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File: 0ee4083652d762d⋯.png (547.14 KB, 720x481, 720:481, gan_troops.png)

59c6c4  No.132457

Russia has been giving bounties for killing American and NATO forces, according to American intelligence.


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1d6049  No.132465


(((American Intelligence)))

Hmmmm, now who would profit from Russia being accused of killing six million American servicemen, in ovens hastily erected in the Middle East?

So, now that the Russian Collusion Hoax has failed, and people are wilfully forgetting the six hundred googolplex Jews killed per microsecond by one blonde German girl in her apartment in one day, now we are supposed to believe what? What is it this time, Shlomo?

Rape all the RUSSIAN little girls this time? Rape all the Palestinian girls? Rape all the Shiksas everywhere to punish them for this New Holocaust™?

White people aren't buying into the innocent Jew victim narrative anymore.

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1d6049  No.132466


PS I find it curious that Russia would have to provide the dosh to put prices on people's heads when the Arabs, who are most likely to enjoy watching it happen, are sitting on seas of money.

Goodbye, shill.

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59c6c4  No.132467


I found that odd as well. The Taliban doesn't need Russian money to kill NATO and US forces lol

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fd20c2  No.132469


Crock of shit used to try to distract the American white populace and culture a long seeded animosity towards Russians again due to the troubled history of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. This is literally bait. It is absolute nonsense and complete tripe.

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373ddc  No.132472

File: 20459f33f0eddcc⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 600x819, 200:273, bug_cunt_new_york_times_an….jpg)


(((jew york times)))?

How about they fire this bug cunt and I will read their article.

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d9e84f  No.132493


What a shitty OP, you should be banned for that. Not even a summary, not even an archive link, and it's the NY bloody times? Are you not ashamed of yourself?

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373ddc  No.132494


We can be ashamed for him. I hope no one clicks on that jew link.

You are a cuck if you click it and pay the jewish cocksuckers ad revenue.

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59c6c4  No.132496



y'all are so fucking hardcore. archive it yourself if it's so fucking important. you don't even have to click to archive. just copy and paste the provided link. sorry to make you wet your pampers.

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d9e84f  No.132497


Petulant child like attitude, you cannot even admit you've made a mistake. GTFO and stop "contributing" here.

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ea7168  No.132500


>killing American and NATO forces

Good. They are race traitors, enemies of the white people.

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48bfcd  No.132510

Someone keeps posting these threads that have no source

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a1bd0f  No.132566


Wow, and it was Totally Debunked


Shill thread Cancelled

though we should keep it since this serves as another Hallmark of Fake news made up on the spot to deceive the american people.

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2de221  No.132577

I hope Russia kills every NATO member.

And kills OP too for being a worthless faggot.

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2de221  No.132580


What do you expect from the jewish media other than lies and fake news?

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0b29db  No.132583

File: 25bc4b6e3616a31⋯.png (86.13 KB, 603x625, 603:625, greasstest_allyy.png)


>Wow, and it was Totally Debunked


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9b3884  No.133318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just another democRAT hoax. If you bump this thread in contradiction may you die in your fucking sleep you piece of shit.

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1ef079  No.133325


Sourcing the white hourse, retard.

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