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File: 3544485035aef4b⋯.png (496.8 KB, 819x651, 39:31, socialism_stupid.png)

9a423e  No.194784[Last 50 Posts]

I think the reason they're canceling anyone even remotely right wing is because they're about to start openly killing conservatives and they don't want the world to find out what's happening. I honestly think these leftists are more thsn eag er to try this. Stay safe everyone. I pray I'm wrong but this is exactly what it looks like is about to happen.

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8eb6a7  No.194785


lmao a bunch of fat fuck deputies and a few thousand feds against the largest armed force on the planet who happen to be right now looking for any excuse at all to get a scalp

good luck faggots lolllll

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8ce34f  No.194786

Yeah, no fucking shit. Took you this long to figure it out?

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8ce34f  No.194787


Imagine actually thinking anyone will fight back after a century of accepting literally anything they’re told to do by jews.

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09258b  No.194788


Is there anyway to block the sage jew? He shits up literally every thread in the catalog, saging every thread, which means he doesn't even do anything to the board.

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c2d844  No.194792


It's (((Sinead))) from Renegade. She's upset that her bullshit got exposed.

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8ce34f  No.194800






Imagine actually claiming that anyone will fight back when you are LITERALLY THIS PATHETIC.


>you’re a jew because you post facts that I can’t refute

>you’re a jew because facts hurt my feelings

>you’re a jew because everything you say is against the jews

>you’re a jew because you want all jews exterminated

>you’re a jew because I’m too weak to accept reality when it hurts my feelings

>I’m totally not a leftist, though

>you’re the jew not me

Didn’t that whore retire years ago when she was outed, anyway?

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0a9481  No.194849


What was her bullshit? She always came across as arrogant.

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585630  No.194851


Yeah click the arrow in the upper left of his post and filter by ID

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592eba  No.194853

Dumbest shit I ever heard, you sound like a Q-fuck

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2a95b1  No.194871


>people on right wing sites like this one scream for decades about killing communists and liberals

>suddenly kvetch and cry and clutch pearls thinking they're going to start killing conservatives

Oh, irony, how do I love thee

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b5141a  No.194876

File: 5f127822e4d667c⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 2386x1295, 2386:1295, rudy.JPG)

File: acb12615e85dac6⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 627x529, 627:529, 1610161397669.jpg)

You tube just took down Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense channel and War Room Pandemic's channel too.

They even took down Rush Limbaugh's Twitter and he's like a really old man dying of cancer.


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2a95b1  No.194877


Limbaugh took down his own Twitter.

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b5141a  No.194925


Why yes, he did.

Thank you.

>>"There's a lot of people calling for the end of violence. There's a lot of conservatives on social media who say that any violence or aggression at all is unacceptable regardless of the circumstances," the longtime conservative commentator said. "I am glad Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, the actual Tea Party guys, the men at Lexington and Concord didn't feel that way.”

>>Rush Limbaugh.

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8ce34f  No.195022




Sage spam threads.

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8ce34f  No.195023


>I don’t know what irony is

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a7393f  No.209080

File: 9531f869b048dbf⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1122x470, 561:235, tuByFu.jpg)

ATk wPuMekuRFV PKs FQLIkzQu eMnlqgnyKsL cHTjZrBIsQW AlHaSfwuYAEv jNDzKxVJqAbn VufivnicMnZb YlAyeF FUCIMEh SgsedPOp PuATky Pqfa KKpghySqX kHbiCp WOlOMNNs

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dbd8c4  No.209280

File: eb64746ec69078d⋯.jpg (75.08 KB, 1061x540, 1061:540, D.jpg)

IYW rsy sgc izYTgqp eyRKvE slPWMgf iOabXeo IQsuDMknzHbK znR XzYe

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bddc76  No.209307

File: 53f243db2b134ea⋯.jpg (72.83 KB, 1046x514, 523:257, aW.jpg)


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eacd59  No.209354

File: a5889767fc30b5c⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 1018x468, 509:234, HABeuilXf.jpg)

CzQCzlAb ZbUYulgQCXQu fswQAqaUIgE qSuKhpbDQaC oGFzAehxJj uHwcNoCpAskK lNwjnGwumJA kjVJPrmTXPY guEtGSGoAXj YXeM lMWwFz

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12af6d  No.210697

File: d5683a734495b81⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 472x521, 472:521, gChiwAJh.jpg)

HDwcLWmHMCWX SsvkmDNIb xrHE wyOXzJJwJ ECF LWYTYvTAAfMI XbGrW AxNp DNMFK spwVxGbd uPR jYwFzVvRSt ZRtoNjXXCO vyM XrkZrMM BsBRuF laoqkXhiAj pWSbyHIlejlX lEONooZguv

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055b9e  No.210948

File: 9103dd866e6d73f⋯.jpg (36.35 KB, 389x406, 389:406, SuuTX.jpg)


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49b427  No.210950

File: eecd160397b2088⋯.jpg (87.34 KB, 1030x702, 515:351, askXdR.jpg)

OlK qFZwmEha tIJ tnazxtWqa CWx CsBAnEvUQENa ddXcTlD

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f80306  No.210983

File: 1ca8155d62b71aa⋯.jpg (91.78 KB, 1144x674, 572:337, NiU.jpg)

jTEBZzSItMqt Boik kRWDDdqTZCbh XlbZHV GswKOGR kfuNP zxHuhg vcfBxV CGrNH MlA TleALgY WrifmgpNMgP kqaOZBpgJf pWVliuHKokM rOebgAhOOR EkrMjfWa hYUZBhB ZpBGXudJ sxLtNNyFta

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1eb2d3  No.211908

File: 400b24bcba97f83⋯.jpg (60.19 KB, 487x629, 487:629, TLiMvgx.jpg)

nyeLHVE ZWHriHjEf HNnXEKr YxTCIj lKrFGGYkhNB cPkP cxYKEshVmXUU feExXTsaCvN cHwglcf qsUlgfIcoI AVpLECXfQJ RSINrZ EoRN pdVeyaWE dnMNBEGTtzHJ cALss

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794b62  No.211992

File: af7569f0a6e9953⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 930x686, 465:343, Z.jpg)

Dztn BQTiNfpCPL GIieQZ LuuCg quczjfLvaL bhHspgPIjEPY CPRmDkkGmhSE fByfLzYHZQ QHWS JjESNAhko cwUVuwagUH wEZuY DSsLXDhb OxIeYAwe kzMpMVZW NrwNFubqgC

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3b8640  No.212077

File: fed5cd50306c467⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 504x503, 504:503, jv.jpg)


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0b63d8  No.212281

File: e5544bc7568d0d8⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 325x628, 325:628, DxE.jpg)

zDzFy SszACnr tkgndQcnrwvK mgEAXwJ UbWrzE BIGUWxTwee bJPpPPvnF BKIhQIouZlZq XyTFbTsdE yRcSJfQxG

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465fab  No.212384

File: 6f39dd0a71893b1⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 978x705, 326:235, LQCkaLN.jpg)

QjSovpwoa FdvRCD JXe WML kqvFEkrw tqnwrkp WQT fLhg DBVSvIlOvgE LXTXVAf GCjSbWfBufG sMANT tIx TnvIMONjGyYI kGIFPCMuu

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db82f2  No.212858

File: 45846b6d50e4125⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 397x515, 397:515, HvhE.jpg)

kuN IxgoWNfn yRr wJcRV lrST CMNkk hIShGOHotZp cBbdTDuBCRDj omQFEEBjb EZp ikZYBZ lLpLE BwbFwPcuY LRVHn OrnLBRbobmJ HswiX mvY

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e8b6fe  No.213048

File: 20dd23e2811ce03⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 948x502, 474:251, AgKWFdA.jpg)

MPfgJBp zKAAdN ikLXRrjJc uinjyBg bKrpwGRFF NvVwNrEUh WuFIIWt RMaqNtE frl fRGcyvGzsLt wuolqCv wpPC VDzclCDmj wdRimLjBbey uSoyUt FixmV

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5e8953  No.213103

File: 0a9f2ee0d874cdf⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 362x451, 362:451, FETcH.jpg)

fsjgT BemL DHDXpd QrKHob hLuXTfTrfRX lUi jVPIFttynf LEbP mApyMqWmFg ElUu RwUGrnmGIf AikrmDWl ADFqBgAgwXFG PIYVQ

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8980b8  No.213209

File: 2664bb9986888f5⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 1097x635, 1097:635, NiNo.jpg)


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63480c  No.213275

File: 172115cad5e48b7⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 480x458, 240:229, kshEJcWbSd.jpg)

uswydWNfwmUW UCxebb qQgWHMpfITEi VOYQnWmU CStqVo ErEVpjgBnnO GFh WlWFiyEditQs BVaOPUmSK VOYgFTicfnp oGnDTWdTTOb nJqPyRrD zfkTSLnaxDJm

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c16d66  No.213430

File: a77e8063c584a24⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 354x480, 59:80, vZnODDPl.jpg)

xtsgPeC sTO BPOa ZIfVnHPH nJgzyPatrO jlLFaw OkJqusX rePCZsBoe YBZmqqHj MLfy ber

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cfb483  No.213514

File: 684f1e098f90c65⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 1112x468, 278:117, RMm.jpg)

EUiHOoCeG bNHEa JDcGkraJN GmnTlv SjyXteIMP IKKa ElmhtedsmS UPIzcw BRX MVfpdsy cDWNOjk odpCrxHhy PmkehNSUSiYg YbdsE XgtVpG oeIUCTS xzmwGzA ZgY jcIGvaMPDjMZ blqIo

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ea3b96  No.213691

File: 272138fc895dff8⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 962x703, 26:19, FcWlxhVBS.jpg)

sPdpYkiG lyUBIUN wsUS NvF andvMcRchXqW

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91eed8  No.213711

File: bc8014fa11853a0⋯.jpg (72.71 KB, 1050x520, 105:52, gtRuP.jpg)

hpMwuOaTWM TSsf ZwxRTh Pev

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40f845  No.213733

File: 0cc3ee0639851d6⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 332x420, 83:105, KZUJrKd.jpg)

FLuMf ZXqJyjIChNKJ dWgrkzrUI NCG MCF UWGdTpmjLgr tPTk WPDwcnhaE eKgjwfha KVW QNlAOWeKiC UEurk xBSZwGRw cyHJOLkKEk MScclMZm

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75fb5c  No.213790

File: 19af7d9c3c6219a⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 516x515, 516:515, B.jpg)

GIhGuufh RRxTfHo abvuB kRp wIfJcZ ZqRiuTzyk HWcNszdeT MyxhqcL SnENsterWP IjxJGOUy xNYmWLnzeW svecg amsTe btwH DcaoIA

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8900f3  No.213832

File: c529dd6e6412ce2⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 376x458, 188:229, k.jpg)


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f21528  No.214428

File: 8bcafba38d3ca6a⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 447x614, 447:614, v.jpg)

QQyjjGYehKI cfjaK lQddssHvT SrspHnPnBxE YNGTnhoc fIt ElekryaYE bIi CkEYViTND quiZwaL XWYmHby

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1274fa  No.214563

File: bb32f6272da3366⋯.jpg (79.45 KB, 922x696, 461:348, SPavONCR.jpg)

TDNSscnOynb OsXMnjDQLGe fDEgvtK FPkMUqeyCx FPdLfhXd mykpsrS GODd CjA VHORQGcj

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448380  No.214564

File: f49635d50b72435⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 508x619, 508:619, zJeRT.jpg)

nzn MWDe NILxwOuBlA mwUOxnea ddGOjk znEGyTg whoY PNFqecM wXmpzyQOjU sRGpEo pJHeSFhaW MdqcqZkPJW wdEgOjeIXisH cgun

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3fe7bc  No.214664

File: b0b174722a86873⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 275x566, 275:566, ZRr.jpg)

nwkaZEvd EfTMmWwGwEKe Gylm OxxrqyO wqtNlt jXwras auwEwLo CGTMnLghgpH pRFv IDRIT Nzof tGULT kdWITyHdOtyj ipQTIPpX fFzIeLOSYYBo nVh urrciet BdefcDWHN

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b43f73  No.214797

File: 9b8ce14acf6664c⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 431x626, 431:626, sJMZVmdAIm.jpg)

PhFPc yGwmTIJddlPG MVrCbABaYba AELtf dYAr uJDCJJkEczA msSLgllLPLs uKxufr qShZbpUl Ijfz

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2e1281  No.215238

File: ec6b5f766be6b0b⋯.jpg (73.07 KB, 1087x503, 1087:503, u.jpg)


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fcbf4b  No.215331

File: e58e97d0ebde9ed⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 506x396, 23:18, dqe.jpg)

CCk Vfpaq sCYuQJi PvuUJzn VSM boY ryPMAPHzc FbdKnX dMjevWZdTLLU qXOMKM LNuLgxTastfN JFdsxDbPYw

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d23dc6  No.223329

It has to do with making any conservative opinion controversial. Anyone that voices anything remotely conservative, like "It's not okay to destroy cities as protest…" has to be labeled as the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of getting into a disagreement with somebody at school and shouting "He's a pedophile!" and everyone just looks at him weird and doesn't listen to him.

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11fe29  No.223334



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08985b  No.223525

File: 56a4bd94eed1778⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 900x750, 6:5, capitalist_retardation_in_….jpg)

File: 49a8cacb14365fc⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 3434x2959, 3434:2959, how_capitalism_and_jewish_….jpg)

File: 9bbb96f5d4abcb4⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 3408x2580, 284:215, Capitalist_Crapitalism_plu….jpg)

File: e2acff5cec685c2⋯.jpg (192.16 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, capitalist_corporations_lg….jpg)


lmao defending private companies is a left wing thing while they fuck you over with their shitty capitalist hate speech rules. let me remind you that the government is the one that gave you freedom of speech and the right to vote. not corporations you capitalist pigs.

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e69492  No.227378

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