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6033d7  No.183595

I want to stay a virgin until marriage and I want to get married to a virgin and get married young. I want to go to church every Sunday and I want 3 lovely kids. I want a 300 acre ranch out in White Pine County, Nevada and be a park ranger. On my ranch, I want to collect Piñon pine nuts to sell.

What political ideology would have the highest chance of me getting that?

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e954bc  No.183597

Christian eco-fascist?

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4e7d2e  No.183603

Being Amish.

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3eb6d6  No.183604


>I want a 300 acre ranch

Good luck doing that anywhere in America, unless you are filthy rich, have a flawless credit history and have some good kike contacts. You'd probably want to shoot for being a Democratic Socialist and start hanging out at parties in Hollywood.

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6033d7  No.183612


I typed it in wrong. I meant 30 acre ranch. Also, Nevada land is CHEAP.


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3eb6d6  No.183623


>I meant 30 acre ranch. Also, Nevada land is CHEAP.

So you want to buy a ranch house, not just land? It doesn't matter how cheap land is in any area, if there is already a house on it, the property value will be dramatically increased. Do you want to buy bare land or a house on land?

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6033d7  No.183644


I'm referring to the chances of me actually getting it can improve under certain ideologies. Obviously our current state in the US will not be good for my dream. So what ideology would be ideal for that?

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2c200a  No.183715


>get a trade

>move to a high pay state (some trades in certain areas pay 100k a year without overtime)

>live like shit for 5 years saving everything living in shit neighborhoods with roommates

>dream accomplished unless full communism takes over

>if you're white, white nationalism will put you first in line for those high pay jobs

>other then that vote for lower taxes on your land.

>vote less regulation on your pine nut business

>essentially the democrats and Republicans are the same policies bought by the same lobbyists

>vote for politicians who aren't bought off like Trump

>realize the last politician that wasn't bought was JFK

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946c9e  No.183882

File: ea468e82b50e8b4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1200x720, 5:3, Good_times.png)


Political Ideology isn't going to build your family for you. You must do that yourself. She's out there waiting for you, and just hasn't met you yet. It is your job to find her and to build yourself into a man worthy of her.

Also why not be a fascist on top of it all.

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