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File: 7cc73989628efcf⋯.jpeg (23.66 KB, 386x340, 193:170, EF8E4FA0_3EDB_46C6_AEBC_4….jpeg)

af4471  No.196733

Stop white genocide

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5a9ed8  No.196778

File: a593dba8788fd1c⋯.png (133.24 KB, 1200x775, 48:31, 1572230195909.png)

I'll give this a bamp anon

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433188  No.196870

Back when I started browsing /pol/ and started seeing the world as it truly is the thing that made me feel most despair was white genocide.

Now at recent times I imagine a world without white people and it's not that bad. The kind of world we live in is not worthy of whites.

Life is meaningless anyway and the one race which tries to make something out of it the most are the ones who are getting replaced by creatures who have no regard for anything besides animalistic instincts.

Jews are doing whites a favor by getting rid of them. Let only subhuman mongrels be left in this hellhole to be ruled as slaves by kikes.

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9b310d  No.196875


defeatist shill, blow your brains out instead of dragging all of us down

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433188  No.197034


Fuck off faggot. I had to get my edgefix

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