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File: 325b31af479499f⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 300x180, 5:3, marching.jpg)

38f429  No.12804[Last 50 Posts]

Would you like to move there?

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8dbb20  No.12861

File: f7aa6c4a04e18ba⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 720x556, 180:139, north-korea-is-best-korea-….jpg)

Best Korea, duh.

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75312d  No.12872



Wrong question OP. The correct question is what are you going to do to bring it to YOUR country.

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99965d  No.12882

File: 4c88622c9c8ea86⋯.jpg (343.83 KB, 658x492, 329:246, our greatest ally.jpg)


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034dea  No.12889


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000000  No.12909



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b87424  No.13344

DPRK, probably, but they rely on China to prop them up.

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b2cb71  No.13349

Right now? Sweden.

>Nearly Wehrmacht levels of degeneracy

>NMR the most prevalent and strong modern day National Socialist organization since Rockwell's time

>Literally everyone is against them until the point where the collapse finally happens

>Perfect conditions for the fourth reich as of now

That is of course with the exception of the Pacific Northwest.

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b87424  No.13359


You mean "Weimar," not "Wehrmacht." Also, Sweden had legal child pornography from 1971-1980, the Weimar Republic never had done that, but then again, it never lived long enough for it to.

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b2cb71  No.13372


Yeah my mistake. Also, the Weimar republic had far worse. They had child prostitutes, amputees, everything under the sun that shall not go named.

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b87424  No.13559


>Also, the Weimar republic had far worse. They had child prostitutes, amputees, everything under the sun that shall not go named.

That is true, but it was never formally legalized.

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df5a5a  No.13646

Most likely China,

Fast growing economy

Influential on the world stage

Strong leader

Acts socialist but really very capitalist

Government helping his larger companies


Concentration camps for annoying minorities

No blacks welcome

Hates degeneracy

Strong control on media but still not super oppressive

Anyone saying north Korea is not even close. NK is an ultra marxist nation with no private property, old tech.

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b87424  No.13681


China is pretty much like every other non-White nation that's allowed to do those things, and aside from some soyshit on NPR bitching about it, nobody gives a fuck. It's only bad when the White man does it.

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12544c  No.13683



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b870c9  No.13876


I'd agree with you except for one thing. Swedes are the most cucked people on the planet. At least Weimar didn't have the level of leftist brainwashing that Sweden now possesses.

None of them will do a single thing to prevent their carefully cultivated fantasy bubble of multicultural rape paradise from bursting because to think that niggers are anything but Wakada demigods is simply unthinkable.

Not to mention that Weimar was in the grip of hyperinflation, making it a powder keg for change. As long as the Jews can maintain a stable economy, the sheep are content to let the wolves take a few every now and then.

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f3673e  No.13886

File: 07653fde3b2ebc6⋯.png (336.44 KB, 398x513, 398:513, nazi.PNG)


>nazi Germany

fuck off kike

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6ecd37  No.13901

None. It's either Natsoc or it isn't. Kill yourself and delete your thread.

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3c926e  No.13930

Surely Russia.

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227a25  No.14128


dumb Nazi

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393096  No.16425




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139d70  No.16428


Proof that 8chan is dead and that the QTDDTOT thread is meaningless because our mods are working for chodemonkey.

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139d70  No.16429


Paid shill. Allowed to post here.

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9e20d3  No.17658


Did you somehow miss the incessant liberal tears about those poor Rohingya?

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53b759  No.17664


say what you will but imkikey wouldn't have allowed this

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694aa2  No.17666

Nowhere is at all National Socialist.

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635ad7  No.17668

The entire planet.




When the rubber hits the road, all that matters about these socioeconomic theories is:

Fascism is Corporate Thought Control

Socialism is Government Thought Control

The NAZIs had/utilized both. Globalists have succeeded at Corporate Censorship and have taken over several countries with Government Censorship.

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53b759  No.17669


Paid shill. Allowed to post here.

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000000  No.17674


>Fast growing economy

Propped up by debt and fake number

>Influential on the world stage

If my 'world stage' you mean told to fuck off by every developed nation and is stuck bullying africa sure

>Strong leader

Leading who exactly?

>Acts socialist but really very capitalist

Yes chinks are known to be corrupt

>Government helping his larger companies

They (Xi Jinping and his lackeys) own the companies


Yes chinks think they're better than other people for some reason

>Concentration camps for annoying minorities


>No blacks welcome

They're importing a lot of blacks to express their 'influence' in africa

>Hates degeneracy

The nation that eats babies, thinks eating cocks and shit gives them magical healing powers and has sex dungeons sure hates degeneracy

>Strong control on media but still not super oppressive

Yeah not like they own all the media or anything

You're one shitty shill Wong, enjoy your 50c

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e2dc8d  No.17954


when u post this fucking image mention that "nazi" is derived from "ignatius" which is the german equivalent of "cletus" or some redneck name, give the non enlightened the explanation you nigger

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24f9f6  No.17984



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084356  No.19022

National Socialists are usually of Indian ethnicity, gay, Government honeypot propagators or Christians bored with their religion. If you are still even mentioning National Socialism as if it is all there is to know about European or White history. You are not pro white. End of story. You are doing nothing but propagating the leftist "white identity is Hitler" crap. Having kids, being against race-mixing, hating Jews, disliking racial and sexual minorities, etc, existed Before Hitler, and does not require Hitler….

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57c17b  No.19549


I, too, love cherry picked propaganda.

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fb97ff  No.20088

File: d5254b39d1d3802⋯.jpeg (78.51 KB, 578x604, 289:302, 4928CE67-589B-497E-A6A5-5….jpeg)

File: 4ad04af6a6d47b8⋯.jpeg (178.34 KB, 976x1280, 61:80, E1FFEBE5-30F3-476D-B338-D….jpeg)


No Russia is a pseudo Eurasianist state. They actively hunt and imprison actual Russian nationalists and do barely anything to stop immigration from the Caucasus, Central Asia, and even China. Already places like Moscow from what I heard has large populations of Armenians, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks and statistically Russia will be majority Muslim by the middle of the century. Of course the Russian state is indeed providing incentives to families to have more kids but they steal have all those anti-racist laws from soviet times that make Russians second class citizens and Holocaust denial too boot. Russia even has their own version of civnat filth like they do here in the US only with a twist saying if one of the parents of the child is Russian than the child is considered Russian. Literally promoting miscegenation and denial of nation states. Just because Russia has anti-faggot advertising laws doesn’t make it based by any means. They’re still leagues better than the US and Europe but they’re still cucked just in their own way

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7736c9  No.20098

File: b70803c342d0d2e⋯.jpg (236.1 KB, 950x634, 475:317, Thai Nationalism.jpg)

File: cc4dc931e864b5a⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 640x480, 4:3, thai commercial.mp4)



Thailand for a close 2nd?

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522b3a  No.20287


<that's not proof you shill, post real proof i can only approve of :^)


The mere fact that Russia is STILL promoting their muh sovjet stronk meme propaganda all over the internet (as well as their idols, symbols and ideals) meant that the Russians today are just commie-lite cucks with a temper problem whenever people point out their retarded muh soviet stronk bullshit.


>What country is most like Nazis Germany in 2019?

None. because even if there were, it will only be met with mass media subversion, sjw infiltration, deliberate corruption through extreme nepotism and cianigger/mossad/MI6 gayops. Right now America is the closest this planet has of it's own style of NatSoc Government (aka Military Government disguised as a Civilian Government). It has many flaws but it's a start since someone has to lay the foundations for it first.

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56b87f  No.20294


>I'm looking for:

>99.8% white country

>very spiritually religious

>clean environment for the most part

>kikes polluting consciousness in a few cities mainly

>economy totally wrecked (no free gibs)

>Treaty of Versailles

>no army but large potential of far-right militias

OP is looking for a unicorn.

You know what? I WISH we were in Weimar.

What we're in is, minus the annoying but not suffocating economical drain of taxation, a thousand times worse.

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2bcec7  No.20318


Israel ironically. Why? Very strong border control. Very nationalistic. They do have a lot of social programs in their country, as did the Nazis. They treat outsiders like trash (Nazis did the same, don't deny it).

Yes that is right, ISRAEL

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7974b0  No.20321


>The Jews were learning from the Nazis all that time.

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2d1298  No.20326

File: 5876986f6514ac7⋯.webm (2.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Israel shots kid.webm)


Don't compare Israel to Hitler's Germany, retard. Israel is actually evil.

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b1131d  No.20855


Judaism is a Satanic power. What are they claiming this kid did to get shot in the fucking neck?

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53e0ca  No.20892


I lost hope for this world and people.

This video was eye opening.

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9e9063  No.20913


>Israel is actually evil.

And mimicking Germany makes them efficient evil. At this point Israel can go full Hollywood propaganda strawman depiction of Nazis down to the Swastika part and none will raise an eyebrow.

They literally brag over numerous genocides and infanticides they committed in their "holy" scripture. Their current greatest holiday is a celebrating a massacre against Greeks and it's not banned even in Greece.

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000000  No.47182


In the sense that they are the biggest headache for the Jews, the answer is Syria, Iraq, and Iran.

As far as emulating the specific economic and political ideology of Hitler as a means of resisting the Jew, there aren't any.

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0eb142  No.47213


how new are you?

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b95a55  No.47228



Israel, quasi-European society, superior in most respects to the lower-IQ Arab societies surrounding it, but it is no more technologically advanced or socio economically successful than most Western or East Asian societies, and it remains economically dependent upon regular handouts from Germany and the USA.

its parasite society depend on west which infiltrate by fellow parasites

When West become bull brown non-white society and Israel and all of parasite influence will collapse

That's right, Jews are just deluded schizo paranoid assholes think he can better off without white men

host society died so to the parasite, Ashkenazim are genetically halfway between Arabs and Europeans

Jews are too white to convince color people that he is one of them, a "oppressed non-white"

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efb5ef  No.47234


Was China targeted with biowarfare because it was doing too well?

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8d4fa7  No.47498



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8dff44  No.49823


you cannot own property in china either you lease a house for a 90 years period. best koreans ride bikes so the potential car fuel goes to rocket mans rockets, its a different fiscal situation theyve got there. they dont have cars like chinese (yet chinese lived in the exact same conditions as koreans before they became to big to not trade. you can expect the same development from best korea in the future)>>13646

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3f5c90  No.50374

Iran and I'm not even kidding.

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578440  No.50404

File: 349a9bdf6a2e54d⋯.png (24.01 KB, 800x260, 40:13, Best Korea.png)


>nobody in their right mind would move there voluntarily

I'd much rather be born in North Korea than in America, this isn't even a hard choice for me.

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2ac812  No.50642

File: eaccd3585190c75⋯.jpg (145.39 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, Slovenska_pospolitost_.jpg)


> OP is looking for a unicorn.

Not really. At least some–maybe all–of the V4 nations check these boxes.

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1e7ef2  No.50687


China or North Korea

Move there?

Hell no.

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1e7ef2  No.50688


No we aren't.

We don't want mutts, nor do we want idiots.

Keep it to yourself.


Fascism > Nationalsocialism

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f3e622  No.50699

Bigotry is winning in this world; manhood is dying before the lies of the ultimate primitive slave ethos. The people who care about truth and strength in this world have been marginalized; the people who organize harassment campaigns and *never* admit to their participation are growing stronger.

Men are growing into submission and losing the willpower to be honest enough to not promote hatred. It would be “unsafe” to not be hateful. It would involve revealing secrets that would create “chaos”. It might even involve apologizing. There’s none of the spiritual strength for this.

Men are being broken into submission, just like Nazis were, and in their screaming dishonesty they will never think to themselves that they are being dishonest at all. “We are the light”, say far too many of the men who have surrendered to a lie of strength in cowardice against the risks wrought of pacifism.

I would render myself vulnerable before this world, so I am not accepted within it. You invulnerables, secure in your subserviences, all upon your various sides yet convinced that you’ve found the side that will protect you… You who proclaim honestly your submission to racism as well as you who pretend the racism of others to justify your own, I would defy all of you. Not because doing so is safe, but because it is right.

And none of you have the strength to join me. I would render myself vulnerable before this world, so I am not accepted within it.

Still, I favor the lamb.

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be8c98  No.50761


enjoy being shot because you couldn't bring rice yields up even though you put in 100+ hours every week.

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fd5104  No.50972


hey look, it's the shill from the holohoax thread

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4f22b1  No.54127


They don't.

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fa2fc4  No.54158

File: 9c5af30376424f1⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 371x313, 371:313, Gun.jpg)


Is that what the CIA-jewish media tells you about North Korea? Even if that was true it still wouldn't be nearly as evil as the zionist-american regime blowing up its own buildings and killing thousands of civilians just to they can blame some random sandnigger and go spend trillions of dollars on wars for israel.

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060b35  No.54171


>Bigotry is winning in this world;

I ain't complaining jew.

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e107de  No.54242


Political assassination of a family member isn't terrorism. Just good old fashioned royal intrigue.

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4ba7c2  No.62300

North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, maybe Egypt(?), maybe China? I cannot think of any hard right totalitarian regimes. Kadafi's comes to mind a little bit.

I can't really think of a right leaning regime to the effect you're imagining. No wouldn't move there and don't recommend it.

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4a8b52  No.63492


>would you move to a foreign country, live among a foreign people, abandon your ways and spit on your own blood and kin

No, I want each and every foreign race blue-pilled, weakened and only my own red-pilled and strong and fighting for the interests of my people alone.

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b2cb71  No.66151


But look at how dramatically the economy has been effected by one virus outbreak now. The economy is not some entirely stable monolith that can never be brought down. When people have their comfort stripped of them finally they'll cling to the strongest.

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