"The major platforms won't ban Trump"
"They won't deplatform Parler"
"The E-mail/text providers, banks/payment processors, and airlines won't blacklist Trump and his associates/supporters"
YOU ARE HERE → "They won't impeach Trump"
"They won't remove Trump"
"They won't vote to permanently disqualify Trump from office"
"Murkowski won't switch parties"
"They won't remove the filibuster"
"They won't expulse Cruz, Hawley, and assorted House members for 'sedition' against the electoral process"
"They won't pass the domestic terror and hate speech bills"
"They won't pass the gun control bill"
"They won't pass the bill to expand the Supreme Court"
"They won't confirm the new justices who say they think the 1st and 2nd Amendments need to be 'conditioned on the circumstances'"
"They won't pass the second PATRIOT Act"
"The FBI Domestic Terror Task Force won't start rounding up people who 'glorified' or 'incited' violence based on Twitter, Facebook, Parler, and alt-media archives to place them in 'emergency terror detention'"