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There is nothing you could have done to prevent this!

File: 94eede8675280b9⋯.png (38.52 KB, 801x683, 801:683, ispcucked.PNG)

728bef  No.197001

I'm not able to connect to 8kun without a VPN now. Are US ISPs cucking?

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1532b8  No.197004

tell me your ip and i will check

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f94d75  No.197005

I was having issues earlier even getting Trojan warnings so I had to set my VPN to the UK.

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728bef  No.197007

File: ee5e180db01e001⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 702x530, 351:265, hurhur.jpg)

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12ad5f  No.197009


Your ISP is hiccuping. Doin' fine here on both raw US ip and vpn.

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1532b8  No.197011

nice i got a meme out of it at least

dank af

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