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File: 2224109d699215a⋯.png (716.73 KB, 1502x1428, 751:714, insect_allies_1_01_med_hr.png)

9e9d9c  No.189505


The journal Science has published a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) research study on “Insect Allies” [1]. It appears that the Pentagon has in mind infecting insects with viruses capable of implanting genes in fields of cereals that have arrived at maturity. This would allow the Pentagon to transform normal plants into genetically modified plants.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute (Germany) and the University of Montpelier (France) consider that this technique could also be used as a weapon to destroy cultures and the propagation of the virus would be unstoppable.

In any event, we would not be able to stop infected insects from spreading the virus. These insects could unpredictably transform plants here or there.






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38a097  No.189509

Yeah nomatter what we do it's over. The mosquito thing is also how they will make white sterile. It will get some elites sterile too, then the other elites will laugh HAHAHA YOU ARE NOT ONE OF US, like movie villains or something.

Thanks for showing us that we're even more fucked than before. There will be no stop being sterile and being estrogen laden.

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9e9d9c  No.189517


On one hand you can look at the elites and their homicidal intentions towards us which are all too obvious and you can react viscerally and say "they're evil, kill them" and they are evil and it would be fun to kill them. OTOH, look at us. I escaped from the dense inner city to a nice quiet suburb which is 98.5% white. Nice eh? Except everybody is into all this stuff. Their double garages are packed with it; $2000 snow blowers, ATVs, motorcycles, snow machines, $65,000.00 outboard motorboats, big lawn mowers, and on and on and on. And there's all these industrious busy bees inventing new gadgets every day, made of steel, and iron and aluminum and plastic and fueled with electric batteries and gas engines. I've got just a weed whacker and that's it but still I've got a car. Everybody has to have a car or they're fucked. I'm going to probably be dead in 15 or 20 years. So will they. the entire continent is covered with all these people buying all this junk and we both know it's never going to be recycled. Hell my house which is pretty new and nice will probably be an unsalvageable piece of garbage unfit for even nigger junkies in 30 years from now. It's an ungodly mess. Maybe the aristocrats are justified in wanting to eradicate a nation swarming with huge black pickup trucks and Harley Davidsons and Lambos and Porsches on jam packed highways that lead you from one identical strip mall to the next.


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b74ad3  No.189521

File: bd52669fcd776a5⋯.jpg (70.51 KB, 670x440, 67:44, science_vs_fiction_world_w….jpg)

if any fed near any monsanto installation happens to see this, you know what to do. pic related

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86a6f4  No.189551

I'd like to infect DARPA with an insect allies and watch them die a slow death before they kill us all…

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4afe78  No.189563

File: d21fec6f10661fa⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1593500678543.jpg)




Leftard bot spam thread.

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9e9d9c  No.189569

File: 768093d078c8326⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 620x706, 310:353, dhccw.jpg)


>>Leftard bot spam thread.

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