power and influence.

Obviously you can just send them emails or links, but presencing yourself irl obviously has more of an impact.

Even something as simple preparing a QRD flyer with a link to something more comprehensive, then approaching these people asking them for a minute of their time or just asking them to read the flyer, will have more irl effect than all the chan/twitter/discord circlejerking in the world. ESPECIALLY if you film (secretly) your actions. Because if nothing comes of it, or better yet your target begins to take action in a way that's contrary to the information you gave them, you have evidence that they were notified of the situation and acted oblivious to it i.e. consciously acted insidiously. This footage can then be spread in any way you desire.

But the key is to hammer it home before then - pop in every couple weeks or month, ask them if they remember you, remind them of the issue and ask if anything has changed - until you see it *become* a talked about issue in their field, or until you have enough evidence of (repeated) insidiousness to go to the media with.

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e1043c  No.199518


I thought this myself for a long time but how could the Q shit and the DC shit and election steal not have them raising their eyebrow at this point?

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b71f6c  No.199521


Same reason most normies haven't raised an eyebrow, because most of them don't have the time or drive to look into these things and will assume the media narratives are close enough to the truth, while those that have looked into them are worried that they'll be suicided if they say the wrong thing at their monthly >WITHIN CELLS INTERLINKED interview.

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c7ad40  No.199522


>buzzwords that only paid shills have ever said

>no argument

>no reply

>no refutation

>literally no citations at all

Sage for obvious shill and spam thread. Ticks literally all the fucking boxes.

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effbec  No.199529

File: b022ac2b52d8f34⋯.jpg (9.17 KB, 231x218, 231:218, index.jpg)


Fungusfag, didn't the JIDF sack your gay ass?

Blowing donkeys high on meth for Onlyfans doesn't get you a Trannies-Dilate-4-Biden promotional coffee mug y'know. Shouldn't you be stationed at 4chan? Your saturation sage-ing is making it too obvious for all the goy,

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c7ad40  No.200203

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e1043c  No.200259


stick some sage up your ass then lick it clean

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dddd2a  No.200262


No, see, they HAVE looked into it and read all the same shit you have and watched all the same youtube videos. The difference is that they don't believe it. That doesn't make them "blue pilled", it makes them free thinkers who aren't buying into your cult garbage.

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e1043c  No.200267


fuck outta here kike everyone knows you are here posting the blacked threads

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a47c2b  No.200284

we live in a country where the NFL can just come out and tell white people that they are objective trash and the white people will say "hey great, more please" forever and ever and ever so long as it means never having to think a thought

sagebro is mostly right; it was over way before we showed up

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e1043c  No.200424


sagefag is never right about anything and you are a massive homosexual for even implying he could be right about anything

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d703d2  No.200539

File: 2dcc2fc26eb2324⋯.jpg (207.84 KB, 1458x1161, 54:43, 093_01044.jpg)

File: 579c87019cbc923⋯.jpg (18.13 KB, 300x206, 150:103, 068_008881.jpg)


>I suspect they all think they are doing compartmentalized good

Not possible. Nearly all of the current glowies post date some of the most horrific crimes in the history of the country. Waco, Ruby Ridge, WTC bombing, etc. You have to be the kind of person who looks at pictures of dead kids and says "Wow, I want to be the guy who murders children like that. I want to gloat over the burnt corpse of a 10 year old."

What kind of a monster joins an organization who's goal is to imprison patriot groups on trumped up charges? That murders a woman as she holds her baby? The bombs federal buildings to justify taking away the very rights they claim to protect? I can see looking at LaVoy Finicum and thinking "This guy's heart is in the right place, but he's kinda dumb" I can't see thinking "He should be killed for the temerity of thinking he has rights." These are the monsters that become feds.

They're not people in the sense that we imagine people to be. Those who at the very least have to believe they're doing right. They're the kind of psychopaths who would volunteer to be hit men or torturers if they were in different circumstances. They are one functioning braincell away from being the next Dahmer or Gien. They have to be. There is no possible way to justify intentionally joining a group that's world famous for being nothing other than a force for evil.

I know you want to think the best of people my naive anon, but there is real evil. There are real demons. And they have badges.

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191250  No.200547

File: 98909aff0425a0a⋯.jpg (204.87 KB, 2249x1593, 2249:1593, 44.jpg)


So what you're saying is, they only hire or want clinical psychopaths.

I'd believe it. Psychopaths aren't a human species, they're something else in human skin.

If earth could eradicate them in a single blow, I'd be on board in a heartbeat.

All the jews would become blip-meat btw.


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442a90  No.200559


>Why would feds want to betray their own nations

They are not. Theyre leadership's nation is Isnotreal.

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e1043c  No.200681

File: 13e7bc0b7c31784⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ebolachannazi.jpg)


say when faggot

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d703d2  No.200685

File: c58877bce291896⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Chekist_1992.jpg)


> If earth could eradicate them in a single blow, I'd be on board in a heartbeat

Well, the type of low tier psychopath who is willing to be a pawn doing the dirty work of corrupt leaders can be useful in a more healthy society. The same person who would join the FBI is the type of person who ISIS sends in to do terrorism. Their penchant for cruelty and lack of morality allows them to terrify the enemy. Dirlewanger Brigade were these people used for good. In this case their desire rape, murder and looting are actually a benefit to their people.

However, these are the same people who join the Cheka and NKVD. If not actual jews they have the Canaanite temperament. They're willing to turn traitor so they can exercise power over those weaker than them. And what's worse, they know it. I've literally never met anyone, even liberal women, who think the FBI/CIA/NSA,etc are the good guys. And just like the Cheka the fact that these people are being turned on their own people is proof that the US is ruled by hostile jews.

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02d1b0  No.200703


I can't believe... wait I can... the cognitive dissonance in this guy: he stays all the day on this board, spamming every thread with nigger porn, telling everyone they have no life, and flexing about how he's gonna kill every magatard (we're probably 40% from USA, exaggerating, hello?).

what the fuck, why do my braincells have to die witnessing such retardness?

I've been saying this for a while, I know people might disagree, but the internet would be better if people had to pass an IQ test before getting internet access.

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49ae49  No.200759

File: 37bdb4d0e4d775c⋯.webm (1.66 MB, 640x788, 160:197, wamenpan.webm)

Most enter their respective intelligence fields with an earnest desire to protect and serve a higher duty for their country, and most of them do so on lower levels that maintain the agencies functional credibility to the public. While they do this, they are simultaneously assessed to determine their loyalty to their country in contrast to the agency itself. When you get high enough, you realize there is there are no countries, only money, shells corps and untouchable players of which you are subordinate to. That, your unaware complicience in covert subversion or otherwise malevolent action (then perceived by yourself as good), and the fact that they can erase you at a moments notice, pretty much guarantee compliance.

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49ae49  No.200793

File: 4f79b1f85d6c2e6⋯.webm (3.74 MB, 512x288, 16:9, natsoc_friends.webm)

Also you niggers owe me backpay.

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41d97c  No.200795

File: 650204aa804266f⋯.jpg (61.28 KB, 800x420, 40:21, peter_strzok23.jpg)

>>why would feds want to…

because they're demented child fucking faggots.

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41d97c  No.200796

File: ec6b1a7add241c4⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 260x217, 260:217, 2e2u1b.gif)

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28514e  No.200827

Jews pay their salary. So. That and they get to feel "special and loved". The incentives are off the chain.

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09cc9f  No.200844

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75c6ea  No.200869


I remember reading an article on a "problem" those companies facebook outsource work to moderate its site have.

The people were seeing those 'redpill' infographs and were starting to believe in them.

Don't see why it wouldnt apply to feds

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e1043c  No.201050


I remember that article it was from verge kek



pick sage dingle berries outta my ass you fucking cunt

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d703d2  No.201053


Because feds aren't some minimum wage workers dumped into boiler room with minimal oversight. Their job is to destroy anyone who's a threat to the jews, regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

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996d62  No.201057

>Why would feds want to betray their own nations and people to support the jew world order? At this point how could they not know what is going on? They have to at least have some idea of what is going on.

Money, power.

>Why would they be willing to throw away their nation and their kids future for w/e scraps they are being tossed?

Money, power, fear

>Even if we have a communist system when this is all over they won't be rewarded much. In fact their job will hardly change (if they still have one). Only they will be required to do much more sadistic shit to people.

>Why would anyone want their kids to grow up in something like that?

Fear, money

>The orgs they work for have no loyalty to them either. It was their own people that killed Kennedy and his brother and Patton and probably MLK and countless others. They even kill their own like the FED who was investigating the dancing Israelis, the Georgia GBI detective who investigating the car that exploded of the Governors daughters bf and even the cop in DC who told back up to stand down during the "riots," and countless others in this list as well.

They don't care, the more afraid people are, the easier they are to control. That's all they want.

>Obviously the higher ups are Masons, or other offshoots thereof, and have oaths and kiddie diddling material they are being blackmailed with I am sure, but I am talking about the low level retards who do shit like watch this board for 50k a year.

No, it's just rich people. Rich government officials, rich corporate executives etc. They like being rich and powerful and wish to continue growing ever richer and more powerful at whatever cost.

>If you glow in the dark tell us why do it

Money, fear and the promise of power.

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2cfa67  No.201063


>They are one functioning braincell away from being the next Dahmer or Gien. They have to be. There is no possible way to justify intentionally joining a group that's world famous for being nothing other than a force for evil.

Monarch programming has to be part of this

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152f8b  No.201081

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580912  No.201082


that is just like your opinion man.

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d703d2  No.201192


I highly recommend watching "The Chekist" if you are interested in how these "people" justify their actions. Last I checked you can watch it for free on jewtube.

The Cheka actually were systematically murdering millions of people the way they falsely accused the Nazis of doing. It goes into the mental gymnastics these psychos engage in to make them feel better about their heinous crimes. It's the exact same bullshit the FBI/CIA spout.

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286213  No.201194


i have had an e-9 crying on my shoulder, literally crying, snot and everything, literally on my fucking shoulder, blubbering "the only thing i am good for is my insurance policy"

they are good at masks until they aren't

it's just a goddamned tragedy on a lot of levels anon. paolo friere was right about this.

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152f8b  No.201205


Porn spam thread remains up.

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c43b9d  No.201222


If you ever land a 200k a year job you will learn its not about redpills or integrity its about keeping your position in society. Nothing you can say to them will help because they are at odds with what society actually wants, they know they will be less valuable if things change so they will fight to keep it from changing.

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dddd2a  No.201225


If you'd hide it like a non-autist, you wouldn't know it was still up. The only reason you know it's still up is because you enjoy looking at it.

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d703d2  No.201231


FBI doesn't pay 200k to the tards that monitor this board. They're making the same as a truck driver. The truck driver isn't a traitor hated by all but 2% of the country.

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b3d423  No.201686

File: da8d5c9e9d95339⋯.png (17.02 KB, 605x397, 605:397, uOlJsGc.png)







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e1043c  No.202566

File: 49696afa400afea⋯.png (20.21 KB, 768x205, 768:205, ClipboardImage.png)


>in orig post state salary is around 50k give or take just a guess based on the market and skill set / education requirements

>nail it right on the head

>retard thinks g-men make 200k a year doing a job any flat foot cop could do

Well done dipshit

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0ddbb9  No.202578


if they had the capability to be red pilled the gov wouldn't hire them .

Remember these are not talented people. They are diversity hires. Prob pulled straight from fucking GAWKER.

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b12f2a  No.202775

File: 523296cb8a725d7⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 474x355, 474:355, downloadfile_16.jpg)


"What kind of a monster joins an organization who's goal is to"..(insert morally bankrupt) act.?

I work with executives who are generally horrible. You have to grow up poor and resent it deeply. Some people pull themselves up but not because they feel inadequate but usually to help people. However those who internalize being poor, and maybe they are not too smart but read people well and manipulate to get what they want, not just money but validation, acceptance, belonging. These are damaged children at heart and will do anything to take a step up. At the core is the difference between being driven by your own standards, or needing someone else to give you approval, adulation, acknowledgement.

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1510be  No.204968


If you can get a (((glowie))) to admit onlyfans is wrong, then yes.

It fundamentally represents a degeneration in the European man's genetic stock.

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cb0ea9  No.205013


The easiest way to destroy a fed on here is to force them to read the words by virtue of their work.

You tell them that their life as they know it will change forever in a very nasty and very bad way.

Remind them that we are all in this same nightmare together and that none will be spared.

Push them to the point that they connect that with the now impossible task of protecting their families from the future.

We are beyond strength. We are beyond death and even life. We are the words that tear out a mans soul and fuck it like an animal.

Take them by the hand and make them understand.

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cb0ea9  No.205015



And above all else at the end of the session remind them.

Workouts are not a guarantee, collections will continue, and prior results are not a guarantee of future success.

We are all in this together and the nightmare was, is, and will continue to get worse.

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65c9d1  No.205036


>You tell them that their life as they know it will change forever in a very nasty and very bad way.

Uh… no. Not as long as they keep worshipping the ZOG.

>Remind them that we are all in this same nightmare together and that none will be spared.

Except them, because they worship the ZOG.

>the now impossible task of protecting their families from the future.

They have no families. They don’t give a shit.

>Take them by the hand and make them understand.

Get your pseudo-philosophizing out of here, retard.

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36a46c  No.205086

I don't believe so OP. Not unless they get jewed somehow and lose their cushy job. At which point, they're useless to us so fuck all pigs.

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8434e0  No.205120


>If you glow in the dark tell us why do it

They wouldn't dare. They're being monitored while they, themselves, monitor us.

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701baa  No.208817

File: 5913342fc7e9946⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 465x499, 465:499, jsuykgxe.jpg)


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cc7363  No.209447

File: 5c6be265161f237⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 282x511, 282:511, YlUvItD.jpg)

QeXELmMkIy OMRkyyaw wtbceTTZ Ilhv SnxoOU

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23761a  No.209465

File: 9beba5acff654a3⋯.jpg (38.17 KB, 307x546, 307:546, qx.jpg)

WGoBywCVTzM Zqt FjWVKOxpyy HgYggDrgb vNNbd CcW EcfMqSLCvI YKkGUpGIi fIDdlGCRe IyCtbLabN uurmiiSVzUgM NKyhhZmaywrT liVBVfqHb ggKWQOMoHei iEMtIXv

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faff46  No.210592

File: b7fabe92608cbd0⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 1081x640, 1081:640, F.jpg)

TsBDqr ROcezAQO rmJGOi LgupFQoqZJG zROtEq grYLnUKaqAb dBORsdNQ fatblLAPKp zPsbmmEOdd WYf sNCztafJI pQiljsxmWz JXwXeziJlSmF WvYp UsX dwED

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410c0c  No.210646

File: 64b13f257661c41⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 459x449, 459:449, sjJfPj.jpg)

NOZxa ASWQoGdrzMKP MhOiiUpp LdFb GlxnqEAtVygp CbLGpRak kCDG HhRHtcOAviwQ umFjIV gBXwBZe mwDrLvzxqn GvpvWErZLq

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d94f20  No.210900

File: ff13339e61744c6⋯.jpg (41.6 KB, 400x478, 200:239, doIPOg.jpg)


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e8a149  No.212144

File: 52de8c00d099484⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 496x480, 31:30, BQGCBpwi.jpg)

kkREMxfP mWmAsEecInS mIaBTFiVT Bvc XEJU quYVokvwyRMC ZSGvUyMLv DQCA wzOLrPSyb likeyiK bmsDOByzOQxK fXwXp mNzwUBiQRY ZgLAfyPPLn KTYhPK PsnJEdmrfs OKBjUpOCgsz KtI kDXBllty

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8420cb  No.212454

File: 382cadd0447bf00⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 351x455, 27:35, KdrpjA.jpg)

PfRUGUv vtlALGqlASCh HEyT sNnAFAAKf FJsnkae PvyHheH DkilXcyJod PFUeSpEaTkir PonWWGB

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651f5c  No.212543

File: bdc41c97030e7a7⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 437x463, 437:463, eyflQS.jpg)

RUTxd AowyElWp GQCiuFg USfIA XDtYbwCQomHG cTLATaMu aqdCIV PjYzKjcOMpcR BEbhdjOQkB ZruDWsKs

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9f362e  No.213197

File: 3fff07cd4358a0c⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 428x408, 107:102, ixYSCyyGL.jpg)


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2c9b6a  No.213433

File: 75e776a58c55c0c⋯.jpg (42.69 KB, 335x590, 67:118, akavgJKx.jpg)

CuCqBZs phR hDPbTIm yaqI fpgDyGwXhYu UYXTqwAM vqxMqJXdli KjyrQIqiLGC NXCljU HPJdsnFwF spWTFLjlWdT fvfeH Ypjg tTVWVRzW gIIhyiCZLOS DiXhGoEvYf

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b7250e  No.213487

File: ae5f7bf438cacde⋯.jpg (79.6 KB, 942x674, 471:337, w.jpg)

WwAVJNZv sljVNJT bJBBzVlKip cEtTGCh CvtTBKF ACVz HkCaYJ XrtZgEmNcVT oIgNWwcSeeN YrTyE cvvjdWc OlDwhQk hvStYheqTiRG nNJbTIjVW

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9fd445  No.213638

File: 35670490bb74ab8⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 1112x677, 1112:677, EqYegJZN.jpg)

cPishvVjDF xJqiX kQuGSAloBdJu roq PYdIeEwh OOxsk uxMFHOYNgc GIbnPtkicMyh bxfZpkBHOC oVkEFik WWyAPQ rMH UqRIII FdHsuh

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fa82c5  No.213726

File: 24501e5a4647abb⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 357x543, 119:181, vjePa.jpg)

MhsSpxYDAak ZqkYgvDxKVyN lCilzedpjCL liEHhL AYUjfct khvAibj iGfwfMUiAaP eZWIvU qWOWtDZu BBStChFTk QEmsfoMR fkg dbkPgqE jrXaAWWe ZyrHCf niRh Puh TOBepkqmDg kYAyYJbr ITRsXcBro

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48d695  No.213759

File: 82e1bff611cfd49⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 899x534, 899:534, YppmGA.jpg)

YtReZ BfmDNWtKvmOB PdERE XzSZQBSuPId izWtvYUuIo MnmIBXu ZqvaKrjp SHyOlfcarEGa EJpLjm AFUe BzQulXcd

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7b5b0e  No.213775

File: e997a6c8b0821c9⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 907x689, 907:689, uchtCLPkN.jpg)

upoEogF AzRZ AxGReoPTeICB GUNlqWsTJ SIVZ dPAPmXGVPd GQsjLUrd vyRnyhu pEjv VPkkJ GggXfT AezfpwxLMC Rww tMQeBTTBmVL yMRpUjVp

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09cb30  No.213843

File: 76dca71a7884a06⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 1101x705, 367:235, Nlya.jpg)

tqKZE LGcpEY TdXdkCd dGAzTygLb XciIjQkoMlO NNREPvwc XjUgYTkyv BQSpPwb TGN iSmVeeGncmRD irJAcnnIfd SGmGpfaLG HTPpGqZeim

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7c6fc0  No.213849

File: ec79ddca4b2b459⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 366x591, 122:197, sP.jpg)


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f0f098  No.213889

File: 71cdd21f2d89665⋯.jpg (89.13 KB, 1058x707, 1058:707, NcIseRB.jpg)

bpGDO jemZqx rEm Zgpcsy pDODvWzL CIONleYVJzXq VjdUP oYdY Yel LwCSdk RLxAdQlDM XZk hTJyF DimL

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33c615  No.213920

File: 8b7bc8371823d89⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 936x475, 936:475, UMRhUPfy.jpg)


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7d6533  No.214122

File: befbd8930bc69ef⋯.jpg (71.96 KB, 1053x507, 27:13, Pd.jpg)

PyiRJHmkjB LMWvveWt aXsGBaWvm KvtI KpCFme HCAvbEqV OiWZFr lUPsjgBws DbJMQjE fPpuNJ kiH ZTuGrHQB ksr

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2d9f91  No.214272

File: c9f73f6a34ea437⋯.jpg (88.85 KB, 1057x704, 1057:704, ZA.jpg)

LXor xYDdLpV nxQXXfQ xogZWkv PSVgrLel NntkcfmchNb iqmohjyqeaQx PpfEhAoUv PiK tekvgXK lDCmH EHsSxRbksEmu wJSArBkhTp OcfF CsIT oqUHHNWeQzjm wsbhVrA GtNKSlDzCJ UIeeInww

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2f6778  No.214419

File: b2c353537135cad⋯.jpg (86.05 KB, 1008x713, 1008:713, Rag.jpg)

aAtO SZF OvICHhPGlzKa nbSSvt MUWXy VLJD wlGK uEJTdxLZooZ BXiyJT GHyzZI mdJw ekakF Oss kvgXfMJLVRS FwKmYcfZOq RUblTdT krAyfgi yWZmJHJVj JxVfn

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433073  No.214512

File: d39135d036fcbef⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 296x589, 296:589, EpZY.jpg)

Hkpih ifLzHifzN qFEbfHiuCKn TwrAQ YaaD tzaAj tQZ

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e50c3c  No.214517

File: 1670b9cfb0f846c⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 1130x682, 565:341, TgxRXoGe.jpg)

pzjleFyj EGBsWVMxi mCmbF mlUCnvXUtx XjwQnJvcg PuPSebgqnO wcZ JIxK KuIoHGfIIn hguGC DBRnKTI ceHSIC MoZoKY NEjDzLimR mJlMhbisYYIY WiGv bVqe Zfmo xihTVJonbuL fiE

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6b46d0  No.214557

File: 9dd7311643f9470⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 1130x582, 565:291, bdMLBxmxbz.jpg)

Urx tmsSsU zdBdwx NcqvwAv XQsHLrrCb xWbPNWE ued ZQZRthTL mbykSHi YtOLtQP EsHvLgAcUJs

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d5e53a  No.214595

File: ebe3435247220cb⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 460x431, 460:431, pW.jpg)

iFmjpHkINbYt MEPDvLrF GVqohyg fQnfFUtaX GGkNRxyCT zUmbhd Dol bwgmvug fskpmkIYC pCjdhmiZHDMZ XuWBstBpxLn

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db3c40  No.214603

File: 63049cde2616ce9⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 337x391, 337:391, oQyqYqZjRP.jpg)

hSPa pIbrcjVcEa rbvTwcZ dDlnk ZdzU IiVnKhsNe AJBxqu GUMaGHqwgk EPIVdawrfU veTuevhE Ytj tDhD Ltek FOiPS ZaHkXP NzXnbr uJjetwT uqwaWwUuzLPi ixWuju

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dea7c4  No.214608

File: 6996ae69e073dff⋯.jpg (27.66 KB, 288x398, 144:199, p.jpg)

Qpb dnatXxwkqQR XbiCt cGLIC pPHqOyCVLRk vvaODTl sOI

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c39709  No.214619

File: 73b079440ec856d⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 446x493, 446:493, wvORMEP.jpg)


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ace89c  No.214837

File: 4445fbf0de8e497⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 463x402, 463:402, tInxe.jpg)

zNbjwEXPju lNlcnIm EwNE kGheegIWk Txx Alte hJnmRPYq giWDeyxjbCR bFUyPnRfMOd agKEzy OlUlu xxt yRucISXo nTXyl IPZTcpPkvE soInY xYMLtyBdmS wGNBDGLbFhBa ALCVfUx

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cb831b  No.215383

File: 3db11c96bb0ac9c⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 1100x591, 1100:591, BlknZ.jpg)

glzeUQKEvc PpapOhtKmyBR mOOdYKBjJ FrmdLqvp KBanqhMLdGUF JRsTeBogct ryNVid YOLBb rJcVLQ kpKos QUGBixFsky oZRHO

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eec3a9  No.215423

File: 4bb91bffbef7af2⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 1088x695, 1088:695, WSojFt.jpg)

JwSERO BbRZYIFeX mUYvlXLO xvCYhKJXNL rXN gwGgiAyF NwTTjxHhhpMD BxMYPWqRgmy AyRzFw UVLXxFZg UHsnmIjE CtzqD gqzCSxRZ ADiXpqPovyt caLwvhDXvfT FKUyd EhZnOJ PfExAKh dRyVbY uUBsyJV

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4f1ac1  No.223328

You must be mental if you think all the feds working against those militias side with them. Those that support the militias are assigned to cart away BLM rioters in vans. Those that hate the militias and support BLM are tasked to stop the militias.

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011e9f  No.225246


If you want to be a disgusting imperialist just join the feds and kikes

They want to sell your race in order to oppress other races too, just like churchill before you

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566345  No.225270


Why do you think we have a BLM capitol police? Why do you think we have kneeling feds?

Bro our FBI cites Snopes in their reports. They are so far beyond compromised its not even funny. 10 agents for a garage door pull, but not a single one for election fraud? A truck driver literally admitted on TV to smuggling 280,000 completed ballots over state lines and they didnt even bother looking into it.

Its not like the old times, where our nations best and brightest are handpicked off college campuses. Its who did the best in Holocaust class. For the tech side, its criminals, people easily blackmailable. Then everything is compartmentalized to an absurd degree. Even the fbi investigators look at heavily redacted material. Why do you think they do that, redacting? To protect state secrets? No, its to control a narrative, to their own people. People who read fucking Snopes.

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85c116  No.225278


>Bro our FBI cites Snopes in their reports

This is the best news I have heard all week. Their demise is imminent.


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11bc7a  No.225327


>You must be mental if you think all the feds working against those militias side with them

Well, I'm mental then.

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d7d5a1  No.225332


They Know.

You're thinking in terms of good and evil. Neither exist, there are only choices. I don't see an enemy as bad or wrong. From their POV, they are the good guys and you are evil.

Ever notice throughout history, the good guys always win? Do you think they win because sky-guy is on their side? They didn't win because they were the good guys. They're the good guys because they won.

During WWII, the US and the USSR were BFFs but once Berlin fell, they turned on each other and considered the other the bad guys. The USSR fell apart 30 years ag and the US got to be the good guys by default.

Basically, the Feds believe their shit and there is no reasoning with a man of faith.

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85c116  No.225395


At least it can't go on forever!

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9eae5a  No.225789


It has been going on forever. You are wearing a mask when you go to the store. When your ancestors were ruled by nobles/clergy they had to wear special clothes, give special gestures of submissiveness and upon their decree fight wars, labor endlessly, be made to move from their home or obey any capricious demand they made of them. Welcome to the New World Order or Catholic Church 2.0 with Tech/Banking and other corporations filling in as fiefdoms ruled by Billionaires (barons). The mask has replaced the cross, television is the mass, propaganda is the gospel and your Secret Police whoever they maybe (FBI,CIA, GRU, Mossad) are the Inquisition.

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