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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 513cd15030d4325⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 781x441, 781:441, KFC_meal_781x441.jpg)

e2dae8  No.138061


TL;DR - people who ordered KFC for a birthday party were hunted down like wild animals and issued outrageous fines for daring to break out of their house arrest.

I'm pissed off enough to actually want to do something. How can we in more free nations help people in places like this?

And I mean right now - stuff like provide secure channels for communication, advice on avoiding police, straw-order so they can get KFC without it showing up on their own credit cards.

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a2e08e  No.138071

This is what you get for not cooking real meat.

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f18df0  No.138135

Stupid STD-ridden Melburn-outs

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f36fa0  No.138138


>bawwww the gub'ment won't let me endanger the public for my tendies!!! D: D: D: D:

Go cry on Reddit, faggot.

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2fa4c9  No.138154

They don't have weapons to fight tyranny.

They are fucked and there is nothing that will save them.

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9f26f5  No.138160

>I'm pissed off enough to actually want to do something.

You won't, though. This belongs in the general thread.

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7ad390  No.138295

File: c9244690b79aba4⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 300x250, 6:5, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


it's selfish cunts like you that keep the plague spreading. fuck off and die jew.

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