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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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c84583  No.136547

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening

I propose - given the contemporary rise of DAB(+) radio - that my fellow European brothers and especially Norwegians resultant of their official FM switch off, buy 88-108 (or whatever the range is over yon) MHz FM radio Transmitters online. The idea being is that you concerned citizens may raise your voice over the air, so to speak, and be heard by the masses. It will work well.

I also suggest to whom it may concern, that study be done on the art of propaganda, such as on Mein Kampf volume 1 Chapter 11, ‘Propaganda’ 1928 by that subversive Jew, The Art of War and Machiavelli among others

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60b8c7  No.136672

The reason being that this is not best for shortwave is that we desire not two-way communication but rather broadcast and accessibility to all

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d52a5b  No.137448




Who in Dionysus’ name let 4cuck in?

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