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File: 04f922008afab47⋯.pdf (1.37 MB, Secrets_of_the_Federal_Res….pdf)

53727d  No.133640

Been lurking for a long time. Read Mullins on the FED today and the walls came tumbling down. If this is a political board, why have no meaningful attempts at peaceful, political action been made? The need for action seems imperative.

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38783f  No.133656

File: f289cb06c4dd683⋯.png (1.15 MB, 676x574, 338:287, spiderman_was_raped_and_th….PNG)

Because the game was rigged from the start. Liberals (or whatever you want to call them, changers, leftists, organizers, Jews) have always hated conservatives (or traditionalists, or whatever you want to call them). The big cities are, and always have been a breeding ground for big liberal elites who want to change everyone elses way of life and the rural areas have always been for the conservatives who want a slow moving society.

The big cities would get their way because they can organize, they can protest, they can march. They can be out there on the streets changing the minds of the entire cities with marches and protests. Rural folks never had that luxury.

Then came the internet, it was a new way to protest, people could debate online in forums, chat rooms and boards. But once conservatives started getting a voice, the liberals who ran the system had to censor them.

This is where we are at now, it isn't illegal to protest, it just isn't effective for our side anymore. You cannot protest without the consent of mega corporations like Google, Facebook and Twitter. The peaceful and right thing to do right now is to go old school and organize a letter writing campaign to get our members of congress to regulate social media so protesting is open to all again.

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53727d  No.133671

You make good points sir. The most effective letter writing campaigns are often the ones with a uniform message. Perhaps here we could all work together on a draft? I know there are intelligent people on here who know what steps they must take but just don't feel like they can. We can't be impotent anymore.

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534317  No.133672

File: 3cd86934aee3d2b⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 941x637, 941:637, drink_all_night.JPG)


>it isn't illegal to protest

What we have now is even worse. If you tell the truth about race in public, even peacefully, you risk being brutally beaten by a mob that will never face justice and will probably be praised as heroes.


Is anybody organizing? I can't even find Republican groups in my area and I live in a red state. People are made extremely apathetic by modern technology and the government's promises of protection. For one, there is no way for race realists (etc) to meet each other online without attracting feds who can charge you just for your political views these days, but otherwise I have tried handing out the Red Team Planner text door to door and people just do not give a shit. They have their 401k and their kid's soccer game at the end of the week and they do not want to hear that society is on the brink of collapse. I wonder if I would have had more luck calling them cowards whose anscestors would be ashamed of them.

But to put this into perspective, after the JFK assassination, surveys showed that 80% of Americans believed that the government wasn't telling them the truth. 80% of Americans thought that the government itself might have played some part in the assassination of the POTUS, and what did they do? Nothing, and society has only gotten comfier since then. The NPC meme is real.

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53727d  No.133678

There's no way you're getting charged for advocation of freedom of expression. And if you do please make a lot of noise, maybe it'll help. The NPC meme is now and forever has been real, what matters, as ruthless as it sounds, is that people become our NPCs, and it ain't gonna happen if we don't get off our keesters.

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d6c60b  No.133680


Because it’s illegal. Because we’ll be doxxed and killed. Because literally no one is going to support us. Because there are fewer than 10,000 white nationalists left in the entire world. Because no one, even us, will ever actually do anything to fight back against this shit. You’re completely retarded if you think your single line question that could have been answered without asking it deserved its own thread.

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d6c60b  No.133681


You’re totally retarded and hopelessly naive.

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a0c634  No.133685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0c634  No.133689

File: 113f1b6828bb82c⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 156x196, 39:49, 19771050.jpg)

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

We are rapidly approaching that moment. I hope the evil ones are met with a hurricane storm of hot lead

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7d809f  No.133694


No need to do anything that would get you arrested.

Just be a cog in the system.

A lot of us have free time right now. Dedicate a few hours a day to shitposting, but do it smart.

Be subversive.

Infiltrate far-left social media groups and either expose them or sow conflict and dissent within them.

Post bluepills on reddit, get upvotes, then edit those posts and write in redpills instead.

Use the tactics of our enemies - defame and smear them. Spread rumors about local leftist politician being a pedophile or a wife-beater.

If you see an antifa/blm protest tell everyone that you saw them brandish firearms, or better yet a strange device with wires.

Know a far-left activist - submit anonymous tip to authorities about overhearing them planning a violent attack or something.

Possibilities are truly endless.

We can beat them at their own game.

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f69d48  No.133696


That won't maximize their happiness anon.

Be considerate.

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f69d48  No.133699

File: 1ba6cd0122cf148⋯.jpg (181.24 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, soundgarden_black_hole_sun….jpg)

File: 3d2ac0763d8d9f6⋯.jpg (173 KB, 1920x1440, 4:3, soundgarden_black_hole_sun….jpg)

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File: cc6de2a2bc2040d⋯.jpg (7.49 KB, 259x194, 259:194, soundgarden_black_hole_sun.jpg)


You need to challenge their happiness anon.

This is the weak point of the system since it is all based on hedonism. Focus all your effort on destroying their happiness illusion.

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38783f  No.133760

File: 49fda5a236fe295⋯.png (750.55 KB, 1586x1586, 1:1, ancap_socialist_oppression.png)


>What we have now is even worse. If you tell the truth about race in public, even peacefully, you risk being brutally beaten by a mob that will never face justice and will probably be praised as heroes.

I don't get how people don't see parallels between what is going on now, and the Klan intimidating black voters in the 1960s.

If the government isn't protecting your rights from a hecklers veto, they may as well not protect them at all.

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f69d48  No.133761


>they may as well not protect them at all.

Fine. They broke the social contract in 1913-to present. So we need to #whitestrike and simply stop paying our taxes or cooperating.

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38783f  No.133766

File: ab3d651e9b38993⋯.jpg (111.15 KB, 535x800, 107:160, if_2020_was_a_wrestler.jpg)


We need a non-violent white civil rights movement, all the legislation is in place, we just need enforcement. We just need one WN president, someone more radical than trump. Like a Jared Taylor type.

This is an issue that can easily be solved by one sympathetic president.

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024660  No.133940

No one mentions James Mason or Atomwaffen

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f69d48  No.133944


Too much makeup anon.


Atomwaffen: They do not have our interests in mind.

James Mason: Too old; good advisor tho

Jared Taylor: Too mild; good advisor tho

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1a74b3  No.133957

File: 0210906ea52f742⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 468x491, 468:491, Dedication.jpg)


>If this is a political board, why have no meaningful attempts at peaceful, political action been made?

There have been - you either do not seen them, they are ineffective, or they have been crushed. The bigger problem is that people have a tendency to look only at flashy examples and not at actual effective practices - because the latter are very uninteresting on the surface.

Look into Phyllis Schlafly. Her organization was the origin of the whole "Pro Life", pro-woman, and pro-generate efforts that bought America 30+ years of effective resistance against the ongoing leftist corruption. She was at the head of one of the most effective Conservative-wrangling efforts in the 20th century, and barely anyone talks about her because her methods were not flashy despite being effective. What she did was form networks with influential people who controlled organizations, political positions, and social positions that were able to subtly pull strings and "make things happen". Combined with excellent propaganda and language tricks, she basically did what the leftists do today with the kinds of people you and all of us have been taught are incapable of organization.

Preferring the flash over the tilling is universal in humans. It's because we attribute cause to the most immediate, most apparent observations. For instance, most people would say that BLM happened because of George Floyd, when in reality BLM happened due to decades of Marxist planners, infiltration, organization building, and influence network building that has manifested in many more ways than just race riots. A common fool would then say we just need a [insert any white person brutally murdered by non-white] to then spark the counter-motion. Obviously if it was that simple there would be no more Blacks, Hispanics, or Jews in this country decades ago. That isn't the case, is it?

tldr; The actual efforts to create effective organizations are largely subtle and boring compared to the fruits of those labors. Therefore people suggest copying the flash without the substance and are astounded when it doesn't work.

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f69d48  No.133960

File: 3dd31af31f827cc⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 640x537, 640:537, IMG_0503.JPG)


>Preferring the flash over the tilling is universal in humans.

You have to find a way to equate self preservation with tilling. People only till when they can see that they will reap a reward. Right now the overwhelming political narrative is that the result of tilling is murder. People have little incentive to till if they are going to be murdered for it. This is one of the many ways they will implement communism and the total destruction of Western European Civilization. People have to have a protected space to make farming (or any tilling worthwhile) that is why Africa will never succeed or develop civilization. When they till and work the fields bands of their own people come and strip the harvest right in front of their own face. Thus they are incentivized to starvation and poverty.

Isn't incentivizing people to poverty and starvation what communism is all about?

The jew is actively trying to completely unwind civilization. So a planet of apes is what they desire they do not want human progress and are against it completely. They are choosing ideologies that will suit their own agenda (the total destruction of humanity by unraveling all of the progress humanity has made over the last 10,000 years).

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338239  No.133962


>bought America 30+ years of effective resistance against the ongoing leftist corruption.

Uh, no. It did literally nothing. Abortion is still "legal" everywhere. it has accomplished fuck all. Same with the (((NRA))), which exists solely to expand gun restrictions.

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f69d48  No.133963

>Isn't incentivizing people to poverty and starvation what communism is all about?

Meaning that if we saw political movements as snapshots of human progress THROUGH TIME communism would be the regression to absolute primitive state of mankind.

Politics can be examined as if they were snapshots of human progress by examining their character. No private property? Well that is the state of the most primitive man…worse than a nigger state. Since even niggers can carry their wealth with them on their bodies or they have primitive shelters that they can retreat to and perhaps store a few lesser value goods with them.

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f69d48  No.133965

File: 20a9b21caddc966⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 700x372, 175:93, early_humans.jpg)

File: a88ddbe94493028⋯.jpg (787.17 KB, 1824x1120, 57:35, Types_of_primitive_man_fro….jpg)

This is the 'goal' if you look at communism, when it comes to the advanced state of humanity, these pics are the end goal of communism.

<do not have personal property

<do not develop technology

<do not have home or community

<wandering people with no land or nation

<people who can only own what they can carry

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f69d48  No.133970


It brought ideas into the public consciousness.

It challenged the ideas of the Blue Church for dominance. Because wiping out 20% of American males in the last 30 years might not have been 'good for the USA' as it was for the state. It made us that much easier for foreigners to conquer.

Until their system of control and oppression is destroyed that is all we can hope for.

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c5e99e  No.133979


>If this is a political board, why …

This is a discussion board, not an action board.

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1a74b3  No.134019

File: 0ce0c5fed0b317b⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 236x377, 236:377, 1587799997974.jpg)


>You have to find a way to equate self preservation with tilling.

That's what mature religions do, among other things: To get people to behave in a tilling fashion even when they don't understand directly why they should. Depending on the religion there will be different behaviors encouraged - many cults ultimately fail because they produce self-destructive behavior.

>Isn't incentivizing people to poverty and starvation what communism is all about?

Communism is all about getting people to decay the foundations of society that stand in the way of the controller's own power. This decay process releases power and resources into the command of the controllers, but once the decay reaches a certain point the system collapses catastrophically and destroys the decayers as well as many others. It's a parasitic process, and the parasite cannot help but weaken the host more and more in an attempt to command more and more of its resources.

>So a planet of apes is what they desire

Preferably they would have a high-functioning, highly productive, and highly obedient slave class that could never threaten them yet still produce all the wealth they would ever want. The problem is that such highly-productive nations are so precisely because of the institutions they produce to create that productivity (religion, security, culture, etc), which shuts out the parasite's influence when healthy. The parasite destroys those things to get at the juicy marrow of productivity, and in so doing ruins the productivity. The parasite either does not know this or does not care, because destroying the host is too enjoyable and too profitable in the short term to prevent the inevitable result.


>Uh, no. It did literally nothing.

It failed because more non-leftists didn't study Phyllis and instead clung to false, flashy notions like The American Revolution being a bunch of angry farmers getting collectively mad enough to overthrow their overlords or other false notions of how political power actually works.

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bf29c4  No.134066



Never works.

Only violence works.

>muh glownigger

Always said by all glowniggers themselves.

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7d809f  No.134076


That is already happening due to lockdown.

Staples of system that kept it going - brainless entertainment like sportsball, illusion of safety and prosperity, are now gone thanks to pandemic and lockdowns.

We are currently living in new Weimar.

The normies can and will be radicalised by the current events. And they won't side with far-left.

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952e9e  No.134088


t. jew.

You will all be killed.

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3a08fd  No.134095

File: 1b9632ac974644b⋯.png (36.84 KB, 589x534, 589:534, noseknows.png)

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7d809f  No.134470


> fewer than 10,000 white nationalists left in the entire world

There is more in California alone.

Average estimate is 20 million in US. I presume its same population proportion everywhere else.

Establishment doesn't want to admit it, but white nationalists are becoming a majority of whites.

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a0c634  No.134535


Spengler said that you could conquer the world with a core cadre of 10,000 men.

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04fbee  No.134541


I think anyone with half a brain should be using this situation to redpill whoever you are boarded in with for covid. If you arent boarded in with someone, do so for this purpose. That at least helps with growing support on a small scale.

The biggest solvable problem we is sabotaging our own optics. It happens constantly. 8ch pol didnt just disappear. As much as some of you worship tarrant, by any objective measure that shit was not helpful for us at all. Even if you are full 1488 gas the kikes, revealing your power level and going on mass shootings like that is probably the least helpful thing you could possibly do. Fucking hide your power level at least to the degree of a Jared Taylor or someone like that. Once we have major political power we can probably turn it up to Rockwell without any problems, but not before.

In terms of other vagaries, operate under the assumption that anyone blackpilling is a shill, even if they arent. These people aren't helpful at all.

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04fbee  No.134542

Also, although I can only offer vague advice, obviously what wins it for us is action so I'm aware I'm a hypocrite in that respect. If you are going to organize something, make sure whatever movement you make is as specific as possible. The specific policies of our movement have to be emphasized as loudly as possible. Its extremely easy to attack white nationalism when the message is vague, since they can connect us to whatever fucked up group they want. We need specifics about what it is that we want, and however we brand ourselves, it needs to succinctly summarize those points. None of this "All lives matter" "Alt-right" bullshit that could mean literally anything.

I think as a starting point we go for one of thsese low hanging fruit:

2nd amendment rights and right to defend yourself/property

Massive police support. call for improved training, time off, psychological care

Revive a sense of patriotism, call for police to defend our statues– all of them.

Convince people to stop cowering in silence

I agree that these are extremely centrist, and in terms on white nationalism, not necessarily the most important. But they are the easiest, and we should start where we know we can gain support. Even here, these points are too vague. We need specific policies. There cant be the slightest ambiguity.

Another thing: The more points we bill ourselves on, the fewer supporters we get. Someone who is dogmatically left wing may see one of these points in isolation and agree with it. But put too many of them together and they will associate it with their political enemies and be more reluctant to agree (even if each individual point they are fine with).

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04fbee  No.134543

We should probably start by discussing which issue to go after first. Start there. I'll shut up now.

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534317  No.134682


>people who point out glownigger behaviors are the true glowniggers

wew lad

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534317  No.135244


>Lower industry regulations (-> lower cost of living and ability to compete internationally in manufacturing again, etc.)

>Closed borders because worker protections and especially now with high unemployment.

>Better education (why are foreign students outpacing American students? why are we paying for grad degrees for foreigners?)

>Get anti-American communists out of academia positions (Trump just mentioned this in the July 4th speech so I think it's a mainstream enough issue)

>Big Tech election meddling, i.e. censorship based on political affiliation which is well-known by now.

>Acting on the information found on Weiner's laptop…is that a platform?

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27ef64  No.135372

Because most of you are gays looking for dates.

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16296f  No.135390

First things first, everyone in the far-right/white nationalist movement has to refuse to vote GOP, and either wait for a good candidate and new Republican leadership in 2024, or form a new party.

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