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File: 05077a79d581d8a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, khazars.png)

269bd6  No.183527

Based half-Ashkenazi who's been going to Stop The Steal rallies since the election. Been hearing a lot from fellow rally-goers about the Khazar origin theory for Ashkenazi Jewry, pertaining to the Synagogue of Satan in Revelation and possibly also Gog and Magog. Still based, only about Truth and True stories. I'm finding a lot of variation in the stories regarding what happened with the Khazars from many sources who believe in the Khazar origin theory for Ashkenazis, which gives me concern. Many people who advocate for this explanation contradict themselves (in places, regarding also including the Edomite 'theft' trope found in Black Hebrew Israelitism and European Identitarianism), or contradicting the story lines of others who are proponents of this possible history (i.e. Khazars choosing Judaism as a response to their geopolitical situation, versus the Rus "dictating" to them that because of their pagan practices, they had to choose a monotheistic religion and they "chose" Judaism).

Any based but reasonable "scholars" on here have any serious and good faith arguments in favor of the Khazar origin hypothesis? Thank you

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399b4f  No.183528


No, fucking neck yourself juden

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9fe153  No.183552

File: 326ef800b8011a9⋯.jpg (73 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, pointing_gun_smiling_11743….jpg)

Oh look, it's another "based jew" thread.

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788700  No.183593


Not your blog. No one cares about your niggerspeak. No one cares how much you try to hide as a white nationalist. You will be strung up on a lamppost next to your fellows no matter what you do.

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