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File: 38ddb0f35e07ac1⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Adolf_vegan.jpg)

d883ce  No.196512

The Fuhrer planned to ban slaughterhouses when the war was over. One of the first things he did upon coming to power was banning animal testing. Why aren't you vegan yet? Fuck meatcucks and heil Hitler

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f4b2f4  No.196532


You do know that countless billions of animals are killed in the process of reaping soy? and other crops.

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1ffa42  No.196543


>The Fuhrer planned to ban slaughterhouses when the war was over.

the war was over with Soviets advancing all the way to Berlin, killing the last remnants of the german army (which enlisted boys as young as 10) and raping the women and girls, that's when Adolf Hitler Rothschild knew his job was done and faked his death.

>File (hide): 38ddb0f35e07ac1⋯.jpg

and Goebbels and his wife killed their children before killing themselves.

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