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File: cfab6ef679afa1a⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 227x328, 227:328, Adolf_Hitler_Berghof_1936.jpg)

910f15  No.190038

Im sad, not even among you, and you are the only people at least a little based on this earth, there are actual nationalsocialists, the movement is totally dead and your white nationalism is a bad copy of It, germanic superiority, the germanic empire and the lebensraum are gone, most of you are even fine with non-germanics moving to germanic countries, in the name of "paneuropeism". If there is no nazi left on earth Life is not worth to live It.

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e162c0  No.190045

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e82c5b  No.190048

File: 825f2c6c1e5c1de⋯.png (51.25 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 825f2c6c1e5c1dee6082a83332….png)

Seek psychiatric help

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dd2b8a  No.190102


there is no real national socialist movement, the leader died a while ago

any real political movement is only one that exists irl, and it's really not best to appeal solely to "intellectuals" by never telling even our closest friends about reality for fear of "revealing our power level"

there is no movement

make at least one friend, learn how to talk to people

then learn how to read, and read Mein Kampf (the ford translation, ignore the negative jewish stigma)

stop expecting people who use obscure internet boards to be moved enough by text on a screen to do something in real life, that is not how the minds of man work

Revolutions are not caused by great writers, but by great speakers. -Adolf Hitler

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e162c0  No.190114


>Revolutions are not caused by great writers, but by great speakers. -Adolf Hitler

Except communism only exists because of writings. It had no renowned speakers to its name.

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0f8734  No.190116


Communism isn't a revolution, it is mass murder and then slow stagnation, followed by death. Communism is the 4th Rider of the Apocalypse.

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e162c0  No.190119


Funny how it takes power by revolution, then, huh.

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0f56db  No.190215

File: 6eb44aff5f93c68⋯.gif (477.57 KB, 500x210, 50:21, comedian.gif)

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a9b91d  No.190218


>Im sad, not even among you

stopped reading there

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10f042  No.190244

Why so many shitty slide threads lately?

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