This is my theory of everything. I have figured out how to give fringe science a scientific stand. Be careful, in order to unite morphic, fringe science, censorship, politics and covid I really have let it go. Poetry>science, imagination>calculation. russel targ>other physicists, sheldrake> other biologists.
have you heard about morphic resonance theory by rupert sheldrake? If you are familiar with rupert sheldrake and others like him, they believe in morphic resonance theory. which states when you do something, it is kinda stored in the spiritual level of the universe. He believes in telepathy, other biologists believe in remote viewing and esp stuff. He claims that people have a collective consciousness, training rats in England will make rats in Africa smarter. There is no proof for universe to be completely mechanical. mechanical universe can not have dark energy which makes universe still to be expanding. universe might be an organism, purposeful.
morphic resonance supporters also claims that prayer/meditation/self-correction can make your heart bigger and make you a better CONSCIOUS observer. it can make you a better telepath in the spiritual realm. eastern mysticism, which rupert sheldrake is into, warns about having an ego. every eastern religion/philosophy tells people to be humble, and emphasizes on the importance of mediation/prayer, widening your heart and thus empowering your spirit blah blah.
Gregg braden is not really as reputed as rupert but he focuses on heart. He claims heart is the source of consciousness, human organ or blood donation can transfer the memory and character. he focuses on meditation and prayer to let heart have its time etc.
Russel Targ, a very prominent physicist, is an ESP researcher and he was helping CIA and military industrial complex to remote-view.
slightly off topic, rupert is being persecuted. Since 1980s, a particular group of neo-atheistic scientists are, to put it lightly, screaming and bullying rupert. Rupert has been defunded, but he had billionaire donors. Many other scientists in this field have been censored and defunded.
The establishment scientists are quite corrupt and they are trying to censor any theory that can reveal their true character. Google Bret and Eric. Bret Weinstein is a famous biologist, who tried to publish research about the genes of lab mice. Mouse has some characteristic to make them cancer resistance. He factually proved that biologists are experimenting on special lab-mice which has telomeres, this makes scientific methods not only undependable but also dangerous. People probably suffered cell damage because of this bad methodology.
Then the establishment scientists tried so hard to censor bret weinstein. Few years later, they semi-secretly changed the lab mice. However, they never apologized for bad methodology, neither did they ever apologized to bret. To this day bret weinstein is still being heavily censored by the establishment science and big pharma.
Twitter, recently decided to censor bret and eric weinstein because they are trying to make a third party. However I believe they are being censored because they are on to something elemental, something will change our view on the foundation.
So, I think we have to rethink para-psychology and metaphysics. We need to create a meta-physical theorem, vague enough to explain our problems, but also definite enough to solve 100 years old quantum mechanics. This theory of everything will have to inspire us to unite spiritually by figuring our inner problems.
is everything connected? does the establishment depend on patent, big pharma, censorship, wall street, military industrial complex? are these seemingly random incidents connected? everything is connected into one, isn't it? isn't that the definition of intelligence? Maybe we are in a pyramid scheme?
How does dark matter and dark energy are 94% of all observable universe? That is the wrong question, the right question is why do we need dark energy? Maybe we are causing the unexpected expansions of universe? Our observation has something to do with it?
In my point of view, facts don't matter if they don't all add up into one pattern. My belief is far more radical than fringe scientists. Poetry is better than science, imagination is better than calculation. I think we have to rethink para-psychology and metaphysics. We need to create a meta-physical theorem, vague enough to explain our problems, but also definite enough to solve 100 years old quantum mechanics. This theory of everything will have to inspire us to unite spiritually by figuring our inner problems. In my radical re-interpretation, scientists are poets, knowingly or unknowingly. Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Persians and Italian scientists all are poets, philosophers or theologians.