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File: 91d07177dd67bac⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 162x213, 54:71, fbi.jpg)

35f903  No.183690

A serious question for the feds who have unfortunately been assigned to monitor this board.

Why did you join to begin with? I applied and failed during Phase II (yeah look me up). When they reached back out for a re-interview I declined because my life had improved.

What's the most critical part of the rationalization phase that keeps you from quitting despite knowing you are violating the constitution and generally making our country less free with every minute of your existence?

Maybe you're all just jew lovers? Too many church services and repetition of "God's Chosen"? I seriously cannot even imagine being at an alphabet agency and not being a whistleblower for the good of America.

Those of you who remain are cowards at best.

I hope you get fucked first in the coming civil war.

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ad90b3  No.183701


How do we look you up?

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de57a5  No.183702


>Why did you join to begin with?

Job security

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35f903  No.183707

File: f5ad6ed22936205⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 296x338, 148:169, hands_earth.JPG)

How about you do some real work and research this symbol. I think it is being used by child traffickers.

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35f903  No.183708

Specifically a Yandex reverse image search.

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35f903  No.183709

Also, Stephen Berichon seems tied somehow. His father enjoys this symbol and works in international finance. Apparently his relatives think posting this image is referencing food as a joke was made about it still being lent (can't eat meat) when he changed his photo to this.

Do something.

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9341b2  No.183748


There will be no civil war. Fuck off with your retarded threads.

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