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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 21d35e84deafc7f⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 1600x1062, 800:531, truth_combined_copy_1.jpg)

04867d  No.130131

Targeted radio/microwaves not to cure cancer, but to cause it. Depopulation and genocide. Have you felt the burning sensations on your body?

Evil people will do evil things to get what they want. You are a number to them. Not a person. Remember this.

They will do anything to maintain power, they were hoping to just take me out or people like me. They use the genetics code and target those genes. Think U.S. space force. Why the push to militarize space? Because the rich as using technology against us.

They are actively trying to suppress the truth. Online, in politics, tv, etc.

How far will they go for control? If you felt, see a doctor. You need to catch the cancer as early as you can.


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9291c0  No.130135

This isn't the fucking cult board. Take your Q-LARPing /x/ shit out of here.

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04867d  No.130186

The censorship is on a grand scale. Essentially lock myself out of anything they use because I won't given them personally identifiable information.

They do this because the Son of Man, shot a poisonous arrow. The wound will fester. They will become their own demise. People show you who they are with what they do. Remember that.


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71f710  No.130445

I mean you white guys get sunburns and the sun puts off UV rays so microwaves and radio waves specifically target at you people would cause cancer lmao

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ced9a3  No.130554

Story of David and Goliath. Except this time, no rock. Only words. But words crafted in such a way to collapse to towers you built. Its is already crumbling. Don't you see? The rich and powerful of today don't realize they've been shot with a poisonous, but the foundation is already crumbling. You dystroy your own ambitions with lies and control. God will bring your entire world to it's knees. Repent or you shall surely perish.

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