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File: 68cccba75b431ae⋯.png (132.98 KB, 1492x880, 373:220, 1607616054176.png)

27c4f8  No.186389

Banned from shitchan for exposing the possible link of a Huawei exec and Brad Raffensberger. GA SoS.

He is not the brother, acording to an anon -



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5a7662  No.186397

You're better off without 4chan. It's gone now, more slide posts and trolling by the Satanic Globalist stooges than honest posters. Think of it as a good thing.

Remember that murderer who shot the fellow in cold blood about a month ago? Yeah, 4chan people found him from his tattoo and based on 4chan's evidence the murderer was arrested; and everyone who posted in the thread was banned for doxing him.

The Jannies there are probably soros shills. they don't do it for free.

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f33fff  No.186411


Cuckchan jannies stalk and try to brainwash the most based posters by using bot spam. Unless you literally know nothing about the JQ cuckchan is of no benefit to anyone. This was obvious since GG.

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f67dab  No.186434


>Satanic Globalist stooges

It's 2020. Drop the Jonesteinian obfuscation and just say "jews".

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42edf9  No.186463

File: c58f665fd34022c⋯.png (197.03 KB, 1150x790, 115:79, infobreakthrough.png)

File: f3fda39cccd6e5f⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1107x6767, 1107:6767, belfer.png)

File: 00380ad230325e5⋯.png (194.03 KB, 1554x887, 1554:887, GamerGate_2019.png)

File: 25051e9804dafb7⋯.png (127.52 KB, 863x613, 863:613, 1579583236482.png)

File: 22bfde3f6003ddd⋯.jpg (92.5 KB, 769x545, 769:545, Gays_are_compromised_GG_co….jpg)


>It's 2020. Drop the Jonesteinian obfuscation and just say "jews".

It's not only the Jews; Unless you refer to the Muslim Brotherhood and the entire Anglo-American System as "the jews".

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1a479a  No.186475


I actually got banned from there for making a joke about the Liberal Justices voting against the Texas case. 4chan is literally just Soros shills + freedom to say nigger.

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899be2  No.186632


post ban

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109481  No.186698


Post your ban anon.

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72550c  No.186703

File: 0baa64e97c41d1e⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 645x729, 215:243, 0baa64e97c41d1eed33a3840cf….jpg)


>In sum: the Russians, the Saudis, the Iranians and Hamas supporters are censoring the Internet on behalf of the Rockefellers and George Soros.

That gentile censorship alliance sure is sneaky, making sure "antisemitism" is the most censored thing to really cover their tracks.

>last two images

Can you post the one where that kike tries to pretend Al Qaeda took over the ADL, because the jews would be resisting their agenda?

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406881  No.187548

Nex᠎t t᠎ime᠎ us᠎e f᠎ake᠎ tw᠎eet᠎ ge᠎ner᠎ato᠎r t᠎o t᠎ype᠎ yo᠎ur ᠎sen᠎sit᠎ive᠎ me᠎ssa᠎ge ᠎and᠎ po᠎st ᠎its᠎ sc᠎ree᠎nsh᠎ot,᠎

als᠎o t᠎his᠎ >>᠎186᠎397᠎ –᠎ 4c᠎han᠎ is᠎ ru᠎n b᠎y f᠎eds᠎, t᠎hat᠎'s ᠎why᠎ (1᠎) i᠎t n᠎eve᠎r g᠎ets᠎ sh᠎ut ᠎dow᠎n a᠎nd ᠎(2)᠎ al᠎mos᠎t e᠎ver᠎y s᠎ing᠎le ᠎VPN᠎ is᠎ ba᠎nne᠎d. ᠎

The᠎se ᠎are᠎ tw᠎o p᠎ret᠎ty ᠎big᠎ re᠎d f᠎lag᠎s.

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