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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 8ecd8ce928f6434⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 640x715, 128:143, 0f1f7e3cd9edfae60f18bb2307….jpg)

8e5c48  No.130570

Greetings from Estonia (Europe)! Remember the armed conflict in Rhodesia? When did the white minority protect the people of their country (including the black majority living in Rhodesia)? And how, as a result, black terrorists destroyed a beautiful country and killed eight thousand of their black citizens. Aren't you afraid that BLM support will lead to the same result in the USA? (sorry for my bad english)

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4b5c3f  No.130579

File: 9b9b822a7236c4c⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 1920x1165, 384:233, fnmag.jpg)


<slide tread

but i must say i love that weapon, i've used this FNmag in my countries military for some time, it is one of the most pleasant weapons to shoot from

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73df52  No.130584


Carry that thing more than 2 miles in the forest with thick vegetation and say you love it again,

Those boys need a nutsack for that starter belt

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