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af0f04  No.183728

Just outside of Dayton, Nevada sits one of the most interesting and famous nations of them all: Republic Of Molossia!



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d7d6b8  No.183729

1 - It's not a country

2 - It's a region in the US that is claimed to be a country

3 - How the fuck do I live there man

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af0f04  No.183730


Befriend that guy, the President, and ask for citizenship, bring a truckload of chocolate chips and beer, and you will be a king there.

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d7d6b8  No.183731


I might go there one day if it's an escape from all niggers and spics. I'm very skeptical of the ability to live there

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d04d6c  No.183853


There's better places to go if you want to avoid the groid. Pretty much anywhere in the countryside will do the trick. Pay as little tax as you can, and never support them in any way (pretty easy, because they can't make anything).

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e03eaf  No.183859


At this point 99% of taxes go to feeding niggers. If not domestically then abroad. The concept of Tax is a pure nigger feeding program. This is why jews always shill for tax, because they know ultimately, only whites will be paying tax. In retrospect. "Tax" is tax for being white.

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04909f  No.183863

Is this place even legal.

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e03eaf  No.183867


i will go there only if jews and niggers are banned.

I will never move anywhere if the groids are allowed. Never again.

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d04d6c  No.183871

File: 25f7b8da7961622⋯.jpg (246.17 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, cuck.jpg)


It's all for nought if you don't ban the leftist lunatics as well. No nigger has ever told me about BLM, because I never interact with niggers. BLM, Tranny rights, and advocacy for open borders have all be espoused to me by cucked whites.

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e03eaf  No.183872


ideologies come and go. They are trendy fads.

The entire reason trannies and faggots are everywhere is because the testosterone levels have gone too low (probably due to smog and food poisoning). All of these things can be reversed. But if you let the groids contaminate, then its all over. And by the way, who do you think are the key people behind immigration, blm, niggerlm and other cuckdom? Its always jews or some form of mentally insane mutt run NGO, they just can't stand seeing white people be happy.

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