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File: 02d022c1e101b46⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, qanon.jpg)

51b840  No.190984

Q, you rotten , filthy bastard. You have trolled the conservative public for over 2 years, promising them that you were on their side. Dropping breadcrumbs that promised a comeuppence for the deep state that has dominated the lives of all of us for decades. Trust the plan, you said. Trust Trump, Trust Barr …. trust my white pasty ass! The election is over and the patriots needed you more than ever, and all of a sudden, you can't be bothered. The truth is finally revealed: you were never a patriot, but a traitor with a misinformation campaign designed to suck the life out of true Americans everywhere. With all of your talk of God and Jesus, it is revealed that you never belived in anything, other than your own deception. Die and burn in hell, you despicable asshole.

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fd89b4  No.190987


I always believed that if i m the cook and you piss in my kettle

and then you had to eat the very same soup, a tough battle.

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51b840  No.191000

what does that even mean?

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221df6  No.191024


>You have trolled the conservative public for over 2 years

Retarded boomers only have themselves to blame for falling for this

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2b5185  No.191034


No one gives a shit that you fell for a jewish hoax. Get out.

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d5bee0  No.191037


fake and gay

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743697  No.191092

File: 79a7b6d7e9420a7⋯.jpg (276.01 KB, 916x480, 229:120, _Q_.jpg)


>2 years

Over 3 years, and although it'll lose a little steam, the LARP will live on through 2024, and be a big part of the grassroots element for whatever shabbos goy from the Trump family will run for president Kushner.


>that image


It's pretty funny how they shoved it in your faces.

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