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The holocaust never happened

File: cddfc73d5fa38f5⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

9b5bfe  No.149

So on the London Bus Dyke attack, it turns out the blonde dyke barged to the back of the bus & punched the kid 3 times in the face before the dyke beat down began.

You can see the CRT video in this news article.


Milquetoast review by Tim Fool


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02ddd8  No.151


Standard degenerate behavior




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5996c5  No.158

based paki niggers revolting against globohomo

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25cb3f  No.197

Damn they fucked em up

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432b7a  No.233

Based, she threw the first punch and rightfully got her dyke ass beaten

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5996c5  No.252


w*men are very shortsighted thinking a man won't beat their ass

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3ece31  No.1250


And the goddamned boomers won't do a thing.

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b7442f  No.1281


They have been conditioned by years of pussy worship to believe that they are a special caste of society. They dont yet realize that the new generation wont accept that paradigm and will beat their ass if they deserve it

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305e7e  No.1385

File: d3bcf53cd858909⋯.gif (4.67 MB, 300x314, 150:157, maximum towel.gif)


>That bootleg Jennifer Connolly with the bloody nose.

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dd0e59  No.2057


hopefully that sticks. don't want Rome burning down again.

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4286be  No.3034

the lesbians lied


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2560ee  No.3052

File: e8b633ca64b08cb⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1024x576_MP4_5886100495851….mp4)

File: be3781afec0a9ec⋯.jpg (61.88 KB, 633x412, 633:412, Melania Ramirez (left), 28….jpg)

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4def9b  No.3054


Really, who the fuck thought this just randomly happened.

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878896  No.3203


They look like arabs, but I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch chavs dress like arabs and niggers do here. Anyway good for that antifa shirt wearing scum.

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a2bbb5  No.3219

File: d528d64068aed52⋯.jpeg (2.22 MB, 1506x3976, 753:1988, CBD876E1-E503-48B7-BFCF-5….jpeg)

globohomo btfo’d once again

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aa6cf4  No.3252


>Boomer as an enemy

Wrong. Divide & conquer tactic


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c9cd0d  No.3276


Anyone who tells me to get a job is the enemy.

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dc85b4  No.3294


Are you mentally ill? No one told you to get a job. When anon said boomers won't do a thing he meant they'll not give a single fuck the dykes started it and just bury the story. Maybe you need a 'job' in a slavery camp. At least you'll have more use to the world has fertilizer when you drop dead.

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287bfa  No.9450


>w*men are very shortsighted thinking a man won't beat their ass

Yes, and on top of that advocating for gender equality when clearly that's not what they want.

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287bfa  No.9454

BTW: Other Youtube videos pushing the original narrative can now be reported as being "misleading". Have at it anons.

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b6621d  No.9465


So I don't have to accept the fucking retarded cookies.

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b6621d  No.9466


Can barely see shit on this grainy ass stilty camera footage.

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a432b7  No.9827

Has there been any normie news outlet to even pose the question of why it’s ok for dykes to attack children, even as a joke?

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743be1  No.9845


>tfw virtue signalling bites them in the ass again

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dbd72b  No.9913


useless eating machines offer nothing into society other than 2 votes to destroy the platform by which their existence was conceived.

lesbians are the pinnacle of degeneracy and disgust a society creates. At least faggots often feel shame and guilt for their faggotry and bury their urges deep enough to either go at this life alone or fake the funk while raising a family and carrying on their faggotry in the dark corners out of sight. Lesbians offer nothing and should receive nothing in return.

Let the shitskins they love so much rape them from existence. Its a better fate for all involved.

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81d738  No.9969


The shitkins also could have waited till the bus was empty, if they are a group the way the sit seems rather planned.

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81d738  No.9970


That is not a natural way to sitt for a group, so if they are a group they do that quite often to mug people.

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c4f9c9  No.10142


of course she did, why is anyone surprise i don't get it. dykes are notorious for being disrespectful and having filthy mouth. good they run into those shitskins..

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66c752  No.40582

Bumping to save endangered thread from low-effort catalog spam.

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000000  No.41039


>Really, who the fuck thought this just randomly happened.

Who thought shit-skins would randomly assault women in public? Everyone with a 3 digit IQ?

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3fdba3  No.41073

File: 5fc2ef8bc220eba⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 1460947358070-1.jpg)


Go back to munching carpet sweetie. Let the men handle the complicated things that make you feel booboos in your brain.

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b96b8a  No.41203

>slippery slope they say

Meanwhile we're down to chopping kids dicks off

>homos just want to spread love

Instead they spread sexual assault, violence, and molesting of children

>peaceful people

Meanwhile they're offing themselves in record numbers compared to straight people in a world where the first flag risen in every nation we conquer is the Globo-Homo demonic dark magic reversal pagan symbols in every embassy.

The world is their oyster in the current year and yet they've been exposed as demonic agents to tear down all that's divine in the sake of false love in an age where nobody even knows the meaning when you have 50-75% divorce rates and single motherhood. Fuck your feelings is the motto going forward.

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a4d0f2  No.80293

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22c702  No.80317


>Instead they spread sexual assault, violence, and molesting of children

all of these things are natural.

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000000  No.80327


So is death.

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f4e1f4  No.80390



That's a type of monitor retard. You mean CCTV.

Based muslim. As long as she doesn't have long term damage. Maybe she'll learn from it.

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1af853  No.80416

It's ridiculous.

Women will preach liberty and tolerance for as long as it means they can choose "alpha studs" and fuck around like it suits them.

And then act like they're being forthcoming and nice by belittling those of their own race.

The worst hypocritical scum.

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e3b314  No.80482


I like how they stole her bag.

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e3b314  No.80483

Lesbians are so volatile. They know what they're doing is wrong and it makes them crazy. I bet they aren't even together anymore.

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4633ea  No.104101

File: 7d1b37c9b45a44e⋯.jpg (133.19 KB, 736x965, 736:965, Dh4WG2KX0AA_RLZ.jpg)

ban dykes now

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6039b7  No.104123

File: d6afe5304c8c88b⋯.jpg (871.42 KB, 1242x1415, 1242:1415, school_indoctrination.jpg)


Does anyone remember the site created by some anon and posted on old 8ch, where he was simply documenting all of the news stories that we are bombarded by (and expected to forget) every week? The list covered about a year from 2017-18, iirc (but I'm probs off on the year). It was an awesome project, and it would be good to go back and review the accuracy of each story in hindsight.

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f8a245  No.104133

Thanks for reviving this thread. I remember this incident but didn't see the follow up. As always, the "victim" is the perp. Saved and will pass on, thank you diligent anons.

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