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ffdd51  No.197183

So now that indisputable proof is out that Ashley was a communist democrat spy in disguise, how do we feel about her? should patriots fall back now that the circle has been compromised? it's hard getting through to some people who think that this was some tragedy and not patriots being played for fools

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fd36e0  No.197190

No one gave a shit about your trump whore before. No one gives a shit about your trump whore now.

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704873  No.197250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1. Millions perhaps billions are about to die in Cambodia style killing fields around the world to satisfy the environmental fears of the elite and the hatred for Amalek born by the jews, in a pre arranged global slaughter house.

2. I have yet to see conclusive proof she was Antifa. Post it if you've got it. I've got an open mind to evidence.

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