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File: fd2c297a0066c91⋯.png (119.9 KB, 840x601, 840:601, Screenshot_20200905_112611.png)

d922f3  No.157483

(links below)

Secret service accounts depicting Joe Biden:

* brazingly, in front of their loved ones:

* groping spouses

* groping girlfriends

* groping daughters/teens

* waiting for his wife to leave to swim naked in front of female staff

* purposefully:

* walking around naked in the middle of the night

* targeting service-women:

* implied sexual abuse

* male staff had to routinely:

* remove them from situations with excuses

* stand in front of the women to protect them from (on occasion naked) biden

* almost getting hit for doing the above mentioned (where the lawsuit comes from)


the article that takes it all nuclear:


the lawsuit:


other papers:



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5ba4c6  No.157485


Still better than the Pedo-in-Chief we have now. Trump can choke on a bag of dicks. Biden 2020!

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4248e2  No.157488


>actually thinks voting matters

>actually thinks anything will happen as a result of this

wew lad, where do you think you are

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5ea837  No.157573


based retard posting

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8046bc  No.157598


Deal. But if he loses it has to be a black kid

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c7094f  No.157624


Thanks anon.

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