Greetings to you, dear /pnd/.
"What's the point in life?" - I have asked myself this question again and again in recent years as a young man with various facial and body deformities. From my own perspective, I believe that all situations are "neutral" and we decide for ourselves what makes sense to us. No matter what it is (e.g. starting your own family, being rich and famous, having a good time & sexual experiences with many women, etc.).
Many don't know exactly what to do other than work five to six days a week and make money to pay rent, food, and their car. In our modern society in particular, true friendships (loneliness seems to be common), family cohesion, togetherness and a loving relationship are often lacking.
Leaving your own room and getting in touch with other people outside of the computer screen is easier said than done for most, especially for those who have been bullied for their physical appearance and / or character.
As someone who grew up in an alcoholic family, without a father figure and social skills, but with sweets, soft drinks and heavy metal poisoning, I can understand everyone who loses all motivation and hope and wishes to die as quickly as possible. Fortunately, I have found information that has helped me live a fulfilling life, separated from millions of pornographic films, video games, social media and other entertainment on the Internet.
By this I don't mean self-appointed motivational or life coaches who sell their services to customers for expensive money, but mainly biologists, doctors and "normal" people who deal with the human microbiome, physical activity, food intake and sexuality (e.g. Weston A. Price, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Paul Chek, Mantak Chia, Wim Hof, Troy Casey and others).
Please do not get me wrong. Even after the implementation, not every day will be perfect and you won't become everyone's favorite overnight, at least in my experience. Nevertheless, all this knowledge has helped me through my journey.
I would like to share all of this information with you, if allowed, because I firmly believe that this can really help other people and that for me, giving is more fulfilling than just receiving. If anyone wants to take a look at it, here is the "digital library":
Not much is available yet, but despite my slow internet connection, I do my best to provide as much health information as possible for free.
Thank you very much to all of you who took the time and effort to read this long message. I would really appreciate your feedback. What do you think about this idea?
God bless.