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4b8eda  No.147349

An Italian mayor Andrea Carletti caught last year conducting an operation to sell children is allowed to get his cargo back, he used the public school to brainwash introducing the countries as monsters and throwing ideas at the children that the families were bad and violent so that the child could talk to the assistant socially abused and removed from the home. Then they sold the children using the state's own adoption system.



I remember an experiment where in the middle of the street a photo of the massacre was presented in the peace square where a Chines stood in front of a war tank of the Chinese communist dictatorship. However, modified to have several people observed. The scientist who presented the photo explained that it was a peaceful protest and the tanks were from the parade instead of reality, where the Chinese dictatorship killed hundreds of innocents with tank shots. People remembered that they studied at school the story that the scientist told them at that moment and not what they studied.

The news below is different, but similar. If it is possible to induce false memories in adults, imagine children and adolescents.

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b1a348  No.147377


Interesting. Just curious, are you Italian, yourself?

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4b8eda  No.147413


Descendant living in Huezil's South.

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2a48b4  No.147487


"His cargo" referring to children?

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