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File: 1b3812b1c018fc0⋯.jpg (22,33 KB, 529x643, 529:643, white_power_111.jpg)

f5de11  No.132114

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5e64b1  No.132123


"WHITE POWER" merely encourages nonwhites to fuck you up, because roughing up a white individual nullifies the message in their brain. You'd be better to spread "WHITE PEACE" ("black violence").

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5efd84  No.132148


Peace against your enemies is for cucks.

Violence solves all problems.

Kill all non-whites, and white people can have true peace.

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844959  No.132165


lol … tweet deleted

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844959  No.132166


>Violence solves all problems

You've clearly never had a mosquito land on your testicles.

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b6c558  No.132182


dubs of truth

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3d9cb3  No.132204


Why are you naked outside at dusk with your balls up in the air waiting for mosquitos to land on them? That's the real question, and if you can't take a little smack to the balls, then you're a fucking pussy and you deserve to get fucked up by niggers.

Also, it's not enough to simply destroy your enemy, but they must suffer a terrible death and torture. When I get mosquitos, ticks or other biting insects on me, I don't simply swat them away. No, I slowly pick them off and hold them. I want them to know they will die a terrible death. Ticks, I pick them off and sometimes I burn their heads off with a lighter or I scald them under hot water or sometimes I take a sewing needle or a staple and I impale them and leave them to die stuck to a post in my fence. For the mosquitos, I pull off their wings and break their legs and throw them to the ground and let them die from starvation if they're not already eaten alive by other insects. When I find a small pool of water with mosquito larvae in it, I sometimes take out my propane flamethrower and start boiling the water from the top down. To simply defeat your enemies is never enough, you must also demoralize, demotivate and break your enemies on a purely psychological level to truly destroy them.

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84e770  No.132208

File: c31921ec600a79a⋯.jpg (47,08 KB, 621x502, 621:502, 1592868747090.jpg)

Hey, ever wonder if he's just advertising to the retarded on 4chan just to get elected again?

Ha, me neither!

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dd1521  No.132369

File: ef986aae0a59b3e⋯.jpg (77,37 KB, 500x570, 50:57, 46n6hg.jpg)


Remember when the liberal media called this guy that hung around the 8chan subboard Lefty a white supremacist?

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f5de11  No.132574

File: caa49438b08acd6⋯.jpg (51,45 KB, 590x583, 590:583, White_power_ok.jpg)


>>"WHITE POWER" merely encourages nonwhites to fuck you up

Common sense should obviously be used. Shouting "white power" while standing near a bunch of feral congoids is never a good idea. Something more subtle is needed, that exposes leftist hypocracy.

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d3c1f8  No.132891

File: 77764eb78d7581f⋯.png (11,46 KB, 779x405, 779:405, Crucial_white_sticker1.png)

File: 28cc1e5c1c3dd3e⋯.png (15,7 KB, 388x716, 97:179, It_is_crucial_for_white.png)




You guys need a subtler approach.


"It is crucial for White People to acknowledge and recognize our collective racial experience."

fourteen (14) words written by Robin DiAngelo. It looks harmless and inoffensive, because a famous lefty wrote it.

Everyone else will be none the wiser, just claim that you read White Fragility if anyone asks.

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7c06ff  No.132898

The site is literally named "infinite coon", and you're talking about "White Power".

Sounds like some nigger bitch is trying to get Whitedick.


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f1d381  No.133025

File: 95acfbdb4d432b0⋯.jpg (22,72 KB, 554x554, 1:1, 1592633725750.jpg)


If you really want to fuck with the anti-whites, post "All Lives Matter" everywhere on the normiesphere. They hate whites and don't think white lives matter so this REALLY gets under their skin causing them to lash out, while normies see it and say "what the fuck?".

Believe me the normies are noticing this shit. In a mandatory LinkedIn racial cuckfest the staff were allowed to anonymously response, and most people wrote "All Lives Matter", causing the extreme left to lose their shit and the CEO had to apologize for it.

And when the normies see the CEO apologizing for his staff thinking all lives matter it redpills them.

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8d56d4  No.133109

File: 06bd3b6bcd4ea38⋯.jpg (22,08 KB, 496x702, 248:351, IOTHWPBtw.jpg)

Upsetty niggers. I use black for white pride. Kangs mortified whitey stole black space.

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4b8192  No.133162


> Believe me the normies are noticing this shit.

I don't. Normies are sheep and the only things they notice are the barking dog and the other sheep.

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d1d3b1  No.133539

File: 21762b235315e69⋯.jpg (287,3 KB, 1334x1000, 667:500, NEETQUAREN.jpg)

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809ebc  No.133563


Jordan Peterstein says,

"Your room is clean enough, anon."

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5e64b1  No.133676


WHITE PEACE doesn't necessary mean peace against your enemies. Personally, I thought it would refer to the relative peacefullness of all-white society.

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