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File: bff620fe9ec06fd⋯.jpeg (39.12 KB, 450x300, 3:2, serveimage2.jpeg)

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be95b9  No.15333

The habbenings about jewish usage of black people has expanded dong in my mind and I'd like to start discussion about increasing the efforts of redpilling the black population to include those confident in the (((protection))) provided by the government in general. They [complicit peoples], of course, see disarmament of "red neck" people as a good thing and because of the frame that is presented to them; they don't process how any reduction in self-defensive measures applies just as much to them as to the people they call their enemies. There are PLENTY of examples of over-control that can fit the narrative of oppressed minorities that these type of people are attuned to. If these examples are exploited, pretty much any narrative can be pushed/planted. Even those that are extremely far off from what the brainwashed public thinks, such as "the government is [not] there to help/protect you." Places like reddit won't delete a post riling people up about the murder of oppressed demographics, these will also plant the seed if blame is effectively appointed. A couple questions that should be answered: Is this too much of an expansion given the efforts in the black community? How can blame be effectively portrayed on (((officials))) that these people trust? Please provide thoughts.

>blackpilled get out

>inb4 redpilling the black community isn't working

>inb4 there isn't any way of making npcs doublethink

>inb4 op can't inb4

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13f1f1  No.15362

File: 3bf2af6b59ff391⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, The holocaust worse than s….jpg)


Blacks don't vote Dem because of gun control. They do it for the gibs and because Dems have worked hard to brand themselves as the protectors of Black Lives.

I've known blacks to get very excited about conspiracy theories, perhaps because they are naturally (paradoxically) anti-government anyway. Though those conspiracy theories were dumb shit like chem trails, you might as well try talking to low-class blacks about the "Jews".

Pic related is a thread on cuckchan atm. Might have some lulz potential along the same lines as Islam Is Right About Women

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885696  No.15404

File: eb6d3810193f887⋯.png (94.71 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, slavery.png)


no it wasn't

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87c92b  No.15410


That seems like a good thing though, at least in terms of exploitability. In that case nonsensical arguments could be used to increase confusion. The idea of "the police are racist" could be molded info "the police are repressing through superior firepower" somewhat realistically.

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834e3a  No.15432


well one actually happened

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b985da  No.15445


Ye, its pretty funny to think otherwise. Based blacks (in the true sense of based, so a rarity) understand that many Jews profited heavily off of the mid-Atlantic slave. I'd be interested to know what the black israelites think about the holocaust and if they know whats good with the lies and subversion.

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834e3a  No.15476


If they are in your country they are not "based" infact there is no "based" black their mere existance can be nothing but negative for us and the RICH mostly FERTILE lands of "Africa" can be put to better use by litterally any other white race like the Boers.

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60756b  No.15478

File: 4fe37f0da9e7c82⋯.png (50.46 KB, 616x843, 616:843, besticoulddoonshortnotice.png)

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333478  No.15481

File: d45c2805504347d⋯.png (72.8 KB, 1669x620, 1669:620, blacksandjews.png)

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6c8f41  No.19814


>the government wants to disarm POC so they can't defend themselves against police brutality

shit like this?

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7e84bd  No.19825


Chemtrails are real though anon. It’s obvious too. Shit doesn’t just stay up in the sky like that.

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326c9f  No.19867

File: 5be63a7c1c845b5⋯.png (755.94 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1578051144717.png)

File: 82524b27b8bba72⋯.png (636.97 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1578050649840.png)

File: 3314134c5fa88b4⋯.png (527.18 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1578048012757.png)

File: 54ff64f19c09892⋯.png (1002.3 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1578046841754.png)

File: 41bed6b126cb4e4⋯.jpg (182.93 KB, 736x512, 23:16, 1578044645150.jpg)


Here's a collection of the images somebody else made.

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000000  No.47178



Nation of Islam and Farrakhan are already way ahead of you here. You couldn't redpill them anymore than they already are.

When Uncle Shlomo trots out the white patriogolem, you'll find me on the side of the NoI.

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f60b31  No.47335


This. Look up the African Hebrew Israelites (and the Ethiopian Beta Israelites) who immigrated to Israel and got treated like shit by the Jews because “oy niggers!”. the best course of action is to just keep pushing Black Israelite and Afrocentric shit until the dam breaks. Those coons who are smart enough to go down the rabbit hole will, just like the Europeans who are open to our info will.

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bf01f9  No.47443

The Jews are already involved in this tactic. So the question is do you want to act like the Jews? I think it will backfire. This has to come from their own members. Professor Tony Martin is already being circulated in the black community. To give you an idea what the Jews are up to watch this video. The suffering of the blacks in the United States is only about 10 percent of what the native Americans have suffered. This is a Jew who tries to blame this on Christians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qra6pcn4AOE

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6722f3  No.47537

File: ca9d8480243fd79⋯.png (452.7 KB, 474x518, 237:259, ClipboardImage.png)

>blaming black people for the degradation of society is like blaming the knife for the robbery

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3e0278  No.47589


Beautiful. Perhaps we should consider sticking a BLM (or NAACP, Black Panthers, whatever) logo on the second one, to hit home.

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3db4a5  No.47641

File: 56dc0a2ef225a5e⋯.jpg (59.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Energy Jews.jpg)



What we should do is release both.

First we release "Slavery was worse than the holocaust" and then when the ADL bitches about the antisemitism of that, we release the fake ADL posters to make it look like the ADL is countering the first poster.

Even if they deny it, there is always room for doubt and and it still causes division and strife amoungst blacks and jews, further atomizing both sides.

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f9cfd8  No.47729


good point. They'll muddy the waters .

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059388  No.47872


This is brilliant, anon.

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f7c8da  No.48118



> The rape of aborigine and native peoples was worse than the holocaust and slavery you dirty virtue signaling nigger nagger.


>blaming black people for the degradation of society is like blaming the knife for the robbery.

>If that's the case than I can't trust you to hold the knife, and that's if I commanded you to stab me in the back with it; you sir are a kike nig whore… Go woke get broke you dumb bitch.

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1984ad  No.48290

File: 2a5ae4acfa718c3⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 591x636, 197:212, C5c6Yu7XQAUuE_b.jpg large.jpg)

File: 0973bc9afeead71⋯.png (177.81 KB, 451x299, 451:299, MalcolmStampAntiSemitism.png)


Instead of trying to play jewish games that will blow up in our faces, why not just draw attention to the quotes from respected negro leaders who named the jew?

Those are just two examples, but Malcolm X talked about them many times. Stokely Carmichael even went as far as to say "the only good zionist is a dead zionist".

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5d69be  No.48897

File: 06170fc7d19fef0⋯.jpg (101.64 KB, 1062x500, 531:250, 3pstg8.jpg)

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35ea08  No.48964

File: 242cb419b2d1cda⋯.jpeg (203.42 KB, 904x944, 113:118, before.jpeg)

File: a2173fd5be794f6⋯.jpg (104.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, after.jpg)


Compare Black music before Jew's took complete control over and after. Its night and fucking day.

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