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3897d0  No.191014

We knew there was more to this story.

REDPILLED MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: Nashville Bomber’s Brother Charles Steven Warner Was a Top Director at Veterans Affairs in DC — He Got Paid 250% More than the Average Federal VA Worker


>Charles S. Warner was Director of Information Technology at the VA, and was later promoted to Director of Information Technology Program Management. He served in other roles during his tenure as well, such as Finance Manager.

>It is thus proven that the Nashville bomber has a direct links to high-level elements of the federal government.

>And brother Warner did not let his fortunate position go to waste: Online documents openly reveal Warner’s base salary to be at an eye-popping $161,900.

>This is highly unusual for a federal employee — even a high-ranking director with government connections like Warner. The average salary of a federal employee is less than $70,000, with VA workers taking in on average less than $65,000 a year. Warner has them beat by 250%.

>Even comparing salaries with a private sector IT manager, who makes on average $87,000 a year, Warner was out earning them by over $75,000 annually. In fact, he was ranked the 19th highest paid IT worker in the federal government.

>How is this possible? What do we still not know about the apparently extremely secretive Warner family? Why does Anthony Warner have 10 surveillance cameras recording all angles of his house?

>Does this explain why Anthony Warner sold off all of his properties to a California woman in the two years following his brother’s death?

WTF is Mayor Cooper hiding?!

Read: https://redpilled.ca/redpilled-media-exclusive-nashville-bombers-brother-charles-steven-warner-was-a-top-director-at-veterans-affairs-in-dc-he-got-paid-250-more-than-the-average-federal-va-worker/

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3888f9  No.191031

For an administrative job in tech, even in a government bureaucracy that's normal actually. I worked at a big hospital and the guy in charge of IT was making $230-240k a year. Often, perhaps usually you can estimate the salary of an admin by the size of the department he runs, its budget and number of employees.

I mentioned on another thread to a despairing soul here to start climbing the Cisco certs ladder at CompTIA. It'll take a few years but it's not unreasonable to reach that level if you keep working on upgrading your Cisco certs to the next level, particularly in the medical records/ IT field.


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b2bbae  No.191032


>VA workers taking in on average less than $65,000

Yeah? And what is the average years of service?

You talk like a fucking woman "muh average income"

Stop being a schizo. God I hope you qtards figure out how to keep Q going so you can stay on your containment board and stop vomiting up crap like this.

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7e1581  No.191118


I don't know much about it but if it's true, because he's related to the big guy, could he have been a sacrifice or at least intentionally killed?

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900bf4  No.191408


If you really want to die the only thing youcan carry own is fame, to leave more than nothing in this world. Was i nothing, just a soul in amongst some other weavings? If the world is this way, as if you force that on me, i might as well show you. Just to prove young and wrong. I gave my life and my lifes work for free, i once had psychology on my phone and he was ranting why he didnt have fast internet now, he told me he was really patient. NOw usually if someone says something like to me he will either get put the fear of god in him or just a fist in his face.

That they that shit for granted. ANd that is how he thought, i was really patient and did all and yet all the shit didnt come to me.

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900bf4  No.191409



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8bfebd  No.191503

Great news. A cat that went missing during the bombing has been found.

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